——以张丹执教绘本“Dad for sale”读前和读中教学为例


小学教学设计(英语) 2022年5期

文|高 远

英语学科核心素养提出,学生的阅读能力是其综合语言运用能力中不可缺少的一部分。教师必须通过阅读教学,帮助学生积累语言知识,提高阅读能力,形成阅读策略。张丹老师在执教绘本“Dad for asle”时,通过有效的教学设计,引导学生对文本进行深度解读;通过多样的阅读任务,帮助学生掌握绘本中的语言知识;通过合理的共情体验,拓展学生的情感及价值观教育,使我深受启发,感触良多。

绘本深读首先要求教师对文本本身蕴含的深层信息进行认知、解读和设计,然后才能深化学生对于文本的理解。张丹老师在绘本“Dad for sale”的教学中能够始终关注文本信息,针对学生能力进行有效的设计,为学生提供阅读策略。以下结合她在读前和读中的教学进行分析。


绘本阅读和传统阅读不同,传统阅读基于文本,图片是辅助,绘本阅读的侧重点则在图片,教师往往需要引导学生通过阅读、分析图片,结合文本以充分理解故事。因此,教师要在绘本的Prereading 部分或者导入环节创设真实的情境,利用视频、图片等手段引导学生观察、推理、设问,激发学生的阅读兴趣,同时在情境中引入部分新知,解决部分关键问题。我们来看看张丹老师的读前部分设计。


T: Before class, we enjoyed a song of a picture book.What’s the name of the picture book?

S: My Dad.

T: Yes, My Dad.What do you think of his dad?

S1: I think his dad is great.He can sing and play football well.

T: And what about your dad? Can your dad sing?

S1: Yes, he can.

T: What songs can he sing?

S1: Small apples.

T: Oh, this is a very popular song.What else?

S2: I think his dad is brave.He isn’t afraid of anything.

T: What about your dad?

S2: My father is brave,too.He often helps our neighbors.

T: And today, we’ll read a meaningful picture book.See, this is the cover and the fly page.What can you get from the cover and the fly page?

绘本阅读失去了情境、问题的引导,就失去了阅读的乐趣和意义。环节问题和情境的设计对于深入文本有着重要的意义。在本节课的读前部分,张丹老师通过“My Dad”绘本视频导入教学,引导学生联系生活实际,理解绘本题目“Dad for sale”。学生在教师的引导下,结合生活实际运用Free talk,链接绘本主题。用绘本引出绘本,形式新颖有趣,主题关联紧密。


T: See, this is the cover and the fly page.

What can you get from the cover and the fly page?

S1: It’s raining outside.And a man holds an umbrella

T: Who’s that man?

S1: Maybe he is the little girl’s dad.

T: And he holds an umbrella for the little girl.

Who can try? You please.

S2: I can see two big shoes.

T: Oh,here’s a pair of big shoes.Whose shoes are they?

S2: Maybe the boy’s father’s.

T: And the name of the story is...

S: Dad for Sale.

T: Yes, that means someone wants to sell his dad.

That’s so strange.Someone wants to sell his dad!

Do you have any questions?

S1: How do you sell that?

S2: How much is your dad?

S3: Why does the little boy sell his dad?

S4: Who wants to sell his dad?

T: Yes, you have a lot of questions about the story.

张丹老师再次从绘本的封面入手,引导学生抓住“sell dad”这个线索,理解绘本题目中的关键词“for sale”,并提出who,where,why 等核心问题,激活学生的阅读兴趣。接着,教师针对“sell dad”这个关键点,夸张地表达自己的观点“That’s so strange.Someone wants to sell dad! ”,瞬间激发了学生的兴趣。教师抓住时机鼓励学生针对绘本自主提出问题,制造了悬念,引起学生的阅读期待。鼓励学生设问不仅能够训练学生的发散思维能力,也能帮助学生厘清阅读绘本的思路和步骤,为读中部分略读整篇文章提供目标、做出铺垫。


While-reading 部分是一节阅读课的核心。教师对于学生阅读策略的有效引导决定了一节阅读课的深度。英语学科核心素养倡导学生从表层阅读走向深度阅读。张老师设计了不同的教学活动,并设置理解性问题,以大问题带动小问题,从易到难、层层递进,指导学生完成了不同层次的阅读,在引导学生观察、思考的同时,也充分注意到对学生思维能力的培养。我们来看一看张丹老师设计了什么问题,她又是如何一步一步构建活动层级的。


T: Yes, you have a lot of questions about the story.

And I think you want to know these questions first.

Who wants to sell his dad?

Why does he/she want to sell his dad?

Does he/she sell his dad at last?

Now, let’s try to read the story and find the answers.

(Students read in groups.)

T: Now, who wants to sell his dad?

S: The little boy.

T: Yes, the little boy wants to sell his dad.Why?

S1: Because his dad doesn’t let him put jam in the fish tank.

S2: His dad doesn’t allow him to sleep in the dog bed.

S3: Because his dad doesn’t let him hide his mouse in the fridge.

T: That means his dad doesn’t let him do many things.Does the boy sell his dad at last? Yes or no?

S: No.

T: Of course not.And what?What doesn’t his dad let him do? And why? Why doesn’t the boy sell his dad at last? Now,let’s read Page 6 to 13 and tell me, what doesn’t dad let the boy do?

Ss: ...(Students read and answer in detail.)

在对文本进行初步略读后,张老师通过“Why does he want to sell his dad? Does the boy sell his dad at last?”等问题精读文章,真正做到了把课堂还给学生,给学生以充足的时间进行自主阅读和小组阅读。学生在个人思考和合作助学的过程中活跃思维,结合个人理解和生活经验解构故事,能够把自己最真实的想法表达出来,从而促进学生良好的思维能力和小组合作能力的形成。


T: He wants to do these things very much.

But, he can’t put jam in the fish tank.

He can’t sleep in the dog bed.

He can’t hide the mouse in the fridge.Who can?

S: Rouse can.

T: Yes!Rouse can do these things.He can’t do these things.

How does he feel? You please.

S: He’s very angry.

T: Yes, he can’t do these things.He is very angry.

So, can you read it angrily?

S: ...(Students read angrily.)

T: Can you read more angrily?

S: ...(Students read more angrily.)

T: Can you read more and more angrily?

S: ...(Students read more and more angrily.)

T: At this moment, in his eyes, his dad is just like a...

S: A monster!

T: Yes, a monster! Does he love his dad? Can you read angrily?

S: ...(Read together angrily.)

T: You don’t love me?Why? How does his dad feel?

S1: He is sad.

S2: He is confused.

S3: His dad is heartbroken.

教师围绕故事大意提出一连串的小问题,富有智慧地将文本和图片串联起来,引导学生理解主人公和爸爸的情感变化。学生通过学习文本中重复的结构,理解故事细节和关键部分。教师进而提出开放性问题“You don’t love me? Why? How does dad feel?”引发学生的深度共情和思考。在解读完文本之后,张老师引导学生体会故事中人物的情感,并用朗读的方式表达出自己对这种情感的理解。在与故事人物的共情中,学生体会到越来越强烈的情感,对文本有了更深层次的理解。在张老师的引导下,学生对小男孩和他父亲心理活动进行充分的分析和感悟,其自身换位思考的交际能力也会有一定程度的提升。


T: At this moment, they are very happy.

And in his eyes, his dad is an...

S: An angel.

T: Yes.At first, in his eyes,his dad is a monster.

And now, his dad is an angel.His dad is the best.

His dad does a lot of things for the boy.And do you know why?

Because his mum is gone.He only has a dad.

He is really great.He is the best dad in the world!

At the beginning of the class you asked me how much the dad is.

S: He is priceless!

T: Yes, dad is priceless.What about your dad?




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