

农业工程学报 2022年24期

郑 策,高万德,陈云飞,卢玉东,刘秀花


郑 策,高万德,陈云飞,卢玉东,刘秀花※

(1. 长安大学水利与环境学院,西安 710064;2. 长安大学旱区地下水文与生态效应教育部重点实验室,西安 710064)



0 引 言




1 包气带水汽热耦合运移理论

1.1 理论提出与发展



1.2 数学方程



图1 非饱和冻土中水-汽-冰-热耦合示意图

在水分运移方程中,方程左端包含了液态水、气态水及含冰量的变化,右端则分别为基质势梯度、重力势梯度及温度梯度驱动的液态水运移,以及基质势梯度与温度梯度驱动的气态水运移。选取van Genuchten-Mualem公式作为非饱和液态水水力传导度计算公式,式(1)中涉及的传导度及相关参数计算方式如表1所示[26]。在热传导方程中,方程左端包含了土壤热容量、冰-水相变潜热及水-汽相变潜热变化,右端分别为热传导、液态水流动引起的热扩散、气态水流动引起的热扩散及气态水相变潜热。

表1 水力传导度及相应参数计算[26]

2 冻融作用对包气带水汽热耦合运移的影响

2.1 水力参数





另一方面,由于土壤冻结过程与土壤逐渐排水干燥过程相似,在冻结过程中水分不断向冻结锋处运移,因而可以根据土水特征曲线的概念得到土壤冻结曲线[32]。利用Claperon方程建立负温与基质势之间关系,随后将其代入Brooks and Corey方程[33]、Garder方程[34]、van Genuchten方程[35]等土水特征曲线中,即可建立负温与未冻水含量之间关系,如下所示(以VG方程为例)[36]:






2.2 水分相态转化


式中为土壤总含水量,cm3/cm3。当土壤温度低于冻结点(由于土壤处于非饱和状态,冻结点会略低于0 ℃),土壤孔隙中的液态水开始转化为冰,并随着温度逐渐降低含冰量持续增大且未冻水含量显著减小,最终在温度足够低时液态水只剩下土壤颗粒附近的吸附水和薄膜水[45-47]。需要注意的是,不论温度多低,这部分水总是以液态形式存在。长期以来,明确土壤水分的相态转化过程及各组分体积分数是探究季节性冻土区水分运移过程的关键,其中气态水含量可通过监测水汽压、水汽密度等参数并利用经验公式计算获取,而液态水含量则可直接通过布设传感器来实时监测。如基于频域分解法原理的传感器,其工作原理是通过分解土壤中介电常数的实部与虚部来确定土壤体积含水量,由于土壤中各组分介电常数值相差较大,其中液态水介电常数值约为78,远超过土壤基质、冰、空气等其他组分,因而被证实适用于冻土中液态水含水量监测[48-49]。根据式(4)及相应的液态水与气态水数据,并通过烘干法测定土壤总含水量,可最终确定冻土层内土壤含冰量数值。由于在水势梯度与温度梯度作用下,土壤深部液态水与气态水不断向冻结锋处运移,因此相比于冻结之前,季节性冻土层内总含水量在融化后往往呈现出增大的趋势。

3 数值模拟技术在水汽热耦合运移研究中的应用


3.1 耦合模型构建与适用性分析



诸如SHAW、CoupModel、Hydrus-1D、STEMMUS、COMSOL等功能强大的数值软件出现,为研究冻融作用影响下包气带水热传输过程提供了便利[52]。由于起初研究目的不同,不同软件建模时采用的控制方程与物理机制存在差异。例如在传统水汽热耦合运移理论中,假定土壤中空气压强与大气压强保持平衡,因而忽略了空气流动影响,只考虑了水汽扩散过程,导致了部分水汽通量计算误差。为了消除这一误差,STEMMUS中将空气压强作为状态变量,引入了空气流动方程,考虑了水汽对流、弥散过程影响[13]。相比较而言,Hydrus-1D软件在包气带水、汽、热运移研究中应用最为广泛[53-55]。以该软件为例,具体介绍此类软件在水汽热耦合运移研究中的应用。基于Saito等[56]的研究成果,水汽热耦合模块被嵌入了标准版的Hydrus-1D 4.0版本中,并由此被广泛应用于土壤未冻结条件下农业灌溉、水资源合理利用等方面的研究中。以该模块为基础,结合Hansson等[26]提出的Hydrus-1D冻融模块,Zheng等[57]开发了适用于冻融过程的包气带水汽热耦合运移程序,并利用榆林、锡林郭勒、玛曲等不同冻土区实测数据验证模型精度,证实所建立的模型适用性。在修改后的程序中,基于有效能量方法修改了相变过程中由于表观热容增大引发的数值计算问题,并优化了含冰量计算程序,相比于Hansson版本,模型运行稳定性显著提高,且并未遇见数值计算问题。

3.2 气态水运移规律及其重要性



相比于液态水通量,在包气带绝大多数层位中气态水通量数值相对较小,尤其是在40 cm以下范围内,气态水通量普遍小1~2个数量级。但在浅层土壤中,气态水对水分运移的影响是不可被忽略的,造成这种现象一方面是由于浅层土壤含水量较低,土壤通气孔隙较多,导致水力传导度较大;另一方面,浅层土壤温度受气温变化影响明显,温度梯度较大,即水汽运移驱动力较大。对于水资源较为短缺的干旱半干旱地区,土壤含水量较低、液态水通量小,浅层土壤中水汽通量在总水分通量中占比往往在10%~30%之间,并且水-汽相变过程对于热通量变化同样影响显著[58-61]。而对于降雨极为稀少的干旱地区,Du等[62]研究表明浅层气态水通量在总水分通量占据主导地位。虽然在深层土壤中水汽通量数值较小,但气态水却在始终不间断运移,累积的水分对于干旱的包气带而言同样至关重要[63]。由于干旱半干旱地区降雨主要集中在夏季,在其他时期降雨较少,包气带含水量偏低,而土壤孔隙中相对湿度总是处于近饱和状态,只要温度变化就会引发水汽凝结现象,在温度梯度作用下水汽源源不断从包气带内部向浅层迁移并凝结,可以补充浅层土壤中由于蒸发作用所消耗的水分。此外,在冬季土壤冻结后,冰的出现会阻碍液态水运移,造成液态水通量数值减小1~5个数量级,此时气态水将会主导冻层内水分运移。并且在温度梯度驱动下,深层土壤中气态水源源不断向冻结锋处运移,引起冻层内总含水量增大[64]。可以看出,不论是在非冻结期还是冻结期,温度梯度驱动下的气态水通量均为总水分通量的重要组成部分,其对季节性冻土区包气带水分与能量平衡影响不可被忽略。

4 现有研究不足及进一步研究建议




5 结 论



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Review of coupled water, vapor, and heat transport of the vadose zone in the seasonal frozen soil region

Zheng Ce, Gao Wande, Chen Yunfei, Lu Yudong, Liu Xiuhua※

(1.,,710064,; 2.,,710064,)

Seasonally frozen soil regions refer to those areas where soil is frozen for 15 days or more per year. More than half of land surface is occupied with the seasonal snow cover in China. The freeze-thaw process can significantly change the soil properties, as well as the water and heat transferring in the vadose zone. Among them, temperature and water vapor have posed a significant impact on the soil moisture, due to the soil subjected to the dry condition in most of the seasonally frozen regions (belonging to the arid and semi-arid areas). It is gradually recognized as the significant effect of vapor flow on the soil water movement for both freezing and non-freezing periods over the past several decades. It is a high demand to couple the water, vapor, and heat transport suitable for the actual conditions of seasonally frozen soil regions, in order to reveal the influencing mechanism of soil hydrological cycle. The coupled theory of water, vapor, and heat transport was firstly proposed by Philip and de Vries. The total soil water flux was then divided into four components, including the liquid water flux and water vapor flux driven by water potential and temperature gradients, respectively. Since then, extensive researches were also carried out to continuously improve on the coupled transport. Once the soil was frozen, the liquid water, vapor, and ice were coexisted in the unsaturated zone. Two aspects were also observed in the influence of phase changes between liquid water and ice on the coupled water, vapor, and heat transport. Several hydraulic parameters were calculated to determine the hydrological cycle, such as the soil freezing curve, and hydraulic conductivity for the liquid water. The spatial and temporal distributions of soil moisture in the vadose zone were dominated by the seasonally freeze-thaw process as well. The contents of unfrozen water and ice also changed significantly with the variations of soil temperature. Numerical simulation was gradually utilized in this research field with the ever-increasing computational capacity and simulation accuracy. Great challenges were still remained on the coupled numerical model, due to the influence from the ice-water phase change. An appropriate coupling model was crucial to the numerical simulation via the reasonable simplification. The underlying mechanism of coupled water and vapor flow was gradually revealed from the simulation using different models. Specifically, the vapor flux was one of the most important components in the soil water movement, usually accounting for 10%-30% of the total water flux. Furthermore, the vapor flux was depended mainly on the relatively low soil moisture and large temperature gradient in the shallow layer. The vapor flow was much more significant during the freezing period, due mainly to the impeded flow of liquid water in the presence of ice. Consequently, some research directions that needed to be strengthened in this field were proposed to deepen the theoretical fundamentals and the practical tasks in the seasonal frozen soil areas. Firstly, the condensation and accumulation of water vapor can greatly contribute to the vegetation under soil drought and freezing stress. It is of great significance to maintain the desert vegetation ecosystem, where the soil water is critical to the vegetation growth in the fragile ecological areas. The vegetation module can be combined with the coupled model water, vapor, and heat transferring. Further studies can be implemented to explore the specific impact of liquid water and vapor on the surface vegetation in seasonal frozen region. Secondly, the coupled transport of liquid water and vapor can also impact many engineering construction activities as well, such as the frost heave in the railway embankments that caused by the continuous liquid water and vapor transport from the deep soil layer. Finally, in-situ monitoring and simulation can be strengthened to reveal the detailed process of liquid and vapor transport below the surface impermeable layer. The finding can also provide the scientific basis for the disaster prevention and control during freeze-thaw process.

water; heat; numerical analysis; vadose zone; vapor transport; hydrological cycle; seasonal frozen soil region





郑策,高万德,陈云飞,等. 季节性冻土区包气带水汽热耦合运移研究进展[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(24):110-117.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.24.012

Zheng Ce, Gao Wande, Chen Yunfei, et al. Review of coupled water, vapor, and heat transport of the vadose zone in the seasonal frozen soil region[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(24): 110-117. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.24.012







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