文/多米尼克·伯特兰 (Dominique Bertrand)
This year’s themes for the Zhong Guan Cun covered three fundamental areas of human beings: Intelligence, Health, and Carbon Neutrality. With these three themes, special treatments can be adopted, in 2021—2022, to reduce infections and the death toll, thus ending COVID–19. Without a worldwide mobilization like this, there will be more deaths. True conditions in each country vary. Don’t forget the Spanish flu from 1918 to 1921. We tend to notice the achievements made in the anti–Covid efforts but ignore the hard truth that science and technology are affected by it.
First, never before have we done so much research to learn about a pandemic like the COVID–19 virus. The circumstances and locations of contamination can be quickly identified, making it possible to take appropriate measures to limit the spread of the epidemic. Thus, biological countermeasures can be used to detect and deter the spread of COVID–19. However, we must also pay attention to COVID–19’s mutability and contagious power.
Second, numerous scientific publications in medical science have focused on clinical trials which, make it possible to apply unified treatment for symptomatic patients. Although there is no wonder drug to cure the COVID–19 virus, such research provides treatment for patients when there is no way out.
The third point is about prevention. If a vaccine is taken as an effective anti-Covid weapon, tracking and isolating the infected are equally important. China has done a great job in tracking and isolation. There was a short time to respond to the COVID–19 outbreak. At the beginning of the epidemic, masks were in dire need, and the wide use of digital applications to track close contacts was also affected. When highly contagious COVID–19 cases broke out in a row, social distancing became extremely important. In the beginning, gatherings of all kinds were banned.
Then, they gradually upgraded anti-epidemic measures by referring to the actions taken in areas with the slightest contagion. For example, in France, we created a health pass, an APP installed and used on the mobile phone. It helps verify the absence of contamination by nucleic acid testing or checking whether the testee has been vaccinated. Close contacts can also use this mobile APP, so this measure has almost minimal human contamination in the most diverse gathering places.
Fourth, vaccines, regardless of their technical routes and the gradually discovered side effects, are most often benign, and side effects occur only in a few cases. Thus, the immunity built up by all is key to collective protection. By August 20, 2021, 70% of the population had been vaccinated in France.
For the young aged 12—17, only half have been vaccinated. As a result, a new wave of vital statistics of population and death is currently underway. Yet science has demonstrated the importance of vaccination.
How come there are people against vaccination? Some may be reluctant to get vaccinated, and some believers, troubled by the potential risks of something unknown and unaware of vaccines, are unwilling to get vaccinated. It is understandable to consider risks, but when implemented for public health, some people believe it is an infringement of their freedom of movement or actions. It is understandable to consider risks, but when implemented for public health, some people believe it is an infringement of their freedom of movement or actions. Such ideas are wrong. All our current measures aim to combat the virus and get rid of contamination. Science is, as always, exposed to the attack of obscurantists; this has been the case since a long time ago.
France was the first Western country to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Since then, many partnerships have been developed in all fields between us. The friendship between our two countries strengthens our cooperation.
Let us never forget that together we will advance, and together we win.