

江苏科技报·E教中国 2022年2期


In most other sectors than education, smart technologies are used as a tool to enhance the cost-efficiency of operations, making services faster and often cheaper. While education might be behind most other sectors in this respect, digitalisation is also making many educational processes more efficient as interactions between stakeholders and educational institutions become increasingly automated. To what extent will digitalisation allow for enhanced cost-efficiency and productivity in education?

Digital technology has not always delivered on its cost-efficiency promises in the past because one has sometimes forgotten that, beyond the initial investment, it needs to be continuously upgraded, maintained, etc. Nevertheless, as in other sectors, there are good reasons to believe that smart technologies could increase cost-efficiency in education.

One example lies in the application (and admission) process to educational institutions. They are increasingly undertaken through digital platforms, especially in higher education, where a “matching” (or selection) process is often necessary. In cases of open admission institutions, when no selection is required, implementing seamless automated processes is even easier.

A second area where digitalisation could possibly lead to cost-efficiency is the provision of verifiable degrees and other credentials on blockchain. The gradual development of an infrastructure for digital credentials and the adoption of open standards will gradually lead to a different way of certifying and holding degrees, with individuals being able to manage their qualifications themselves.

A third area where cost-efficiency is underway is the collection of system-level statistical information. While statistical information often relied on the establishment of statistical panels (of representative samples of individuals or institutions) and often involved multiple handlings of the same data, the use of administrative data combined with the interoperability of diverse systems has made it much easier to get statistical information from operational services in almost real time.

Concluding remarks

Introducing digital tools in schools and universities may not have a narrow objective but be a tool to trigger change and improvement efforts. It is also a way for formal education to be part of its digital time. Should schools and universities resist or embrace digitalisation, which is gaining ground in all OECD societies, regardless of what happens in education? While formal education systems should empower everyone to enjoy, access and learn from all the knowledge and experiences that have been developed by humanity, education should be more than a museum.

One scenario would be for education to change minimally and continue to have little adoption of technology and digital resources in teaching and learning. This may mean that most smart technologies would be available privately for out-of-school learning for those who can afford it. The education technology market would continue to mainly target its supply to the informal education market and corporate training. One long-term question in this scenario is whether education systems will remain relevant and whether out-of-school learning could become as important or more important than in-school learning.

A second scenario would be for education to look similar, on the surface, but become quite different, exactly as cars or planes look more or less the same as 40 years ago, but have become quite different now that they are fully equipped with sensors and computing devices. Education establishments may also become connected buildings with cameras, sensors and digital devices supporting students, teachers and administrators to make decisions to improve their teaching, learning and management practices. Technology may also become more prevalent for learning at home, with more intelligent tutoring resources etc. available for everyone to use.

A third scenario could be for education to build on smart technologies and other social trends related to digitalisation to reshape as a social institution. People may increasingly telework, more schoolwork may happen at home, sometimes with more involvement of parents and communities, and social time in school may become used mainly for individual tutoring and collective learning.

The two latter scenarios would have implications for teachers and the main aspects of teaching, but also for what it means to be a student and how parents can support their children. Similar scenarios could be envisaged when it comes to the management of education systems and organisations. For example, many administrative processes could be fully automated, from assessments to the allocation of students to different educational institutions.

Of course, the future might hold completely different scenarios or any combination of them. But now is the time to think about what is possible and how digital technology can best support the improvement of education.
















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