2002年的硅谷,有一条非常繁华的街,那就是山景城的卡斯特罗街。当时的Palo Alto的大学街冷冷清清,科技文化在1995年的经济萧条后,尚未在这个后来的“宇宙中心”恢复元气。而卡斯特罗街却是人山人海,白天晚上都有工程师和创业者在那里吃饭喝酒,甚至在咖啡馆开会。那个时候我常常带着我的两个女儿去一家台湾人开的、叫“元宝之家”去吃牛肉面。我和汉字叔叔就是在这个店里认识的,但我对当时对话并没有任何印象,只记得他说自己来自俄勒冈州的梅德福(Medford)小镇,那个镇有很多微型啤酒厂,还有一个1910年成立的全球最大的美食邮购公司 Harry & David。汉字叔叔叫理查德 · 西尔斯 (Richard Sears), 在一个高科技公司当工程师。后来他的太太从台湾来看他,我请他们在家里吃饭。谈话间可以听出,太太并不能理解理查德这种把钱都花在汉字研究上的执着。他有个网站,将汉字电脑系统化,他把工资和时间都投在了这个网站上。他们后来离婚了,我觉得她无法理解他的志向和兴趣,他也无法满足她过正常生活的愿望。
报纸刊登了一张黑白照片,那是童年的汉字叔叔与父母兄长站在一起。照片上那个抱着橄榄球、可爱地咧着嘴笑的白人小孩,谁能猜想到他一生的命运如此坎坷多舛?他一直在美国东部过着漂泊无居的生活,一边工作一边继续研究汉字的发展模式,倾囊建立了“Chinese Etymology字源”网站。
在意识到世界上只有7%的人将英语作为母语来使用,而有20%的人說汉语后,1972年,22岁的理查德 · 西尔斯决定买一张单程飞机票飞到台湾学习汉语。
2011年的某一天,一位中国网友发现了他的网站,忍不住发了一条这样的微博:“这个人叫理查德 · 西尔斯,他用20年的工夫(1991—2011)手工将中国甲骨文、金文、小篆等字形数字化处理,并上传网络,供所有人免费使用。”接下来的一个月,这条微博被不断转发,他被中国的网友们亲切地称为“汉字叔叔”,网站点击量达到了60万。那时的他还在美国过着简朴潦倒的生活。自从中国人发现了他,他才引起了极大关注,“汉字叔叔”的名号不胫而走。理查德受邀到中国研究古代汉字,并在北京师范大学教授物理。2011年以来,“汉字叔叔”在中国的知名度与日俱增,媒体曝光量也随之大幅增长。时至今日,他的网站仍是在华外国人学习汉字的主要平台。
2021年9月,我接到汉字叔叔的邀请,他的工作室将在南京揭牌。以下是邀请函的部分内容:经沟通汇报,专家组评审,南京市委宣传部于近日批复,同意设立“汉字叔叔工作室”作为“南京市文化名家工作室”,依据《南京市文化人才工作室引进管理细则》运作管理,兹定于 2021 年 9 月 17 日 15 时在南京海智湾·紫东国际人才街区举行“汉字叔叔工作室”揭牌仪式,届时将有多位政府领导、行业专家、知名文化企业代表以及新闻媒体朋友参加。谨此,感谢您多年来对汉字叔叔研究工作的关心与支持,诚挚地 邀请您拨冗出席揭牌仪式活动,共同见证这一难忘时刻!活动现场设置了汉字叔叔工作与作品展示区,并采用了AR等科技手段进行了现实增强,欢迎您参观体验与现场指导。希望今后您能继续关注支持汉字叔叔的相关工作!
至今,由汉字叔叔理查德 · 西尔斯创建的汉字字源网站是世界上最大的免费汉字字源库,全球的月访问量达100多万次,用户遍及世界170多个国家和地区。2020年,“汉字叔叔”拿到了“中国绿卡”,打赢了侵权官司,创业的产品也陆续上市……到中国近10年,辗转不同的城市,总是漂泊的“汉字叔叔”终于有了“家”。这一次,他说:“不想走了。”
Uncle Hanzi and His Hanzi Research
By Zhang Ci
There are many legendary stories in Silicon Valley in US. Uncle Hanzis story is one of them. The documentary film Chinese in Silicon Valley we made also has Uncle Hanzi in it. Although he has blue eyes, he actually knows Chinese characters and their history better than most Chinese people.
Castro Street in Mountain View was very prosperous in Silicon Valley in 2002. Lots of engineers and entrepreneurs went there eating, drinking or having business meetings in the café day and night. It was in a restaurant called Yuanbao House on the street, I first met Uncle Hanzi, aka Richard Sears. Coming from Oregon, he worked in a high-tech company as an engineer. But he had a great passion for Chinese language. He almost spent all his spare time and money researching Chinese characters and attempting to computerize them. I guess thats the reason for his divorce since her wife couldnt understand his aspirations and he couldnt fulfill her desire to live a normal life.
Once my family went to the Golden Gate Park Botanical Garden in San Francisco with Uncle Hanzi. He introduced those strange flowers and plants in Chinese to us. We were so impressed with him, especially of his propound knowledge of Chinese characters.
Then Uncle Hanzi disappeared from our lives for years till we saw an article about him in World Daily. He has been roving in the East of US these years, working, researching on the evolution of Chinese characters and running a website called “Chinese Etymology” with all his efforts. To trace the etymology of Chinese characters is definitely a state level project. You cannot imagine that an American is willingly to spend all his money and time doing this throughout his lifetime, which, to be honest, should be done by the Chinese people.
In 2017, I met Uncle Hanzi again in Shanghai and learnt about his experience during those years. In 2002, he lost his job in Silicon Valley due to economic crisis and lived a very tight life. Despite all his personal difficulties, he didnt stop his research on Chinese characters nor did he accept any commercial advertising on his website. He attempted to find contributions, but failed. Thats why he finally decided to came to China for support later.
Back in 1972, Sears was determined to learn Chinese and bought a one-way air ticket to Taiwan. He couldnt even say a word of Chinese at that time and whats even worse was he got only 80 US dollars left. He found a job there while learning Chinese and returned to US later. In 1994, he got a severe heart attack, which made him decided that if he had only one year left, what he most wanted to do was to computerize all the ancient Chinese characters from Shuowen Jiezi (literally “discussing writing and explaining characters”), a dictionary dated to the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220). Then in the following 25 years, he collected over 96,000 ancient Chinese characters and built up the data base.
In 2011, Sears became famous overnight on Chinese social media after a Chinese blogger wrote a post about his Chinese etymology website. Amazed with his two decades of effort researching Chinese characters, Chinese netizens gave him an affectionate nickname Uncle Hanzi (Hanzi Iiterally means “Chinese characters”). He was invited to continue the research and taught physics in Beijing Normal University. Since then, Uncle Hanzi has developed a growing influence across China and got more and more attention from public media. Till now Chinese etymology is still the most popular website for foreigners to learn Chinese characters.
In September 2021, I got an invitation from Uncle Hanzi to attend the opening ceremony of his studio in Nanjing. I asked my friends home to send three flower baskets up to 1.8 meters and asked my calligrapher friends in Zhejiang to write a plaque of “Xinghan Cuican” (literally “a sea of bright stars) for Uncle Hanzi to celebrate the milestone.
Now “Chinese Etymology” has become the biggest free data base of Chinese characters, with over one million monthly visits and users hail from 170 different countries and regions across the globe. After staying for a decade in China, Uncle Hanzi finally obtained the green card in 2020. And he said he did not want to move any more this time: his studio has become his new home and China has become a new home.