

厦门航空 2022年3期


In the Name of Knowledge

以“知识”的名义 037

It is the era of knowledge economy.We have got rid of the knowledge monopoly in the history, discovered our own knowledge bottleneck, experienced knowledge anxiety, gradually accepted knowledge payment, dreamed of inventing knowledge chips, made more efforts to learn new knowledge, warned ourselves not to stick to knowledge, but there is still a knowledge generation gap between our elders and juniors.Everyone has their own knowledge background and knowledge structure, therefore even if we fall into knowledge traps from time to time, we insist on respecting the value of knowledge......."Knowledge is power" is still lingering, and "knowledge serves as spiritual food" is deeply rooted in our mind.May knowledge and the wisdom, rationality and energy brought by knowledge survive forever.


Man does not live on bread alone

Dostoevsky, enjoying equal popularity with Tolstoy and Turgenev, was a remarkable representative of Russian literature.His unique creations stood out in the star-studded 19th century Russian literary scene.As the last work of Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov is one with richest and most profound meaning.Haruki Murakami once commented that it is "a novel that contains all novels."

人不单靠面包活着——读《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》 032


In spring, all the world is lovely

春日,人间皆可爱 056

Spring has arrived without being noticed.Those dense moisture on the wind and the flowers which quietly bloom all over the mountains have broken the dreariness of the winter and brought refreshed air.Spring is like a hardworking farmer, giving us a lot.

Cover Story


Spring Breeze has its "Faith"

春风有“信” 061

In March, everything starts to become better.The spring breeze wakes up the flowers and trees and ripples the water, the spring flowers show their faces one after another,the grass is budding, the earth is putting on new clothes and the rivers start to surge ......The spring breeze has its faith and everything has a spirit.All the good is already on the way.


Impression of South Anhui:

Wuhu and Xuancheng, I Love you

皖南印象:芜湖,我“宣”你 084

The area south of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province is called Southern Anhui, which has a long history and rich humanistic landscape.It boasts distinct seasons, diverse topography and many beautiful natural sceneries.Among the many administrative regions in southern Anhui, Wuhu and Xuancheng are like a pair of twins, which are closely connected and share the same beauty.They are now even more deeply connected with the“Wuhu Xuanzhou Airport”.


张 勤
大爱无疆 闽医有情
Crying baby mammals all sound the same to Mama