

风景园林 2021年10期







1 中国古代园林史课程讲义(1980 年铅印)The lecture notes of the History of Ancient Chinese Gardens (letterpress printing in 1980)

2 外国园林史课程讲义(1981 年铅印)The lecture notes of the History of Foreign Gardens(letterpress printing in 1981)


3 孙筱祥著《园林艺术及园林设计》Garden Art and Garden Design, a representative work of Sun Xiaoxiang




5 孟兆祯著《避暑山庄园林艺术》Landscape Art of Mountain Resorts, a representative work of Meng Zhaozhen

6 孟兆祯著《孟兆祯文集》Collected Works of Meng Zhaozhen, representative works of Meng Zhaozhen





用电烙铁烫山书法与绘画给了我很大的启发。我用15 W的小电烙铁不经意地碰了一下聚苯乙烯脂,发现其不仅可随意塑形,而且材料也意外地发生了变化。坚硬如石表,用手去摸还扎手,这可喜出望外了,形和意解决了,还有色彩的问题。为了不掉色,决定用丙烯颜料。但聚苯乙烯脂不容易上色,更不能将颜色吸入里层。我在丙烯颜料里加一点肥皂粉,不仅能上色,而且还能被吸入里层(图8)。

7 《中国古代建筑技术史》A History of Chinese Ancient Architectural Techniques

8 孟兆祯先生的假山设计模型Rockery models designed and made by Meng Zhaozhen









Gratitude to The Communist Party of China for Nourishing Landscape Architecture Discipline: In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of Landscape Architecture Discipline

MENG Zhaozhen

Forecasting farsightedly the potential demand of urban construction of New China, Mr. Wang Juyuan and Mr. Wu Liangyong wrote jointly to the responsible authority to suggest establishing the major of Landscape Architecture. In 1951, the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University and the Department of Horticulture of Beijing Agricultural University (now China Agricultural University) jointly inaugurated the major of Landscape Architecture with later awarding of cosignatory diploma to the first batch of graduates.

After graduating from Chongqing Nankai Middle School in 1952, I was fortunately admitted to the major of Landscape Architecture of the Department of Horticulture, Beijing Agricultural University. I jumped up with joy when I found my name in the enrollment announcement of thePeople’s Daily. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know at that time what the major was. I thought I was going to learn how to grow tangor. More excited than that,I would be able to go to Beijing to see Tiananmen Square and experience my favorite Peking Opera.After several days of travel by land and water with a sleepless night on train, I finally arrived in Beijing.I was so overjoyed that I put down my luggage at the Red Building in Shatan Area to go straight to Tiananmen Square. “Beijing is so big and Tiananmen Square is so magnificent,” Facing the fluttering Five-Starred Red Flag in wind, I felt immediately inspired,“My motherland is so great.”

At that time, Beijing Agricultural University was located at Luodaozhuang of Fuxingmenwai Area (now the southwestern part of the middle section of Yuyuantan Park). The campus buildings were arranged compactly, with the East Gate facing the green and vigorous Yuyuantan Park. The light green willows with drooping branches and the tall dark bluish-green lombardy poplars provided not only a superior environment for walking, but also a good learning environment in natural landscape.

Beijing Agricultural University has a strong faculty, primarily because it integrated high-level teachers from multiple collages and disciplines,including agriculture, forestry, horticulture,architecture and landscape architecture. As far as the discipline of agriculture is concerned, the faculty in Beijing Agricultural University was an aggregate of the College of Agriculture of Peking University, the College of Agriculture of Tsinghua University, etc. The fundamental courses of agriculture, such as Soil Science, Meteorology and Botany were taught by well-known professors in lectures usually with hundreds of students in big classrooms. For example, the course ofSoil Sciencewas taught by Professor Hua Meng. I have a deep impression of him and seem to see his smile and hear his voice today as clearly as if he was standing beside me. I remember that he defined the term “soil” as “a matter that has fertility”,with a standard Beijing accent and full rich voice.His sound logic of expression and much explicit lecturing allowed students to take notes easily.The teacher of the Entomology course that had a small class could always bring a boring lesson to life. He taught us how to analyze the regularity of insect life to put forward a treatment strategy accordingly. In his class, there were not only wall charts and pictures, but also live insects in small bottles. Hence, the students nicknamed him “Mr.Insect”. For the examinations, he would bring a few small insects and require his students to make replies to the scientific names, ecological habits,predators and effective control methods of these insects. For the Mensuration course, the teacher taught us how to use sizes of plane tables and gradienters. Taking Beijing Zhongshan Park as a fieldwork site, he would take us to live in the park to survey the landscape terrains and architectures.The teacher of Pomology course often took fresh and dried fruits to classroom for identification by the students. Sometimes, he would cut the fruits into small pieces for us to taste to deepen our impression on fruit species. The Architecture course was taught by a teacher from Tsinghua University.To learn Descriptive Geometry, the students need to understand space through plane. Mr. Jin Chengzao had long taught the course in Tsinghua University. He explained the principles and methods of drawing thoroughly and gave a lot of exercise assignments to consolidate the basis for aerial view drawing. For the drawing course, the students could learn ink rendering, ink grinding, filtering, and layered rendering. The painting course was taught by a professor from Central Academy of Fine Arts.

As a fortunate freshman of Grade 1952 of the major of Landscape Architecture, I believed it is the people that gave me hope so it is my mission to serve the people with my commitment to the profession. It was not until later that I learned that Mr. Wang Juyuan took our class as an experimental class to accumulate experience so as to expand enrollment and develop the discipline. Mr. Wang and Mr. Wu, together with Mr. Zhu Zixuan from Tsinghua University and Mr. Chen Youmin from Beijing Agricultural University prepared the teaching objectives and syllabuses for us. Then Mr.Wang convened a team of well-qualified teachers from all over the country. For example, Mr. Sun Xiaoxiang who taught the courses of Garden Art and Park Garden Design was seconded from Agriculture College of Zhejiang University. It was him who ushered us into the Chinese traditional landscape design. Only after a learner entered the academic door can he or she become a practitioner accumulating persistently practical experience and passing scholarly on the precious traditional gardens to the next generation. In the course of History of AncientChinese Gardens (Fig. 1), Mr. Wang unfolded the unique and excellent garden culture of the Chinese nation and called on the students to deeply explore the tradition and carry it forward.It was a great honor to have the national tradition imprinted in our mind and strive for it in our lives.In addition, I had the opportunity to learn foreign experiences, mainly from the course of the History of Foreign Gardens (Fig. 2) given by Mr. Wang and other courses reflecting the advanced urban and residential greening practices of the Soviet Union to deepen students’ understanding of principles and methods of urban greening planning and design.Mr. Wang had a good command of English, but he studied few Russian. With no Chinese version teaching materials, Mr. Wang spent days and nights reading the original Russian works to translate them into Chinese before he started each class. I still remember that with bloodshot eyes he gathered his strength to give lectures for us. We were deeply moved. Besides, he guided us to do greening design with the first project for a kindergarten in Beijing. The plants must be absolutely safe, nontoxic and thornless and can enlighten children to acquire some knowledge about the nature such as seasonal change in addition to general humane knowledge of plants. Through terrain survey,design, and drawing, we learned how to integrate theory and practice. Mr. Wang also took us to visit ancient gardens onsite. My class consisted of only 7 students, four girls and three boys. In summer,Mr. Wang treated us ice suckers when lecturing on the History of Chinese Gardens. After our graduation, he led us on scientific research programs of Beijing private gardens of the Ming and Qing Dynasties which contributed to our academic orientation in Chinese traditional garden.

Mr. Wang often explained to us the similarities and differences between horticulture and landscape architecture, which made us realize that landscape design is the core of the discipline. Mr. Sun Xiaoxiang invited by Mr. Wang had faithfully and excellently completed this arduous course task. In 1949, the People’s Republic of China was founded.In the early 1950s, Mr. Sun was employed by Mr. Yu Senwen the vice mayor of Hangzhou to complete the design of Viewing Fish at Flower Pond Park which was one of the top ten scenes of the West Lake, but at that time there was only the stone tablet remained in the pavilion. Mr. Sun with his inheriting and innovating spirit made the design of new flower pond, fish watching area according to the original artistic conception, along with the Cedar lawn plantation for members of the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers to spend their activity days. In addition, he designed a natural peony garden by referring to the British practice of large lawn in natural landscape gardens.He had never been abroad before that, and he told us that he learned the practice of the lawn of the English-styled golf course of Shanghai Zhongshan Park. There were planning drawings for the layouts of all natural landscapes for the park including the contour construction drawings for the lawn, the flower pond, fish watching area and the peony garden. The plane and section drawings as well as the pen and light color aerial views of the combination of rockery and stone revetment with aquatic plants reflected the genuine tradition of integrating calligraphy, painting, poetry and seal which is a higher stage I had aspired for all day and night. Chinese Traditional Garden Art imprinted us like a brand. Mr. Sun said that he is the father of modern Chinese landscape design, which is true. His calligraphy and painting complemented his landscape design enabled his followers to gradually learn the real skill of“carrying philosophy in words” and “favoring philosophy through landscaping formations”. His classes contained deep-rooted traditional theories and required good hands-on ability. He often taught his students in person hand by hand. When it came to planting design, he showed his expertise.He studied in Agriculture College of Zhejiang University as an undergraduate where he not only systematically studied Landscape Dendrology and Floriculture with plenty of field practices. He knew many plants and their Latin names. In order to know more plant species, he entreated favor from the plant specimen-collecting staff to take him into the mountains. The staff was experienced in identifying plants by observing plants with his eyes,by smelling and sometimes by chewing and tasting to accurately identify the species and varieties. With a wealth of plant knowledge and combined with the theory of planting layout in Chinese landscape painting, Mr. Sun would tell us that “It is easy to find flowers and trees pleasing, and it is difficult to find out the authentic meaning of landscape settings.” He summarized the planting regimes into solitary planting, symmetrical planting, group planting, group patch planting and forest planting.For example, when talking about group planting,he impressed the students by illustrating how the three, four, five and seven trees can be taken as units for planting design to reflect the artistic inspiration to match vividly and outstandingly with the architecture, landscape rocks, etc. His academic reports and publications are also regarding traditional garden arts (Fig. 3).

His extensive and in-depth disciplinary knowledge came from his immense efforts.He was born a genuine farmer, but he loved culture and art. His elder brother a calligrapher keen on epigraphical art, thus since childhood he studied wood and stone engraving on basis of his calligraphy skills. When he was 90 years old, I pleaded him for seal cutting with the best stone I’ve collected. He agreed with pleasure and engraved my name “孟 兆 祯”. The three carved Chinese characters presents relatively long strokes for the lower parts reminding apparently me of“taking deep roots in learning traditions to grow luxuriant leaves”. I often read his calligraphy and paintings to find that he has both the foundation of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting and the foundation of western perspective of sketch. He first set himself a discipline orientation,that is, the traditional garden art and landscape design. He was instructed by Master Xu Beihong in painting, but he felt he was not good enough in architecture, so he then went to the Nanjing Institute of Technology to seek instructions from Professor Liu Dunzhen. He had accumulated his intelligence strength and practical expertise of landscape design by “reading thousands of books and travelling thousands of miles”. After class, he would participate in teacher-student get-togethers.At a lantern riddle gathering, his word puzzle “the spring rain keeps falling and the wife sleeps alone”baffled everyone. In the end, he said the answer was the Chinese character “one (一)”. He further explained, “the spring rain keeps falling” means the sun is missing, hence one removes the character“sun (日)” from the character “spring (春)”,and then since “the wife sleeps alone” means the husband is not home, then the character “husband(夫)” is meanwhile removed from the character to get the final answer character “one (一)”. Only by then had I realized that cultural foundations were everywhere in life and I could not finish learning them all in my lifelong journey. I then made up my mind to learn to become a person who can not only write, draw and compose, but also can make literati landscape design. Later I found that Beijing Opera and gardens which I am obsessed with in my spare time are both true consolidated cultural carriers of the nation. Mr. Sun said, “a human brain has two halves, and one half is in charge of music which I am not good at.” The students didn’t believe and wanted to challenge him. In fact, Mr.Sun has quite good artistic accomplishment too.In class, he mentioned that before the founding of new China, affected by the symphony of one of Tchaikovsky’s movements, the Drama Society of Zhejiang University performed advanced dramas,and the director was Mr. Sun Xiaoxiang.

In 1956, I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree to become a teacher in my college. At the time of department adjustment, I was transferred from Beijing Agricultural University to Beijing Forestry College (now Beijing Forestry University)located at Xiaozhuang area, a Beijing suburban site where people came to hunt rabbits. It was at the beginning of my career and I felt nervous when I was informed by elder teachers that young teaching assistants should take on many tasks and not be picky. Therefore, I took on the teaching assistant work of two courses, the Descriptive Geometry and Landscape Engineering, and helped Mr. Sun draw teaching wall charts. At that time, I was neither good at drawing nor used to applying colors. In order to satisfy the lecturer, I practiced a lot in my spare time.I had not imaged that I was praised by Mr. Sun for my wall chart drawings of leaf diseases and insect pests for him. In addition, I was appointed as the class instructor of one class in Grade 1956. Students would come to me whenever they needed help.Before the celebration of one New Year, they asked me how much everyone should hand in and how to be cost effective when buying things? In the final analysis, it is a matter of how I cultivate myself by following the motto “The master teaches the trade,but the apprentice’s skill is self-made”. I consulted several senior professors in other departments, and their consensus was to mater the basic theory and master the basic skills of the discipline.

I also asked Mr. Sun what was the basic theory of landscape design, and he introduced me the three ancient books, Ji Cheng’sYuan Ye, Li Yu’sXian Qing Ou Jiand Wen Zhenheng’sZhang Wu Zhi, among which I believe the most difficult and important one isYuan Ye. I therefore invited three old masters proficient in traditional Chinese culture to explainYuan Yefor me. The first master was Mr. Wang Xuemei, a classmate of Comrade Chen Yi. I can understand his Hu’nan dialect, and he liked to quote from classics which did enlighten me now and then. The second master was Mr. Wang Weibai, a very old man with great accomplishments in literature and calligraphy. He started from the original text and expanded to calligraphy and painting to deepen my understanding. In particular,his explanation of “Bixing” (to express figuratively in literature) and “Jiejing” (to organize landscape settings by scenery borrowing) made me initially understand the essence of “imaginal thinking leads to magical achievement” for landscape design. The third one was Mr. Zhang Juncheng who studied forestry history. As my good friend met in Yunnan,he facilitated my understanding with discussions when giving me classes. In this way, I laid a solid foundation of the traditional basic theory (Fig. 4-6).

The basic skills of the discipline include literature and painting. I have had great interest in calligraphy since childhood and used inkstone and red clay to practice calligraphy. At the beginning, I liked the calligraphic style of Yan Zhenqing because the characters in this style appear plump and dignified like a life with full bones and flesh. When I was a first grade primary school kid, the owner of a breakfast shop of the town invited me to write a shop signboard “Kaitang” (meaning “open hours”) for him. This amazed me immensely. “The calligraphy is really useful”, I thought. Gradually, I practiced the calligraphy styles of Ouyang Xiu, Liu Zongyuan and clerical script. After graduating from college, I practiced the Fangsong calligraphy style and artistic calligraphy. I have a precious threadbound replica version ofThe Old Summer Palace Recordthat contains tall straight strokes and the writing resembles knife carving beautifully. The font is clear and elegant. I summarized the writing method to a pithy formula and wrote it down in Fangsong calligraphic style for demonstration in my drawing course. Some young teachers came to invite me to publicize my Fangsong calligraphy when they taught drawing courses. I once admired the calligraphers who could write artistic calligraphy, meeting the needs of writing banners and posters with Chinese characters symmetrically structured with full delicate strokes. Whenever my writing was requested, I offered help with my best calligraphic efforts. In this way, I was finally able to write engineering printing styled characters. For me, the prime difficulty is on drawing because the competence of drawing landscapes, architectures,rockeries and various structures is never achieved overnight. To learn landscape drawing, I referred to famous teachers’ and literati’s landscape paintings and illustrations published in academic journals.With primary grip of the perspective sketching there is little need to spend much time learning how to draw aerial views. I kept imitating the attached drawings of the roof types at the end of the bookChinese Architecture Historywhenever I had spare time. As time passed, I could draw aerial views with a line drawing pen. Learning how to draw rockery was another special project. I joined master Han Liangshun’s rockery team to learn how to set stones and build rockery and worked as a teaching assistant to help graduation thesis-writing students summarize ten-character formula regarding Zhang Weiting’s rockery structuring technique. I could not afford buying stones so used mortar, partly-burned coal balls instead and tied rope knots into small models.There was an inspiring story. Once time, I was assigned the task of compiling the chapter of stone setting and rockery building in the bookHistory and Development of Ancient Chinese Architecture(Fig. 7) that contained many illustrations. The chief editor knew my drawing level and said, “Just draw a sketch first, and then we’ll find someone to draw the formal version for publication.” These words irritated me so I determined to make them use my sketches. I could affirm my achievement from hardship year after year, but I did keep practicing despite of failures until I could artistically use a brush to draw mountain stones on typing paper.The chief editor first invited a traditional Chinese painter to imitate my drawings, but the effect was unsatisfactory. Then he invited an architect to draw,again not satisfied. In the end, he gave up and decided to publish my sketches in Hong Kong.

Among all basic discipline skills that I have specified, the most difficult skill is how to design stone settings and rockeries. To exercise the motto “reading thousands of books and travelling thousands of miles”, I can collect and read as many books as I can and spend my youth visiting all the high mountains and fairylands to witness widely the beauty of natural rocks. Nevertheless, it is difficult for me to replace the rockery masters in rockery construction. The only thing that I could do to make up for this was to learn from as many rockery masters as possible including the famous Zhang family in Beijing, Han family in Suzhou, Master Wang Qifeng in Nanjing and Master Lou Jianyong in Hangzhou. I regarded them as my teachers from bottom of heart,discussing with them about piling up rocks, helped them extract theories, participated in their attendant work, and learnt the essentials of selecting stones for rockery building. With every effort in observing famous rockeries to grasp the essentials of stone setting, I became finally able to put forward rockery model designs acceptable to the masters.

When mentioning the model, I remembered that I had more difficulties to overcome. As one that cannot well portrait the mountains in mind,how can a model be made properly? In the 1970s,Mr. Wu Jiasong the garden craft artist in Guangzhou specialized in sculpture had made many successful works. My first meeting with him came to be much congenial. In order to solve his problem of retaining several little-leaf banyan (Ficus microcarpavar.pusillifolia) trees in the courtyard of the highrise courtyard of the Baiyun Hotel, I put forward the idea of “banyan root wall” from the perspective of “learning from nature and following the rule of nature”. The specific design is to mix the fake banyan roots with the real ones so that after years of growth of real roots to cover over the fake, they would be integrated to become undistinguishable.Master Wu could not agree any more. He was quick in action. With a vivid model finished very soon,he reported to the management and the proposal was approved immediately. Later, I invited him to make models for me too which however were unfortunately too large and heavy to transport.

I realized that I must rely on my own efforts to overcome difficulties. For a time I try to make models using polystyrene grease as “backbone” and plasticine as “flesh”. It happened that I was going to make a design scheme for Xiyuan Hotel. With the framework set up, I invited a female graduate student who had studied sculpture in Tsinghua University to paste up the plasticine rockery model. I stood beside her waiting, watching and also trying to learn some skills. But I didn’t expect that with more than three hours passed, there was still no shape of stones.With only about 20 minutes left, I started to carve and even pinch the plasticine with a small penholder.Then the shape of stones appeared instantaneously.With mountains in my heart, the gullies, peaks, caves and valleys came out of my pen vigorously one after another. The images were so vivid and everyone was satisfied. Although the plasticine model was easy to deform under high temperature, the event of innovation established firmly my self-confidence in building rockery models.

The application of electric soldering irons to make rockery models. Calligraphy and landscape painting inspired me significantly too. I accidentally used my 15-Watt electric soldering iron to touch the polystyrene grease to find that the polystyrene grease can be shaped at will and the materials changed unexpectedly too. It became as hard as a stone surface. When touching it with hand, I even feel prickly. I was pleasantly surprised. After solving the problems of forming and meaning, there was only the problem of color. In order to keep the color, we decided to use acrylic paint. However, the polystyrene grease does not dye easily with coloring material absorbed. Then I added a little soap powder to the acrylic paint, which easily resolved the two problems (Fig. 8).

The first work was Xue Baochai’s courtyard in the Grand View Garden in Xuanwu District (now Xicheng District), Beijing. In the bookA Dream of Red Mansions, the mountains, and rockeries were described as abrupt and higher than the wall.Xue Baochai was a cold beauty good at scheming,outwardly gentle but inwardly insidious. Therefore,I designed caves in the rockery and planted trees with spiny white flowers. The scale was 1:100 and the model was vivid. With Master Han Liangyuan from Suzhou as the foreman, we cooperated with others to put the model into reality.

The first masterpiece was the Beijing Olympic Forest Park which covers a large area and needs cascade waterfalls. In the master plan, the scenery“Lin Quan Gao Zhi” (forest waterfall hangs over)named after an ancient book is consistent with the principle of “adapting historical traditions to create updated formations to meet the development needs of the times” inYuan Ye. At that time, Beijing was hosting the Olympic Games, and the central idea was “one world, one dream”.

This dream is world peace. The Games would be suspended in time of war and hosted in time of peace. Therefore, I suggested that the scenery name could be changed into “Lin Quan Ao Meng”(Olympic dream hangs over forest waterfalls).“Ao (奥)” in Chinese means both Olympic and wonderful secrets. Even after the Olympic Games,the scenery name can be interpreted as the great ambition of the Chinese Dream.

The first step is to recondition the existing landform, change the steep slopes into gentle valleys, and straights into curves. For the key parts,valleys were made into steep gullies, and the roads in the park were integrated with hills and rockeries.The athletes of the Olympic Games come from different countries. Therefore, the mountain spring water are multiply sourced for merging.When making earth mountains, contour lines and 1:100 model were used to form the primary and secondary water sources to confluence. With the springs and waterfalls joining the main stream and formation of the earth mountains and valleys,the site base of the rockery could be determined.We once wanted to carve “Yi Yu Tong Tian”(worldly lands under the same sky) on rock wall to represent “one world” and to name the pond“Cheng (澄)” to represent peacefulness. As stated in Chairman Mao’s poems “The world becomes peaceful and dustless for thousands of miles”, the single character “Cheng” connotes peacefulness or tranquility. Unfortunately, these design ideas were not implemented in the end. The piled stone hills in the former section were constructed under the guidance of master Han Jianguo, and the latter section completed under the guidance of the sonin-law of master Han Liangyuan. The two teams worked together to achieve a great success. At that time, the chairman of The British Landscape Institute visited the construction site and asked how such a huge project design was completed.When we told him the truth, he expressed his great admiration. The person in charge of the design project inspected the construction site during a heavy rain and found water leakage at the bottom of the stream, which was solved in time. In the planning of piedmont, the large tea house in the original plan was changed into a cave tea house.

Without The Communist Party of China(CPC), there would be no new China. Without new China, the current landscape architecture discipline would be nowhere. The 70 years witnessed the indispensable contribution the first generation teachers who pioneered the discipline and guided us and whom we owe uttermost thanks. We teaching faculty and students today should thank CPC with actions. It is the warm grace and care of CPC that create conditions for Landscape Architecture discipline to develop in terms of both scale and quality as it is today. With the lasting grace nurturing and warm care of CPC, the society of the discipline has evolved from an affiliate of the Architecture Society of China to an independent first-class discipline society. When academician Zhou Ganzhi was chairing the society, the IFLA membership of the People’s Republic of China was regained. The mouthpieces journal of the discipline,Chinese Landscape ArchitectureandLandscape ArchitectureJournal in both content and form has reached the level of a core journal in China. Moreover,the landscape greening in cities and towns of the country has been generally improved. The famous ancient mountains and gardens are protected and repaired, and people become increasingly satisfied with the quality of landscape architecture education,scientific research, and quality of construction practices. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s philosophy of “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” are practiced and heartfeltly accepted by the nationals. On the basis of poverty alleviation, we are going to realize comprehensive modernization.General Secretary Xi Jinping requires us to scale new heights and all teachers and students should put his call into actions. In 2021, the whole country is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Communist Party of China who will pass on its prime leadership generation after generation.The leadership of CPC Central Committee will be materialized into practical actions to build up the“community with a shared future for mankind”.As instructed by General Secretary Xi Jinping recently, we shall “adhere to the goal and direction of building up world-class university with Chinese characteristics” and “strive to construct discipline system, academic system, and discourse system with Chinese characteristics, in Chinese style and in Chinese manner”. As a long-term endeavors,Xi’s instructions shall be implemented with our unremitting efforts by integrating with the “beautiful China” and “Chinese dream” and to benefit the community of common destiny for all mankind.Our goal will certainly be achieved, and the “Chinese dream” and “beautiful China” will surely come true. China’s peace oriented development in face of difficulties has received extensive support from most countries in the world. We all shout from bottom of our hearts to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Communist Party of China. Long live The Communist Party of China!

Sources of Figures:

All figures are provided by the author.

(Editor / LIU Yufei)

Translator: WANG Xiyue

