组织、塑造社会的空间和定义其特征场所是建筑学至高无上的使命。得益于由此产生的物理上的开放性、可达性与使用功能的多样性,公共空间的设计尤其能为集体生活提供积极的条件。“世界未来城市计划”(IUPA)奖项关注建筑、公共空间与社会三者间的关系,2021 年是其第三届。这一国际建筑奖项在全世界范围内挑选杰出的创新项目,这些项目成功地创造了满足我们当代社会转型复杂需求的公共空间。该奖项由德国《建筑世界》和中国《世界建筑》两家卓越的建筑专业媒体合作颁发,同时得到了慕尼黑博览集团、中联慕尼(北京)国际会展有限公司与中国建筑学会的支持。
在与日俱增的国家级与国际级建筑与景观设计奖项之中,IUPA 因其独特的形象而别具一格。首先,该奖项在最广泛的意义上关注公共空间的创造,几乎不考虑学科的界限:与巴塞罗那当代文化中心与其他建筑机构颁发的欧洲城市公共空间奖相比较,IUPA 的入选项目并不限于典型的公共、开放、室外空间——例如公共广场或公园设计。相反,IUPA 将公共空间视为一项完整的设计任务,既关乎外部空间,也关乎建筑物内部的空间结构。
也正因此,2019 年的首次IUPA 评奖选中了ALA 建筑事务所在赫尔辛基的颂歌中央图书馆(图1)。该图书馆以一种非凡的方式将内部和外部联系起来,塑造了统一的空间景观:这个关于知识型社会的真实宣言已经成为全世界创新图书馆建筑设计的标杆。获得特别奖的是纽约市的艺术棚,是由Diller Scofidio+Renfro 建筑事务所设计的艺术和大众文化的跨学科中心,它以一种理想又典型的方式说明了建筑内外部之间的界限可以如何灵活地配置:由聚氟乙烯膜组成的文化中心的屋顶,可以在融入结构的轨道上灵活地延伸,以创造一个包含公共院落的围合空间。另一特别奖得主也是活化了内部和外部的边界、建筑和开放空间的分野——融入深圳南头古城的文脉,URBANUS 都市实践令人惊喜地展现了有针对性的干预如何能够将传统的城市公共空间联系起来并使其恢复活力——例如具有文化功能的无障碍设施。
The supreme mission of architecture is the configuration of the spaces that shape a society,the places that define its character.By virtue of the resultant physical openness,accessibility,and options for use,the design of public spaces in particular conditions collective life in a positive direction.The International Urban Project Award is dedicated to this triad of architecture,public space,and society.This international prize for architecture– awarded for the third time in 2021– singles out outstandingly innovative projects worldwide that succeed in generating communal spaces that satisfy the complex demands of our contemporary transformative societies.The prize is awarded through a partnership that joins two distinguished specialist publications devoted to architecture:Bauweltin Germany,andWorld ArchitectureMagazine (WA) in China.The prize receives support from BAU China,Messe München,MMU BAU Fenestration Co.,Ltd.,and the Architecture Society of China.
Within the growing landscape of national and international prizes for architecture and landscape design,the IUPA is distinguished by its singular profile.To begin with,the creation of public spaces is conceived in the broadest possible sense,and with little regard for disciplinary boundaries:here,in contradistinction to the European Prize for Urban Public Space,awarded by CCCB Barcelona and other architectural institutions,for example,the selected projects are not restricted to classical public,open,outdoor spaces– i.e.the design of public squares or parks.Instead,the IUPA regards public space as an integral design task that pertains to both exterior spaces as well as to the interior spatial configuration of buildings.
And it was for this reason that the premiere IUPA in 2019 singled out the Oodi Central Library in Helsinki by ALA Architects (Fig.1).In a remarkable way,the library links interior and exterior to shape a unified spatial landscape:this authentic manifesto of the knowledge-based society has become a yardstick for innovative library building worldwide.And the recipient of the 2nd prize (special prize)as well– The Shed in New York City,an interdisciplinary centre for art and popular culture designed by Diller Scofidio+Renfro– illustrates in an ideal-typical fashion just how flexibly the delimitation between building and exterior can be configured:the roof of the cultural centre,composed of ETFE foil pillows,can be extended flexibly on rails that are incorporated into the structure to create a spatial enclosure that encompasses a public forecourt.The 3rd prize winner (special prize) too is active along the interface between interior and exterior,building and open space:in the context of the Nantou quarter of Shenzhen's old town,the Chinese architectural office Urbanus illustrated strikingly how targeted constructive interventions– for example with accessible buildings used for cultural functions– are capable of interlinking and revitalising traditional urban public spaces.
It goes without saying that the IUPA is also strongly characterised by the German-Chinese awarding partnership,designed to do justice to China's growing importance on the global architecture scene.In no other country worldwide have spatial and settlement structures changed as profoundly and in such farreaching ways as in the People's Republic of China over the past thirty years.In the hope that these projects will receive commensurate attention internationally,the award also relies upon the well-established expertise of the Chinese magazineWorld Architectureand of the Architecture Society of China,both represented on the jury.In China in particular,an architecture prize that focuses on public space has the potential to provide vital impulses for the continuing development of building culture:in the past,public squares and buildings served primarily to project power.To an increasing degree,contemporary public spaces must instead respond to the need of modern Chinese civil society for openness,accessibility,as well as a diversity of utilisations and users.
With IUPA 2020,the main prizes were awarded to the flowing spatial landscape of Hunters Point Library in Queens by Steven Holl Architects (Fig.2),and the converted culture high-rise SESC 24 de Maio in Sao Paulo by Paulo Mendes de Rocha and MMBB (Fig.3).Nonetheless,two of the three recognitions were awarded to Chinese entries:the Songyang Culture Neighbourhood in Lishui by Jiakun Architects revitalised the area between old,abandoned temples by means of a public park that is interwoven with the surrounding urban district.The Tank Shanghai project by OPEN Architecture transformed a cluster of aviation fuel tanks set along the banks of the Huangpu River into a cultural centre that merges with the surrounding riverine landscape to create a place at the edge of the metropolis that is socially inclusive and accessible to all.The third recognition was awarded to the Future Africa Innovation Campus in Pretoria,the work of Earthworld Architects,a place where learning flows together with life outside of the auditorium.
1 赫尔辛基颂歌中央图书馆,2019年世界未来城市计划一等奖Oodi Central Library in Helsinki by ALA Architects,First Prize,IUPA 2019
显而易见,IUPA 的独特性也体现在了中德两国的评奖合作上,旨在为中国在全球建筑舞台上日益增长的重要性予以公允评价。在过去的30 年里,世界上没有任何一个国家的空间和居住结构像中国这样发生了如此深刻和深远的变化。为了这些项目能够在国际上得到相应的关注,该奖项还依靠了中国的《世界建筑》杂志和中国建筑学会成熟的专业体系,这两个机构都有代表加入评审团。一个关注公共空间的建筑奖有可能为建筑文化的持续发展提供至关重要的推动力,特别是在中国,公共广场及建筑曾经与权力表达有关,而现代公共空间必须在越来越大的尺度上满足现代中国社会对开放性、可达性,以及使用功能与用户的多样性需求。
2020 年IUPA 的一等奖授予了斯蒂文霍尔建筑师事务所的皇后区猎人角社区图书馆的流动空间景观(图2),以及保罗·门德斯·达·洛查与MMBB 建筑事务所合作在五月二十四日街商贸服务综合体做的高层文化建筑改造(图3)。再者,3 个特别奖中的两个则颁给了中国的项目:家琨建筑设计事务所的文里·松阳三庙文化交流中心通过一个与周围城区交织在一起的公共廊道,使古老废弃的寺庙之间的区域重新焕发活力;OPEN 建筑事务所的上海油罐艺术中心项目将黄浦江两岸的航空油罐群改造成一个文化中心,与沿江景观融为一体,在大都市的边缘创造了一个具有社会包容性的、欢迎任何人进入的场所。第三个特别奖授予了Earthworld 建筑事务所位于比勒陀利亚的未来非洲创新校区,这是一个学习与校外生活交织的场所。
IUPA 2021 的获奖项目也彰显了公共的室外和室内空间的质量与广义上的文化以及狭义上的文化建筑设计任务紧密相连。与商业建筑设计任务(无论是办公楼、购物中心还是住房)相反,文化功能提供了创造复杂公共空间的机会,其特点是不受限制的可达性和对社会所有成员的尊重。2021 年的新一届IUPA 中获奖的3 个项目全部突破了美学和社会问题的范畴,制定了真正生态的和可持续的解决方案。基于这种精神,这些获奖项目都明确地致力于对现有的结构或棕地的再利用,或有意识地使用可持续生产的、对气候有利的当地材料,同时优先考虑最短的物流路径。
2021 年,IUPA 的一等奖颁给了一个中国的大型项目,由于其在2022 年初将作为第24 届冬奥会场馆,这一作品将受到全球媒体与公众的瞩目。中德双方的6 位评审选出了清华大学建筑设计研究院简盟工作室设计的首钢滑雪大跳台,即单板大跳台这一相对年轻的项目的比赛场地。该体育设施位于北京城西,长安街沿线尽端,一个正经历着多重改造的区域,那是中国首都钢铁厂的一部分。首钢成立于1919 年,曾拥有多达200,000 名工人,是中国最大的钢铁厂之一,占地约900hm2。通过保护、再利用和扩建工业大型建筑等措施,中国令人印象深刻地展示了其在全国范围内、特别是在建筑领域减少碳排放的认真态度,显示中国正在以资源集约型建筑应对全球气候变化的挑战。
2 皇后区猎人角社区图书馆,2020年世界未来城市计划一等奖Hunters Point Library in Queens by Steven Holl Architects,First Prize,IUPA 2020
The award-winning projects of IUPA 2021,too,exemplify the way in which the quality of public outdoor and indoor spaces is bound up with culture in the broadest sense,and with cultural building tasks in the narrower sense.In contradistinction to commercial building assignments (whether office buildings,shopping centres,or housing),cultural utilisations provide opportunities to create complex public spaces that are characterised by unrestricted accessibility and by respect for all members of a society.All three of the projects that received awards in the new edition of IUPA for 2021 go beyond aesthetic and social concerns to develop genuinely ecological and sustainable solutions.More than in previous years,the focus has shifted now toward substantive contributions to the sustainable use of resources,and hence to the slowing of rapidly advancing global climate change.In this spirit,all of this year's prize-winning projects are explicitly dedicated to the reutilisation of existing structures or brownfields,or consciously use climate-positive local materials derived from sustainable production while prioritising the shortest transport routes.
In 2021,the main IUPA prize goes to a large-scale Chinese project,an achievement that will enjoy the media limelight and global public attention due to its role as the venue for the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in early 2022.The German-Chinese jury,consisting of six experts,selected Big Air Shougang by the studio Atelier Team Minus– a stadium with ski jumps,and the venue for a competition in the relatively young discipline of snowboard jumping (Fig.4).Set along the western periphery of Beijing and with a direct street axis leading to Tian'anmen Square,the sports facility lies within an extensive conversion zone:the area was part of the Chinese Shoudu Gang Tie Chang Steelworks,founded in 1919– with up to 200,000 workers,it was one of China's largest steelworks,occupying a heavy industry zone measuring circa 900 hm2.and extending along the Yongding River.Through large-scale measures devoted to the preservation,reutilisation,and expansion of industrial megastructures,China impressively demonstrates its seriousness about reducing CO2and greenhouse gas emissions throughout the country,in particular in the building sector,and that it is rising to the challenge of resource-conscious building in response to global climate change.
Big Air Shougang is an exemplary instance of this ambitious transformation:with its dynamic form and Olympic colour scheme,the jumping tower soars upward,a horizontal landmark that lies in the shadow of the preserved cooling towers of the old steelworks,and directly in front of the striking silhouette of the western Xishan Mountain Range on the horizon.The new sports facility has the potential to infuse the district with additional potential for development:the close interlinking of green open spaces with the surrounding dynamically growing quarter– which provides production space for creative futureoriented industries and culture alongside office space– will hopefully further invigorate the area while further diversifying the constellation of public space utilisations.
3 圣保罗五月二十四日街商贸服务综合体,2020年世界未来城市计划一等奖SESC 24 de Maio in Sao Paulo by Paulo Mendes de Rocha and MMBB,FirstPrize,IUPA 2020
首钢滑雪大跳台将竞技体育赛事的公众盛况作为城市振兴的出发点,而其他两个IUPA 获奖项目则致力于通过文化激活公共空间。正在扩张的瑞典北部小城谢莱夫特奥,拥有全球第二高的木构高层建筑,容纳了一家整整20 层的酒店,底部4 层高的复合功能裙房将其与各种城市文化设施灵活地连接在一起。在内部空间,白色建筑事务所设计的萨拉文化中心将6 个带有表演舞台的大厅组合在一起,可容纳50~1200 名观众,透明的外壳包覆着市政图书馆的公共阅览室、公共展厅、剧院和会议空间,以及可供公众使用的屋顶露台。穿过大楼的公共长廊,以及大型开放式楼梯,确保偶然路过的人也可以使用这座建筑,希望他们能与综合体的文化产品有意想不到的接触。凭借其在火车站和市政厅之间的中心位置,该项目有望成为所有人的城市客厅。
第三个获奖作品是由思维可建筑事务所设计的荷兰蒂尔堡“机车棚”图书馆,该项目选择了兼顾可达性、开放性与多样性的相关策略,还利用了现存结构:建于1932 年的机车厂的两个旧的、废弃的工作大厅,经过一丝不苟的改造,现在成为该市新的市政图书馆,位于火车站北侧的荒凉地带。近90%的原始结构得以保留,而两个大厅的原始尺度非常不宜人——面积为90m×60m,高度为15m——现在被多个夹层和画廊分解,所有这些都可以从位于建筑中央的层叠式开放楼梯进入。中央入口大厅横跨所有楼层:它同时是一个主入口、购物广场和活动论坛。为了应对同时发生的空间利用而仅用分区系统选择性控制,比如在大厅举办多个活动,佩特拉·布莱瑟和她的内/外工作室设计了与建筑等高的纺织窗帘,作为灵活有声效的房间分隔物,同时暗示了蒂尔堡悠久的纺织传统。在这个项目里还可以通过一个公共长廊横穿整个建筑,又再降低了可达性的门槛。
IUPA 2021 通过这3 个获奖项目再次诠释了如何以高质量的方式重新利用场地和现存建筑——怀着对早期建筑实体和建筑历史的尊重,改造或转型可以取得成功。□
4 北京2022首钢滑雪大跳台中心,2021年世界未来城市计划一等奖Big Air Shougang,Beijing 2022 by TeamMinus of THAD,First Prize,IUPA 2021
While Big Air Shougang takes the public spectacle of a competitive sporting event as a point of departure for urban revitalisation,the other two recipients of IUPA recognitions strives to activate public spaces through culture.In the small but expanding city of Skellefteå in northern Sweden,the second tallest timber high-rise worldwide,with twenty full stories,accommodates a hotel that rises from a four-story pedestal complex that links a variety of urban cultural facilities flexibly with one another.In the interior,the "Sara Kulturhuset" by White Arkitekter groups six halls with performance stages that seat between 50 and 1200 spectators,surrounded by the transparent exterior shell that contains the public reading rooms of the municipal library,extensive exhibition,theatre,and conference spaces,as well as publicly accessible roof terraces.A public promenade through the building,with its large open staircase,also ensures that the building will be used by passersby as well,who will hopefully enjoy unanticipated encounters with the complex's cultural offerings.With its central location between the train station and the town hall,the building promises to become an urban living room for all.
The third award recipient,the project "LocHal" in Tilburg in the Netherlands,designed by Civic Architects,chose a related strategy for generating accessibility,openness,and diversity,and also uses a pre-existing structure:two older,disused work halls of a locomotive plant,built in 1932,were subjected to a scrupulous metamorphosis,and now serve as the city's new municipal library,set on the inhospitable northern side of the train station.Nearly 90% of the original structure was preserved,while the almost inhuman original dimensions of the double hall– which covers an area measuring 90 m× 60 m and rises to a height of 15 m– is now broken up by multiple mezzanine floors and galleries,all accessed from a central,cascade-style open staircase.The central entrance hall spans all levels:it is simultaneously a main entrance,market square,and event forum.To allow for concurrent utilisations such as events in the hall,which is climate controlled only selectively,Petra Blaisse and her Inside/Outside Studio created building-height textile curtains that serve as flexible,acoustically efficacious room dividers while alluding to Tilburg's long-standing textile tradition.Here as well,the building can be traversed via a public promenade,again generating low-threshold accessibility.
With these three prize-winning projects,IUPA 2021 demonstrates again how places and existing architectural structures can be reutilised in high-quality ways– how modifications or transformations can succeed by showing respect for earlier architectural substance and architectural history.□