林肯表演艺术中心公共空间及爱丽丝•塔利音乐厅、茱莉亚音乐学院、美国芭蕾舞蹈学校 美国纽约市
设计单位:DS+R 建筑事务所,FXFOWLE 建筑师事务所
剧院设计:Fisher Dachs 设计事务所
照明设计:L’Observatoire 国际公司
施工管理:Turner 建筑施工公司
项目面积:699 999 平方呎
项目年份:2009 年—2012 年
项目摄影:Iwan Baan,Nanette Melville,Matthew Monteith
Architects:Diller Scofidio+Renfro,FXFOWLE Architects
Design Team:Ove Arup &Partners,Fisher Dachs Associates,Jaffe Holden Acoustics,
Heintges &Associates,L’Observatoire International,2 x 4,Scharff/Weisberg,
Jerome Gillman,Shen Milsom &Wilke,CSI,Poltrona Frau
Construction Manager:Turner Construction
Original Architect:Pietro Belluschi
(also original architect of The Juilliard School)
Size:699 999 GSF
Year:2009 -2012
Photographs:Iwan Baan,Nanette Melville,Matthew Monteith
该中心是美国本土首座表演艺术综合体,也是全球第一座集各类艺术于一体的表演艺术中心。它最初由戈登·邦夏(Gordon Bunshaft)、菲利普·约翰逊(Philip Johnson)、埃罗·沙里宁(Eero Saarinen)等人共同设计完成,已历经50年沧桑风雨,不仅建筑结构需要翻修,设计理念也需要革新。历经几代社会政治变革,面向当前多元化受众层次,DS+R建筑事务所对这座占地16英亩的建筑重新设计改造,将其现代主义建筑风格重新诠释成为当代建筑语言。重建项目几乎覆盖方方面面,包括公共空间、茱莉亚音乐学院、可容纳1,100人的爱丽丝·塔利音乐厅(Alice Tully Hall)和美国芭蕾舞蹈学校。
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts is the premiere performing arts complex in the US and the first worldwide to bring all the arts to one campus.After 50 years of wear and tear since it was conceived by Gordon Bunshaft,Philip Johnson,Eero Saarinen and others,Lincoln Center was in need of both a physical and philosophical update.DS+R’s renovation and redesign reinterprets the modernist genetic code of the existing 16 acre campus into a language that speaks to a diverse audience after several generations of social and political change.The redevelopment project touched virtually all aspects of the campus — its public spaces,the Juilliard School,the 1,100 seat Alice Tully Hall,and the School of American Ballet.
Public space projects included the design of a new grand entrance to the campus over a submerged access road;a redesigned main plaza and fountain;a bosque and redesigned reflecting pool;a network of smart technologies integrated with traditional building materials to deliver real-time information throughout the campus;the Hypar Pavilion,a twisted grass lawn over a new destination restaurant and screening rooms for the Film Society;the Lincoln Center Pedestrian Bridge,and the conversion of 65th Street from a service roadway into the new “Avenue of the Arts.”
分析图 diagram
茱莉亚音乐学院平面图 Juilliard School plans
剖面图 section
剖面图_剧院范围 short section_theater scale