

重庆与世界 2021年10期



第二届中英当代艺文展演由英国文化教育协会主办,英国威尔士政府支持,是首个促进中英文化和创意交流的线上展演#Connected By Creativity的延续。活动期间,通过线上和线下结合的模式,共开展了近40场文化表演和项目展示。





第三部短片展示了当今艺术界顶级奖项—Artes Mundi国际当代艺术奖获得者普拉巴卡尔·帕克布奇的系列参展作品。帕克布奇取材威尔士采矿群体的共同文化遗产,创作了一组由系列绘画、横幅和艺术品构成的宏伟装置作品。









The 2nd UK-China Contemporary Culture Festival

"Welsh Night" and "Scottish Night" bring vitality and diverse culture

On September 10 and 17, the British Consulate General in Chongqing respectively held the "Welsh Night" and "Scottish Night" events of #ReConnect the 2nd UK-China Contemporary Culture Festival in Chongqing. It invited guests from all walks of life in the city to appreciate Welsh works in the culture exhibition and savor its diverse culture as well as watch the documentary Eye of the Storm to gain some knowledge of the artistic life of the legendary painter James Morrison.

Organized by the British Council and sponsored by the Welsh Government, the 2nd UK-China Contemporary Culture Festival is the continuation of #Connected By Creativity, the first online exhibition to promote UK-China cultural and creative exchanges. During the event, nearly 40 cultural performances and programs were unfolded by combining online and offline forms.

"Welsh Night": Three Welsh films present vitality and diverse culture

"Welsh Night" showed and analyzed three wonderful Welsh films, such as Or Craig/From the Rock and "Plethu/Weave".

The film Or Craig/From the Rock is part of an international film-making program "Prosiect Mythau (Myths and Legends) Program" which takes place at the International Youth Film Festival of Wales. A short documentary of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage about North Wales, the film tells the story of slate miners in the small town of Blaenau Ffestiniog in North Wales and is produced by two young female filmmakers from Croatia and Colombia.

"Plethu/Weave" is a cross-artform bilingual collaboration between two Welsh national arts companies, Literature Wales and National Dance Company Wales, including many short films such as Ble Mae Bilaadi?, Spell For A New Beginning, Triptych, Good Things to Come and so on. Each short film in the program reflects the personal experiences, fears, and hopes of the artists, and offers the viewers a glimpse into Wales and the world at that time in time.

The third short film shows the exhibition works of Prabhakar Pachpute, the winner of the Artes Mundi International Contemporary Art Award, the top award in the art world. Prabhakar Pachpute draws on a shared cultural heritage with the Welsh mining community to create an installation of paintings, banners, and objects.

"Wales is unique in the world civilization with its distinctive art, culture and creative industries. The three works brought this time show the vitality and diversity of Welsh culture,” said Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales. He expressed in his video speech that China and Wales are important art and cultural partners, and the bilateral cooperation has flourished in recent years. COVID-19 has posed many challenges for the art and culture industry, but also generated more creativity to identify new ways of cooperation to share works.

It is reported that in August this year, the slate landform of Wales was selected into the World Heritage List, becoming the fourth world cultural heritage project approved by UNESCO in Wales and the 33rd landscape selected into the World Heritage List in the UK.

Scottish Night: Eye of the Storm leads the audience to appreciate the artistic life of the legendary painter James Morrison

On "Scottish Night", the British Consulate General in Chongqing shared with everyone the documentary Eye of the Storm about the legendary painter James Morrison. Directed by British director Anthony Baxter, the film has been selected for major film festivals in the United States, Canada and Europe, following its World Premiere at the Glasgow Film Festival.

James Morrison is recognized as one of the best landscape painters in Britain. Eye of the Storm is a fascinating exploration centering on Morrison to identify what it means to be a landscape painter. It is also a poignant and universal story of a creative mind dealing with his own mortality, and the physical frailties that catch up with all of us.

For a long time, Morrison has suffered from progressive deterioration of vision. At the age of 85, after a series of surgeries, he decided to pick up the brush again to paint for his last individual exhibition. Meanwhile, Morrison also agreed to let film producer Anthony Baxter follow and shoot the finale of his career.

The film movingly intertwines Morrison's struggle with old age, with his lively views as a much younger painter, captured in remarkable archive filmed over 50 years ago.

Photos /British Consulate in Chongqing



State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Myanmar’s Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin Inaugurating the Consulate-General of Myanmar in Chongqing国务委员兼外长王毅与缅甸外长温纳貌伦共同为缅甸驻重庆总领事馆揭牌