Boris Schade-Bünsow
7 年前,我们同《世界建筑》的同事们合作举办了一场关于建筑和城市设计的主题研讨会。会议期间,我们讨论了欧洲、北美和中国共同面临的问题,设立“世界未来城市计划”奖项的想法由此而生。这个奖项旨在探讨如何解决公共空间、建筑和城市设计中世界各地共同面临的问题。我们得以接触不同的解决方案、互相学习,获奖者来自世界各地。2021 年8 月,我们结束了在柏林和北京同步举办的两地会议。我们对两地会议最终结果的高度匹配感到非常高兴。
Seven years ago,we set up a conference dealing with architecture and urban design withWA,our colleague from China.During this conference,we are talking about the same issues in Europe,North America and China as well.So the idea came up,to set up an award,an international award facing these problems of public space,architecture and urban design.So we set up this International Urban Project Award (IUPA) to see works from all over the world facing this challenges.What we see are different solutions we could learn from.We have our winners from North America and China,as well as from Europe.On 6th August we just finalised our dual meeting in Berlin.We were very excited about the decision made by Beijing matching the results in Berlin.
1-4 柏林评审现场Jury meeting in Berlin
CAO Jiaming
Vice President,the Architectural Society of China
President,the Architectural Society of Shanghai China
我觉得“世界未来城市计划”非常有意义,它是中外建筑师一个非常好的交流平台,反映出国内外所关注问题的高度一致。以前我们的一些评审工作,多数是对设计本身的关注,而IUPA 所关注的问题是已经超越了建筑的本身。因此我们的评审不仅仅看一栋建筑,还要看它对所在街区、城市能够带来什么,能够为生活在这座城市的人们带来什么,这就是IUPA 的一个特点。这一届的报奖项目与前两届相比类型更加多样,例如建筑保护更新、高密度城区优化、多层次景观,甚至还有一些市政设施,比如桥梁、道路,等等。而且这次来自中国的优秀项目也越来越多了,令人感到十分欣喜。
Kristin Feireiss
2013-2017 Member of the Jury of the Pritzker Architecture Prize
2012 Member of the International Jury for the Architecture Biennale in Venice
我很高兴也很荣幸第三次担任“世界未来城市计划”的评委,这个重要的奖项颇具开创性,旨在讨论城市的转型。我们为2021 年征集的项目数量之多感到兴奋,项目的质量也相当令人满意。参赛设计师的年龄层次普遍较低,项目规模跨越了从大到小的多种尺度。对我来说,一些项目非常实际,涉及到滨水区域,我们都知道这意味着什么。在欧洲,德国或是奥地利,如何使滨水区更安全、更有吸引力是许多专家深思熟虑、寻求突破的方向。卡索应急景观也为我们带来启发:如果建筑一栋接一栋临街而建,人们参与的空间就被压缩了,因此建筑之间的空间,可以为人们提供交流场所,我喜欢这个想法。
It's a great pleasure and honour for me to be for the 3rd time jury member of International Urban Project Award.This international award is important and pioneering because this is about the transformation of cities.My two colleagues and I were very excited to see an enormous amount of projects,and about their quality.The designers are relatively young.I was very excited that they have projects both in small scale and large scale.For me,there were some projects which were actually dealing with the waterfront.We know what this means,meanwhile,also for us in Germany or Austria and really thoughtfully also together with experts to find solutions on how to make a waterfront safe and attractive.Another landscape project also inspired us:if buildings are built one by one on the street,the space for people to participate is compressed,so the space between buildings can provide a place for people to communicate.
LI Cundong
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Secretary-General,the Architectural Society of China
Sauerbruch Hutton事务所联合创始人及项目总监
Matthias Sauerbruch
Co-Founder and Director,Sauerbruch Hutton
“世界未来城市计划”所关注的内容与公共空间、都市生活以及城市规划相关,这些议题对于无论是一名学者还是项目总监的我来说,都非常令人感兴趣。我们有许多项目是针对这些问题提出的解决方案。而且,我们也非常自豪,我们在威尼斯的一个项目曾入围 2019 年评选名单。2021 年我们看到了大量高水平的项目,想要在这些高质量的申报项目中做出选择真的很困难。因此,我们设定了标准,选出那些能够与城市形成交流、为周围公众做出贡献的建筑作品。同时,我们也对基础设施项目保持关注,它们是大环境的一部分,已经超越了单纯的功能体现,成为了空间中各元素的纽带,并为附近的市民带来额外的好处或特别的体验。
5-8 北京评审现场Jury meeting in Beijing
International Urban Project Award (IUPA) is all about public spaces,about urbanism and the city which is the subject that I'm deeply interested in both as an academic and also as the sort of director of my practice.There are many projects which deal with this issue.As a matter of fact,we were very proud to have our project in Venice on the shortlist in 2019.We have seen an enormous number of really high level projects that deal with the issues of the city and public spaces,and the relationship of building basically a piece of architecture in the city.It was really difficult to choose amongst the submissions.We were looking for architectural pieces that are somehow communicating with the city and contributing somehow to the public around.At the same time,we maintain a focus on infrastructural projects that are part of a larger context and have gone beyond mere functional embodiment to become a link between elements in the space and provide an additional benefit or special experience for the citizens of the neighbourhood.
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Dean,Professor,School of Architecture and Urban Planning,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture