

粮油食品科技 2022年1期

Abdellatif GHEDIRA 执行董事/最高级农业工程师


Dr. Abdellatif GHEDIRA

Executive Director of the International Olive Council (IOC)

Abdellatif GHEDIRA:1962年出生,突尼斯人,突尼斯公务员中最高级农业工程师,农村工程和水资源与林业管理学硕士和地理学(空间结构和动力学)硕士。2016年1月至今,任国际橄榄理事会(IOC)执行董事。1994年至2011年,曾在突尼斯农业、环境和水资源部任职,担任过政府决策协调监管办公室主任、水资源规划办公室主任、部长办公室特别顾问。曾任突尼斯公共土地办公室(OTD)经理、突尼斯农业部部长办公室主任、突尼斯国家食用油办公室(ONH)首席执行官。掌握阿拉伯语、法语、英语。


Dr. Abdellatif GHEDIRA,born in 1962, Tunisian, the highest rank of agricultural engineer in the Tunisian civil service. Abdellatif Ghedira has a post-graduate degree in rural engineering, water and forestry management and a post-graduate degree in geography (Spatial Structures and Dynamics). He currently holds the position of Executive Director of the International Olive Council (IOC) since January 2016.Between 1994 and 2011 he held various positions in the Ministry of Agriculture, the Environment and Water Resources of Tunisia, such as Director of the Office for Coordination and Monitoring of Government Decisions, Director of Water Resources Planning Office, Special adviser to the Minister’s Office. He was appointed as Manager at Public Lands Office (OTD) of Tunisia, head of the Minister’s Office at the Ministry of Agriculture, Tunisia, and Chief Executive Officer of the National Oil Office of Tunisia (ONH). He masters Arabic, French, and English.

He is the author of the paper “Definition, Mission and Standards of International Olive Council” in this special column.

Gretel BESCOBY博士/技术经理


Dr. Gretel BESCOBY

Technical Manager of FOSFA International, Committee Manager of ISO/TC34/SC11

Gretel Henriett BESCOBY:在油脂领域拥有丰富经验,在南非接受过食品科学家培训。在获得生物化学荣誉学位后,她获得了食品科学博士学位,研究预测单不饱和油和多不饱和油的保质期。最初在渔业研究所工作,研究鱼油和鱼粉,主要关注油的稳定性、抗氧化剂的质量和功效。随后在科学与工业研究委员会(CSIR)管理油脂实验室,开展食品行业的研究和常规分析。曾在南非的油炸行业担任油脂公司的顾问,改进了油脂加工程序,提高油脂质量和稳定性。后来她搬到英国并加入海洋原料组织(IFFO),承担多种角色,包括提供信息、监管行业发展更新,以及从事鱼粉稳定性试验来研究该行业的替代抗氧化剂。

在IFFO工作期间,她与国际海洋组织(IMO)、欧盟植物、动物、食品和饲料常设委员会(SCoPAFF)、欧洲饲料制造商联合会(FEFAC)和国际食品法典动植物油脂委员会(CCFO)有广泛的往来。在此期间,她与业界密切合作,帮助制定鱼油法典标准。2018年2月,她加入国际油料和油脂协会(FOSFA International),任技术经理和国际标准化组织动植物油脂分委员会(ISO/TC34/SC11)经理,其中部分职责是策划管理分析师和总监,运行年度绩效和认证测试,必要时与分析师联络并与相关主题的国际组织合作。


Dr. Gretel Henriett BESCOBY,has extensive experience in the oils and fats field and trained as a Food Scientist in South Africa. Following her Honours degree in Biochemistry, she gained a Doctorate in Food Science on the parameters to predict the shelflife of mono- and poly-unsaturated oils. She worked at first for the Fishing Industry Research Institute on fish oil and fishmeal where oil stability, quality and efficacy of antioxidants were predominant topics of interest. She subsequently managed the Fats and Oils laboratory at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), carrying out research as well as routine analysis for the food industry. This was followed by a period working as a consultant for the Fats and Oils industry in South Africa in the frying industry, as well as enhancing fats and oils processing procedures to improve quality and stability of fats and oils.

She relocated to the UK and joined IFFO (The Marine Ingredients Organisation) where her role was varied and included the provision of information, regulatory and industry development updates as well as working on fishmeal stability trials to investigate alternative antioxidants for the industry. While working at IFFO she had extensive dealings with national and international organisations such as the International Marine Organisation (IMO), EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF), FEFAC(European Feed Manufacturers' Federation) and CODEX Committee on Fats and Oils (CCFO). During this time she worked closely with the industry to help develop the new CODEX Standard for Fish Oils.She joined FOSFA International as Technical Manager as well as ISO/TC34/SC11 Committee Manager in February 2018 where some of her responsibilities are to manage the Analyst and Superintendent scheme,run the annual performance and accreditation tests, liaise with analysts as necessary and collaborate with international organisations on relevant topics.

She is the author of the paper “Developing ISO International Standards for the Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils Sector” in this special column.

Scott BLOOMER博士/技术服务部主任



Director of Technical Services at the American Oil Chemists’Society(AOCS)

Scott BLOOMER:1973年在霍尼韦尔公司实验室开始研究生涯,使用模拟仪器研究湿度传感器。自那时起,他有幸从事烟雾探测器、生物传感器、脂质的酶酯交换、可可风味回收、基本油籽加工、商业酶的特征以及酶在牛奶化合物中的应用等方面的研究。他撰写了十几篇经同行评审的论文,并且是美国油脂化学家协会(AOCS)贸易杂志INFORM的特约编辑。

Scott BLOOMER博士多年来一直管理ADM的油脂专利布局、绘制空白区域、执行自由使用权研究,起草并维护专利。目前任AOCS技术服务部主任,他的职责包括监督《AOCS官方方法和推荐操作》的制定和修订。此外,还负责AOCS实验室认可计划、认可的化学家和认可的化学家项目。实验室认可计划为全球约500名化学家提供服务,并对参与实验室能力提供客观评价。AOCS提供经有证标准物质,使实验室能够确认其种子是否为转基因。另外,他的职责还包括在国际食品法典和国际标准化组织中代表AOCS的科学利益。


Dr. scott BLooMER,started his research career in 1973 in the laboratories of Honeywell, Incorporated doing research in humidity sensors using analog instruments. Since then, he’s been privileged to do research on smoke detectors, biosensors, enzymatic interesterification of lipids, cocoa flavor recovery, basic oilseed processing, characterization of commercial enzymes, and the application of enzymes to milk compounds. He’s written a dozen peer-reviewed papers and is a contributing editor for the AOCS trade magazine,INFORM.

Dr. Scott BLOOMER managed the fats and oils patent portfolio of ADM for several years, mapping white space, executing freedom-tooperate studies, and drafting and defending patents. He is currently the Director of Technical Services at the American Oil Chemists’ Society.At AOCS, his responsibilities include overseeing the development and revisions of Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS. In addition, the AOCS Laboratory Proficiency Program,Approved Chemists, and Approved Chemists programs are his responsibility. The Laboratory Proficiency Program serves about 500 chemists around the world and provides objective measures of the capabilities of the participating laboratories. AOCS provides Certified Reference Materials which enables labs to confirm that their seeds are either genetically modified or free from GM DNA. In addition, his responsibilities encompass representing the interests of science falling under the vast umbrella of AOCS interests in Codex Alimentarius and the International Organization of Standardization.

He is the author of the paper “The Role of the American Oil Chemists’ Society in World Trade” in this special column.


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