杜瑞 刘静
[關键词] 曲马多;地塞米松;联合治疗;剖宫产产妇硬膜外麻醉;寒战反应;发生率与复发率;药物不良反应
[中图分类号] R614 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)25-0126-04
Effect of tramadol combined with dexamethasone on shivering reaction of parturients after cesarean section under epidural anesthesia
DU Rui LIU Jing
Department of Anesthesia, Huzhou Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital in Zhejiang Province, Huzhou 313000,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the effect and value of tramadol combined with dexamethasone in the treatment of shivering reaction of parturients after cesarean section under epidural anesthesia. Methods A total of 80 parturients with shivering reaction after cesarean section under epidural anesthesia admitted to our hospital from January 2019 to May 2020 were selected. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. 40 patients were treated with fentanyl combined with midazolam as the control group, and the other 40 patients were treated with tramadol combined with dexamethasone as the experimental group. The treatment effect, the incidence of adverse drug reactions and the satisfaction of drug use were compared between the two groups. Results The rate of disappearance of shivering was 97.5% in the experimental group, which was higher than that in the control group(80.0%),with significant difference(P<0.05). The disappearance time of shivering was(2.6±0.3) h in the experimental group, which was shorter than that in the control group [(3.9±0.7)h], with significant difference(P<0.05). The recurrence rate of postoperative shivering in the experimental group was 0, which was lower than that in the control group(10.0%), with significant difference(P<0.05). The recurrence rate of 8 hours after operation was 2.5% in the experimental group, which was lower than that in the control group(17.5%), with significant difference(P<0.05). The total incidence of adverse reactions of postoperative drug was 7.5% in the experimental group, which was lower than that in the control group(25.0%), with significant difference(P<0.05). The total patients′ satisfaction with medication was 100.0% in the experimental group, which was higher than that in the control group(80.0%), and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The shivering is a common complication after epidural anesthesia for cesarean section, which seriously affects the actual implementation of the operation. Tramadol combined with dexamethasone is used to treat the patients. The shivering reaction of the patients is obviously relieved, the duration of shivering is obviously shortened, and the incidence rate of adverse drug effects is extremely low, with higher safety. The patients′ satisfaction with medication is improved, with good clinical effect. It is worth popularization and application.