文/马克·吉特(Mark Jit) 译/张佳艺
I believe anyone in the world agrees that solid global cooperation is necessary to prevent and control major infectious diseases.
The global cooperation in the prevention and control of major infectious diseases has many perspectives for consideration. The term “externality” is the cost or benefit born by a party due to another party producing or consuming something. The party can be a person, an organization, or even a country. Here in the field of infectious diseases, the party is a country. Supposed there is an infectious disease if country A takes action (e.g., starting a vaccination program), there is a positive that both countries A and country B will benefit. On the other hand, if country A stops non-pharmaceutical interventions, the negative externality is that disease incidence in country B increases due to more infected travelers from country A. Therefore, no country can decide or only concern for itself in the prevention and control due to the externalities in the actions, especially during the global epidemic. Accordingly, every country should consider the impact of its efforts on other states or even the entire world.
Public health emergencies of international concern
The World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC), meaning an extraordinary event is determined to constitute a public health risk to other states through the international spread of disease and to require a coordinated global response potentially. The WHO declared PHEIC 6 times: H1N1pdm09 in 2009, Polio and Ebola in 2014, Zika in 2016, Ebola again in 2019, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID–19) in 2020.
We should deliberate on the control of externalities within the country. The first domain is research and knowledge generation. A country generating knowledge of diseases and spreading the means of control worldwide definitely benefit other countries. The second one is vaccination. One country’s vaccination affects what happens in other countries by reducing inter-country transmission. The third one is travel policies. In the early stage of COVID–19, many countries adopted travel restrictions to control the epidemic. All countries have their shares of responsibility for preventing and controlling the epidemic rather than placing hopes on a particular country. Travel restrictions vary from country to country. Some limits are crucial to stop the exportation of infected cases or viruses. However, we cannot ignore the impact of travel restrictions on the economy. According to statistics, global GDP has declined by 1.8% due to the tourism reduction. Therefore, it is necessary to find the balance between economic growth and travel restrictions to control the epidemic to a certain extent while not hitting the global economy too hard.
Share information to promote global cooperation
When COVID–19 broke out, China identified and published the genome sequence of the corona virus soon. Besides, the research results and papers published by different countries on COVID–19 are also a kind of information sharing, which will rapidly benefit the whole world. In this respect, it’s evident that China and the US have made significant contributions. Moreover, the strong collaboration among China, the UK, the US, and other countries have shared research results.
世界卫生组织于2020年宣布了一项名为SOLIDARITY的大型全球试验,以确定是否有治疗这种新型冠状病毒感染的方法;于2021年进入SOLIDARITY PLUS试验阶段。该试验代表了世界卫生组织成员国之间最大规模的全球合作,涉及52个国家和地区、600多家医院的数千名研究人员(SOLIDARITY PLUS试验阶段)。
The WHO organized a great global trial to find the treatment of COVID–19 in 2020. This trial entered the Solidarity PLUS trial phase in 2021, representing the most extensive international collaboration among the WHO Member States, covering 52 countries/regions and thousands of researchers over 600 hospitals. There is a critical issue in global partnership, that is, support for a patent waiver. In order to better defeat the COVID–19, many countries have generously shared their research results rather than protect the patent. They waived monopolies for COVID–19 medical tools.
As mentioned above, China’s timely sharing of the genetic sequences and case studies played a critical role in the global collaboration to control the epidemic. There is a lot to be learned from COVID–19: When dealing with PHEIC, more needs to be done to build on current research collaborations and extend knowledge sharing.
Achieve equity in vaccine distribution globally
Vaccination is the most critical aspect of the prevention and control of COVID–19. COVAX Facility, a global program jointly proposed and led by Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), WHO, and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), is an international collaboration to achieve equity in vaccine distribution globally. Many countries around the world are involved in COVAX. The participating economies can be divided into self-financing participants and funded economies. In the process of promoting COVAX, there are still some difficulties. Some countries choose not to participate, or they hold different views on the implementation. Many countries, including Europe and North America, have managed to procure sufficient doses and given them to large proportions of the population. But there are also many parts of the world where the countries are unable to afford these vaccines. The inequity and imbalance of vaccine supply are still crucial factors that we cannot ignore. However, China is now a leading country in terms of vaccine sharing. The US and the UK are lagging in terms of being able to donate or exports vaccines. Vaccination is crucial to the prevention and control of COVID–19, and global vaccine equity benefits the economic recovery in the world. For instance, the European Union, the US, and China can benefit from global vaccine sharing.
In conclusion, actions taken by countries during the epidemic of emerging infectious diseases such as COVID–19 imposed externalities on other countries. Any country’s failure in prevention and control will affect the benefits of other countries. COVID–19 shows both successes and weaknesses in international cooperation, yet global cooperation in disease prevention and control is critical. All possible forces are supposed to be mobilized to control the epidemic until the virus is eliminated.