Volunteer Tourism:Everything You Need to Know 志愿者旅游那些事儿
徐倩瑶 贺莺
Volunteer tourism1 encourages people to travel with a cause. This cause can be an act of social responsibility. It includes analyzing your skills, energy and time to work for any specific environmental or human issues. Helping the poverty-attacked people, nature, animal conservation etc all come in the purview2 of volunteer tourism. There are many types of volunteer tourism for one to pursue.
Exploring volunteer tourism destinations is a new way of travelling which refreshes us while we serve a cause too.
There are different types of volunteer tourism and it can be categorised as follows:
Animal conservation has increasingly become an important practice due to the negative effects of human activities on nature and wildlife. Volunteering with animals is an amazing travel ex-perience while also helping local animals and wildlife in need. Planned by animal lovers and nature conservationists, the act of responsibility behind taking up volunteer tourism is centred on educating people about the endangered animals and protects mother earth from depletion.
Nature Conservation: It is not restrained to fauna and flora conservation but it also encourages social, socio-economic, and ethical issues. Volunteering in biodiversity and other natural resource management programs is very popular amongst the youth living in the hills.
Waste Minimalism is a practice which intends to reduce the amount of waste produced. Generally, people who volunteer for this cause focus on 3Rs3 and educate people to Recycle, Reuse and Reduce. While you travel, you can lead an example by using reusable containers, eco-friendly toiletries, utilizing public transports etc.
Volunteer tourism can be subdivided into more types:
Philanthropy: Promoting the welfare of the people by dispensing funds for humanitarian purposes. It is a selfless notion which is characterized by helping others without wanting any returns.
Service Learning: Studying and analyzing community needs and helping them accordingly. It is an educational approach towards community services.
Community Service: Meeting with the needs of the public in person. This includes providing food and shelter for the homeless and homebound people4. Collecting information about the needs of the public for their interest and welfare. Promoting students for their education or employment, bringing out the talents in them on an appreciable level for global development.
Volunteer tourism is not a synonym to charity but it focuses on eliminating the suffering behind the cause which leads to social and environmental problems.
True service begins as a way of life. There is so much deprivation all around, to do a bit for the society individually and collectively would bring a whole lot of change to those lives which are deprived of basic needs.
If you are planning to volunteer abroad, then there is no shortage of voluntourism destinations which provide an opportunity for the dedicated and enthusiast people willing to work for others’ welfare. Different countries specialize in various volunteer projects. Perhaps if you have certain skills or willingness then that naturally attracts you to a particular location. People and countries have encouraged volunteer tourism since the beginning as this is all about travelling for the people, by the people and towards the betterment of the people.
Volunteer tourism is definitely beneficial for people in two ways:
1. It satisfies the wanderer inside you who looks forward to exploring various destinations.
2. It also serves the society and takes it towards its growth.
Negative impacts of volunteer tourism:
Choosing volunteer tourism or travelling to a volunteer tourism destination can be the toughest challenge faced by a novice or interns in the industry. You should be really careful before taking up any such trip for a cause and ask yourself the following questions.
Do you have sufficient training? Travelling without proper training can put your life at risk, hence go for sensitive and planned Volunteer Tourism.
Are you aware of the facts regarding the destination? One should be prepared with geographical info, the challenges which can be posed and the solutions to travel before undertaking a particular journey. Failing this can turn the travel for a cause trip to one where you travel for loss.
The bottom line5 is, volunteer tourism is still unexplored, hence do it with a passion but do apply your brains. Plan your next trip as a volunteer tourist and feel the bliss and harmony which you get by serving people in need on time.
社区服务:亲自参与来满足公众需求,包括为无家可归者及居家无法外出者提供食物和住所;收集有关公众利益和福 祉的需求信息;促进学生接受教育或就业,显著激发其才能,促进全球发展。
1. 可以满足内心深处行走四方的愿望。
2. 可以同时服务社会,促进社会发展。
Quotes About Volunteerism
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” —Gandhi
“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action. These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud.” —Helen Dyer
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
—Winston Churchill
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia