赵天宇 石娟娟
摘 要:轴承是旋转机械的关键部件,其健康状态对于保障设备的稳定和安全运行至关重要。然而由于其工作环境恶劣、工况多变,使得轴承极易发生故障,从而危及设备运行安全。因此,对轴承实施故障诊断极具意义。当前对轴承故障诊断的工作主要集中在信号处理方法上,存在故障机理研究不足的问题。而故障机理研究是轴承故障特征提取的理论基础,信号处理方法是故障特征提取实现的手段,二者相互依赖相互促进。因此,需要将机理分析和信号处理相结合,形成协同策略,在追根溯源的基础上实现特征提取和故障诊断,构建更为科学和完备的轴承故障诊断理论体系。
关键词:故障诊断 轴承 机理分析 故障特征提取
Mechanism Analysis of Bearing Fault Diagnosis and Research on Synergistic Strategy of Signal Processing
Zhao Tianyu,Shi Juanjuan
Abstract:Bearings are one of the key components of rotating machinery, whose health condition is significant for the stable and safe operation of the devices. However, the bearing is prone to be failure due to the harsh and time-varying working environment, which results in a potential threat for the safe operation of rotating machinery. Thus, the bearing fault diagnosis is indispensable for the industry. At present, most work related to the bearing fault diagnosis is concentrated on the development of signal processing algorithm; however, the work oriented to the fault mechanism analysis is insufficient. Essentially, the fault mechanism and signal processing analyses rely on and support each other. The former forms the base for the fault feature extraction of bearing and the latter is a means for extracting the fault feature. Therefore, it is recommended that the fault mechanism analysis and signal processing algorithm development should be integrated to establish the cooperative strategy for constructing the scientific and comprehensive bearing fault diagnosis system.
Key words:fault diagnosis, bearing, fault mechanism analysis, fault feature extraction
1 引言
2 机理分析—故障激励下轴承的振动响应分析