1.1 虎变 <lit> ①colourful (of tiger skin) ②<fig> to innovate and make great changes ③<fig> to act unexpectedly (of extraordinary person): 大贤~愚不测 unbeknownst to the common run, the great would pull off something spectacular
1.2 虎伥 <lit> ①tiger’s helper [from the legend that the ghost of a person devour-ed by a tiger helped the tiger to devour other human beings] ②<fig> jackal; pawn see 为虎作伥 /wèi - zuò -/
1.3 虎螭 <lit> ①tiger and dragon ②<fig> brave and mighty
1.4 虎队 <fig> brave or gallant army
1.5 虎夫 valiant fighter
1.6 虎虎 ①tigerish; mighty; powerful; forceful; vigorous: 打起拳来~生风 brandish one’s fist in boxing as if kicking up gusts of wind ②whoosh; swish: 北风~的在发威 the north wind is roaring ferociously
1.7 虎喙 <lit> ①tiger’s mouth ②<fig> dangerous situation
1.8 虎将 brave (and mighty) general
1.9 虎劲 <colloq> ①drive and daring; dash: 有一股子~ be like a hot shot ②(to do sth) vigorously
1.10 虎舅 <lit> cat [another name for 猫 /māo/ ]
1.11 虎吏 merciless official (as ferocious as a tiger)
1.12 虎脸 <dial> to put on a fierce look; to pull a long face
1.13 虎貔 <fig> <lit> valiant fighter
1.14 虎女 <laud> outstanding girl
1.15 虎士 <lit> valiant soldier
1.16 虎子 ①tiger cub ②<fig> vigorous child
2.1 打死虎 <idiom> (to beat a dead tiger) to attack or finish off sb powerless
2.2 虎彪彪 intrepid; truculent: ~的武士们 strapping warriors
2.3 虎而冠 <idiom> (tiger wearing a human hat) cruel and ferocious at heart not-withstanding one’s human get-up
2.4 虎负嵎 <idiom> (like a tiger taking refuge in a corner of a hill) to fight back with one’s back to the wall; to put up a desperate resistance
2.5 虎啃虎 <dial> (tiger gnawing at a tiger) to meet the tough head-on with toughness
2.6 虎剌孩 ①thief [from Mongolian] ②<vern> mean fellow; bastard; scoundrel
2.7 虎辣人 <colloq> spitfire; peppery person; short-tempered person
2.8 虎狼窝 <idiom> extremely dangerous place
2.9 虎狼心 greedy and cruel heart
2.10 虎列拉 <old> <tl> cholera see 霍乱 /huò luàn/
2.11 虎生生 <colloq> spirited; vigorous; dashing: ~的大眼睛 radiant big eyes
2.12 虎式子 rude and violent attitude
2.13 虎字头 the radical 虎 [as in 虎, 虚 /xū/, etc.]
2.14 捋虎须 <idiom> (to stroke a tiger’s whiskers) to take great risks
2.15 笑面虎 <idiom> (smiling tiger) person with a kindly face but a cruel heart; wolf in sheep’s clothing
3.1 藏龙卧虎 <idiom> (hidden dragons and crouching tigers) talented people who remain obscure to the undiscerning eye; undiscovered talent
3.2 虎背熊腰 <idiom> (with back of a tiger and waist of a bear) of blocky build; stalwart; sturdy; as strong as an English oak
3.3 虎步龙骧 <idiom> (to walk like a dragon and pace like a tiger) to walk in martial gait see 龙骧虎步
3.4 虎斗龙争 <idiom> (the tiger struggles and the dragon fights) fierce battle between formidable foes see 龙争虎斗
3.5 虎踞龙盘 <idiom> (crouching like a tiger and coiled like a dragon) forbid-ding; difficult of access (of a city, etc.): ~今胜昔 the once inaccessible city out-shines its ancient glories
3.6 虎口拔牙 <idiom> (to pull a tooth from a tiger’s mouth) to do sth extremely dangerous; to dare the greatest danger; to beard the lion in his den: 你这么做无异于~ what you are doing is but picking up nickels in front of steamrollers
3.7 虎口余生 <idiom> (to escape from a tiger’s den) to have a narrow escape from death; to survive a close call; to experience a near shave
3.8 虎里虎气 <colloq> spirited; vigorous; tigerish: ~的小伙子 a strong and sanguine young man
3.9 虎皮羊质 <idiom> (a sheep in tiger’s skin) outwardly strong, but inwardly weak; fierce of mien but faint of heart
3.10虎入羊群 <idiom> (a tiger running into a flock of sheep) wanton slaughter of the weak by the strong
3.11 虎声虎气 <colloq> loud and commanding; rude; impolite; unmannerly
3.12 虎视眈眈 <idiom> (to glare like a tiger eyeing its prey) to stare at sth ma-liciously and covetously; to eye sth covetously and menacingly
3.13 虎头虎脑 <idiom> robust and good-natured (usu of child): 这孩子长得~的 the child looks robust and lovely
3.14 虎头蛇尾 <idiom> (the head of a tiger and the tail of a snake) to have a strong beginning but a weak ending; to start with a bang and end with a fizzle; in like a lion, out like a lamb: 工作不能~ we should not let the work tail off anticlimatically once it gets started
3.15 将门虎子 <idiom> worthy son of a distinguished (military) family
3.16 如虎添翼 <idiom> (like a tiger with wings added) even more powerful
3.17 燕颔虎颈 <idiom> (with a swallow’s pointed chin and a tiger’s neck) ma-jestic appearance (esp of a warrior)
3.18 鹰扬虎视 <idiom> (the eagle flies and the tiger gazes) mighty and intrepid
4.1 伴君如伴虎 <idiom> (attending upon a sovereign is like keeping company with a tiger) the ruler’s whims flip-flop
4.2 虎毒不食子 <idiom> (even a cruel tiger never eats its own cubs) no man, good or bad, will ill-treat his own children
4.3 虎父无犬子 <idiom> (tigers do not father dogs) the brave do not father a coward; like father, like son
4.4 虎虎有生气 <familiar> to be full of vigour; to be bursting with vim and vigour
4.5 虎老雄心在 <idiom> (though old, the tiger is still full of ambitions) one remains ambitious though in old age
4.6 虎门无犬种 <idiom> prestigious family will have outstanding children
4.7 苛政猛于虎 <idiom> (harsh government is fiercer than a tiger) despotism devours man
4.8 养虎自遗患 <idiom> (to raise a tiger is to court calamity for oneself) to allow an enemy to grow strong; to appease an enemy is to invite trouble
4.9 坐山观虎斗 <idiom> (to sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight) to watch a fight from a safe distance, then reap the spoils when both sides are exhausted; to play one off against another
5.1 风从虎,云从龙 <idiom> (winds follow the tiger, and clouds the dragon) things of a similar nature interact with one another
5.2 九牛二虎之力 <idiom> (strength of nine oxen and two tigers) tremendous strength; herculean effort or labour; most strenuous exertion: 费尽~ do something with all one’s might and main
5.3 拉大旗作虎皮 <idiom> (to cover one’s body with a flag as if it were tiger’s hide) to make an empty show; to bluff
5.4 老虎頭上搔痒 <familiar> (to scratch oneself against a tiger’s head) to invite trouble
5.5 前怕狼, 后怕虎 <idiom> (to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind) full of fears
5.6 一山难容二虎 <familiar> (no two rival tigers can co-exist in the same mountain) when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war
6.1 初生牛犊不怕虎 <idiom> (a newborn calf does not fear tigers) the young are intrepid daredevils; fools rush in where angels fear to tread
6.2 虎落平阳被犬欺 <idiom> (a tiger out of a mountain will even be bullied by a dog) a man who has lost power or influence may be insulted by an underling
6.3 画虎不成反类犬 <idiom> (to try to paint a tiger but end up with the likeness of a dog) to attempt sth beyond one’s ability and fail; to attempt sth over-ambitiously and end in failure
6.4 画虎画皮难画骨 <familiar> (it is harder to paint the bones of a tiger than his skin) it is difficult to know a person’s true nature or innermost feelings
6.5 老虎屁股摸不得 <familiar> (like a tiger who cannot be patted on the rear) dangerous to approach (of person)
6.6 老虎头上扑苍蝇 <idiom> (to swat a fly on the head of a tiger) to invite trouble; to court disaster; to ask for trouble
7.1 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 <idiom> (how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s den) nothing venture, nothing gain/have/win; nothing ventured, nothing gained
7.2 二虎相斗,必有一伤 <idiom> (when two tigers fight, one of them is bound to be injured) when two big powers fight each other, there comes an irreconcilable battle
7.3 关门养虎,虎大伤人 <familiar> (to close the door and raise a tiger which hurts people when grown-up) to leave or breed trouble for the future
7.4 虎落平原,插翅难逃 <familiar> (a tiger on the plain cannot escape even though he had wings) to meet a dead end; to be confronted with an inescapable predicament
7.5 虎生三子,必有一彪 <idiom> (of three tiger cubs, one will be a fiendish) not all children turn out excellent
7.6 虎死留皮,人死留名 <familiar> (a tiger leaves its skin after death, while a man leaves behind his fame after death) a man should leave behind a good reputation
7.7 老虎不吃人——恶名在外 <familiar> (the tiger never eats humans—it has already had an evil reputation) one who has an evil reputation is easily misunderstood by outsiders
7.8 老虎借猪,相公借书 <familiar> (a tiger borrows pigs, and a scholar books) ①one tends to take possession of sth that is after one’s own heart ②tastes differ
7.9 老虎头上捉虱子——不怕死 <familiar> (to catch lice on a tiger’s head—never fear death) it is a bold mouse that nestles in the cat’s ear
7.10 老虎推磨——不听那套 <familiar> (a tiger turning a millstone—refuses to be harnessed) don’t accept or care about what others do or say
7.11 老虎嘴上拔胡采——不是好惹的 <familiar> (no one dare pull up a tiger’s moustache—it is not to be provoked) you cannot easily offend the vicious and powerful
7.12 前门拒虎,后门进狼 <idiom> (to drive the tiger away from the front door and let the wolf in through the back door) to fend off one danger only to fall prey to another; out of the frying pan into the fire; to go from bad to worse