It was a Friday morning, 7:30a.m. I felt too lazy todrive my car, so my son booked an uber. In five minutes,the uber reached at the entrance gate, waiting for my arriv-al. Ijust saw the cab number and entered inside the car. Iwas so busy that I didn ' t pay any attention towards the driv-er. I was searching for an important paper from my leatherbag, so instantly said, "Please, go quick! I'm in a hurry ! "
The voice came, "Yes, Ma ' am! "
I was literally surprised when I heard a female voice! Istopped my work for a second and looked at the driver. Thedriver was a young lady. Maybe, around thirty or thirty-two ! For the first time, I saw a lady, driving an uber!
The car was running on the national high-way towardsthe destination. It was quite a distance from my home. Shewas driving perfectly well. Hundred times, I had travelledin uber, but never I saw any lady, driving an uber! I didn' tknow, why I became so enthusiastic to know why she hadchosen this profession. I started the conversation, "If youdon't mind, can I ask you some questions? "
"Yes, ma'am! No problem. "
"I guess, you are well qualified! "
"Yes, ma ' am! I have completed my education. I havedone my MBA course.
"Oh, wow!Why did you then choose this profession,instead of going for an academic career?"
I could see her face in the rear view mirror. She smiledand the way she expressed her views, I was really amazed!
Very politely, she said, "Driving was my passion frommy childhood, ma' am! Of course I do respect each and ev-ery job. In this case, at least I fulfilled my desire! I lovedriving! I don' t mind for big or small job. I wanted a jobwhere I can get satisfaction. I got offers from m.n.c but thisone I preferred because I like itl I know, I can' t getenough money out of it, yet as I told you'I love driving' !That's it! "