Kö-Bogen 二期


世界建筑导报 2021年5期

设计:ingenhoven architects,Düsseldorf

摄影:© ingenhoven architects/HGEsch© ingenhoven architects/HGEsch

绵延八公里的角木树篱,3 万多株植物,构成欧洲最大绿色立面墙,而这同样也是Kö-Bogen II 商业办公楼的关键元素。该建筑群标志着杜塞尔多夫市中心的大规模城市改造项目的结束。

Kö-Bogen II 代表了一种范式转变:从城市的角度来看,它标志着脱离汽车时代以及向以人为本规划的转向。它拥有欧洲最大的绿色立面墙,为应对气候变化提供了具有前瞻性的城市策略。将尽可能多的绿色回馈给城市是ingenhoven architects 事务所在不同气候区几十年来的坚持。秉承supergreen®概念,事务所现采取全面可持续性方法。

总建筑面积为4.2 万平方米,综合多种功能——零售、美食、办公和娱乐。影子街是德国最繁忙的购物街之一,沿线主楼正面高27 米,长120 米,完全采用玻璃幕墙设计。内部使用扩展金属板条构造,不同视角,透明度也会有所不同。包括屋顶在内的其他立面墙上种植了8公里长的角木树篱,使整个建筑看起来更加平整。对面10 米高建筑的无障碍倾斜屋顶也完全是绿色装饰,可以让游客尽情放松、晒太阳。

8 kilometres of hornbeam hedges,over 30,000 plants–Europe’s biggest green facade is a key element of the Kö-Bogen II commercial and office building–The ensemble marks the conclusion of an extensive urban renewal project in the heart of Düsseldorf.

Kö-Bogen II Represents a Paradigm Shift:from an urban perspective,it signals a departure from the automotive era and a turn towards people oriented planning.And with Europe’s largest green facade,it offers a forward-thinking urban response to climate change.Giving back as much green as possible to the city is a task that ingenhoven architects have been working on for decades and across different climate zones.With its supergreen® concept,the office is taking a comprehensive approach to sustainability.

A variety of uses–retail,gastronomy,offices,and recreation–come together on a gross floor area of 42,000 square metres.Measuring 27 metres high and 120 metres long,the facade of the main building along Schadowstrasse–one of the busiest shopping streets in Germany–is completely glazed.Expanded metal slats structure the interior,varying in transparency from closed to open,depending on the perspective.The other facades including the roof are more tempered and planted with 8 kilometres of hornbeam hedges.The accessible sloping roof of the 10-metre-high building opposite is also completely green and invites visitors to relax and take in the sun.


设计事务所 芬兰PES建筑师事务所
美国 哥伦布 树篱漫步