

农业工程学报 2022年21期

陈学深,熊悦淞,齐 龙,王宣霖,程 楠,梁 俊,刘善健


陈学深,熊悦淞,齐 龙※,王宣霖,程 楠,梁 俊,刘善健

(华南农业大学工程学院,广州 510642)

为了解决小型水田底盘因路径偏差导致的稻苗碾压损伤问题,该研究提出一种基于触感引导的自动对行方法。采用自制的感测器获取稻株定位历程触感数据,通过数据的分割阈值设定、区域谷值提取、横向距离标定获得感测器与稻株的横向距离。根据水稻机械化移栽行距规整性,利用行距与定位数据几何关系校验稻株定位数据,解算获得稻列方向相邻稻株中点位置,实现对行目标点坐标提取。基于时变坐标系跟踪方法,控制转向电机实时校正路径偏差,实现小型水田底盘自动对行。田间性能试验表明:当行进速度为0.5 m/s时,自动对行绝对误差平均值为3.11 cm、绝对误差标准差为1.10 cm、绝对误差最大值为4.75 cm,研究成果为水田环境作业底盘自动导航提供了新思路和借鉴。


0 引 言






1 总体结构及工作原理


1.驱动电池箱 2.电控单元 3.转向电池箱 4.转向伺服电机 5.右侧感测器 6.左侧感测器


2 触感定位方法


2.1 触感数据获取


图2 弯曲传感器及触觉感测器实物图

水田底盘行进工作时,感测器水平横向与稻株茎基部接触,将感测器从接触到脱离稻株历程作为定位感测单元,获取单元内感测器的电压数值,为稻株定位提供数据基础。其中,本文设定的感测器采样频率为1 700 Hz。触感数据获取实况如图3所示,结构参数如表1所示。

图3 稻株触感数据获取实况

表1 感测器结构参数

2.2 稻株定位点提取


稻株定位点提取的数据处理过程主要包括分割阈值设定、区域谷值提取、横向距离标定。分割阈值设定是为了提取感测单元内有效的触感数据,过滤掉水稻株间非接触区域和感测器自身摆振形成的冗余数据。根据感测器摆振数据波动随行进速度增加而增大特性,本文选择水田底盘最高行进速度1.5 m/s进行数据波形分析,如图4所示。其中,包括株间非接触的摆振区和稻株接触历程的感测区。摆振区感测器电压在4.10 V上下波动,感测区内感测器电压先经历显著下降阶段,在脱离稻株时刻达到谷值,而后感测器回正电压经历上升阶段,最后再次进入摆振区。由图4可知,摆振区电压数值较高,且较为稳定,定位点与摆振区的电压数值落差十分显著。为此,本文稻株定位波形分割阈值设定为4.08 V,可过滤掉行进速度不超过1.5 m/s的摆振冗余数据。然而,稻田地况及环境复杂,当水田底盘姿态变化加剧,可能导致分割阈值不准确。因此,稻株定位点获取还需要进一步校验。

图4 稻株定位数据波形




通过感测器与稻株茎基部边缘的横向距离人工测量值和感测器测定值比较,获得左右两侧感测器最大测量绝对误差分别为0.54、0.60 cm,平均测量绝对误差分别为0.28、0.27 cm。在稻株与感测器相对位置确定基础上,结合感测器相对于水田底盘车身中心线的相对位置,可获得感测器测定的横向距离,即稻株与车身中心线的横向距离。


2.3 稻株定位点校验


稻株定位点校验原理如图7所示,理论上左侧感测器测定的横向距离与右侧感测器测定的横向距离之和等于水稻行距(约为30 cm)。然而,稻株移栽取秧量、生长分蘖数不同导致水稻株穴直径存在差异,加之感测器自身测量误差,实际作业中,左右两侧感测器测定的横向距离之和只能接近水稻行距。考虑水稻株穴半径差异约为2 cm,水稻行距范围应为26~34 cm。根据2.2节所述的左右两侧感测器平均测量绝对误差约为0.3 cm,本文基于水稻行距校验阈值设定为0.6 cm(左右两侧感测器平均测量绝对误差之和),即左右两侧感测器测定的横向距离之和应在25.4~34.6 cm(行距±校验阈值)之间。否则,校验判定为稻株伪定位点。经过定位数据校验,提高了稻株定位的可靠性,为对行目标点的准确提取提供了基础。


3 触感引导方法

3.1 自动对行模型建立


稻列方向相邻稻株的中点作为对行目标点,根据感测器安装位置及水田底盘车身结构尺寸,本文目标点纵坐标为定值105 cm。







3.2 目标点横坐标获取



图9 目标点提取示意图



4 试验与结果分析

4.1 试验条件


图10 试验现场

试验水稻为移栽20 d的杂交稻五优1179,水稻行距为30 cm,株距为15 cm,株高为20~35 cm,稻穴株数为4~12株,稻穴直径为2~4 cm。田间杂草主要为华南稻区稗草、千金子等禾本科杂草,株高为3~9 cm。田间积水层厚度为4~8 cm。

4.2 试验方法

不同行进速度水田底盘航向偏差变化、机身摇摆程度不同,对行性能存在差异。考虑水田底盘常规作业速度,选择0.5、1.0、1.5 m/s进行人工对行与自动对行性能对比试验。

试验前,随机选择3组测试区,为保证试验条件相同,人工遥控对行和自动对行的性能试验在苗带弯度相同区域进行(插秧机同步作业区)。调整水田底盘位置,使车轮位于稻行中央,调节左右两侧感知器高度,接触位置位于稻株茎基部,距积水层8 cm。

试验时,在进入测试区前保留10 m起步区,人工遥控方式控制水田底盘的行进速度和方向,以保持水田底盘在测试区内行进速度稳定。进入测试区后,选择人工对行和自动对行2种方式分别进行性能试验。



4.3 试验结果


表2 自动对行与人工对行试验对比结果

由表2可知,水田底盘行进速度在0.5 m/s时,自动对行绝对误差平均值、绝对误差标准差、绝对误差最大值均优于人工对行方式,而随水田底盘行进速度增加,自动对行性能有所下降,在1.0和1.5 m/s时,人工对行效果优于自动对行方式,但自动对行绝对误差最大值为7.97 cm,从水稻行距30 cm,水田底盘车轮宽度10 cm的实际作业情况看,当对行误差小于10 cm时不会压伤稻苗。

5 结 论



3)田间性能比较试验结果表明:行进速度为0.5、1.0、1.5 m/s时,自动对行绝对误差最大值分别为4.75、6.81、7.97 cm,均满足小型水田自走底盘对行要求。

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Design and experiment of the tactile guidance system for the automatic alignment of small paddy moving chassis

Chen Xueshen, Xiong Yuesong, Qi Long※, Wang Xuanlin, Cheng Nan, Liang Jun, Liu Shanjian


Chassis alignment can mainly include the satellite navigation, visual guidance, and manual remote control in the small paddy. However, some problems have led to the damage to rice seedlings in the alignment process, such as the low navigation accuracy, large background interference, and multiple line of sight obstacles. In this study, a tactile-guided system was proposed for the automatic alignment of small paddy chassis. Firstly, a self-developed tactile sensor was used to acquire the tactile data, in which a flexible bending sensor was used as the core element for the tactile data acquisition. The bending sensor was placed between several carbon fiber sheets, in order to improve the own bending stiffness and also to suppress the own oscillation. Secondly, the data was processed to obtain the localization coordinates of the rice plant. The positive relationship between the degree of bending of the sensor and the output voltage was utilized to obtain the information on the position of the rice plant. Three steps were included the data segmentation threshold setting, region valley extraction, and lateral distance calibration. The valid unit of tactile sensing was extracted to set a segmentation threshold. The useless data was filtered out in the non-contact area, and the interference data from the own slight vibration. The data in the sensing unit was further processed to extract the voltage valley value in the sensing area, in order to achieve the initial extraction of the location point of the rice plant. The localization point data was converted into the lateral distance between the rice plant and the sensor by the sensor mapping. Thirdly, the positioning points of rice plants were calibrated, according to the regularity that the sum of the lateral distance measured by the left sensor and the lateral distance measured by the right sensor was equal to the rice row distance. As such, the pseudo-localization points of rice plants were eliminated to improve the reliability of rice plant positioning. Finally, a tracking mode with time-varying coordinate system was proposed to establish the dynamic coordinate system. A calculation was realized on the lateral distance between the center point of the rice line and the center of gravity of the body (target point transverse coordinate). The vertical coordinate was the longitudinal distance between the sensor and the center of the rear wheel axle of the paddy chassis. The coordinates of the aligned target point were real-time transmitted to the electronic control unit during the whole alignment process. The steering servo motor was controlled to correct the path deviation in real time, according to the correspondence between the steering mechanism and the steering angle of the paddy field chassis, in order to realize the automatic alignment of the small paddy field chassis. The field performance test showed that the automatic alignment was better than the manual remote alignment, when the driving speed was 0.5 m/s. The average absolute error of the automatic alignment was 3.11 cm, the standard deviation of the absolute error was 1.10 cm, and the maximum absolute error was 4.75 cm, when the driving speed was 0.5 m/s. The performance of automatic alignment decreased slightly with the increase of driving speed. Anyway, the performance can fully meet the requirements of chassis alignment in paddy fields. The finding can provide a new idea and reference for the automatic chassis navigation in paddy field environment.

rice; sensor; automation; tactile; position; alignment





陈学深,熊悦淞,齐龙,等. 基于触感引导的小型水田行进底盘自动对行方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(21):8-15.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.21.002

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Analysis of a Peaked Carbon Emission Pathway in China Toward Carbon Neutrality