2020版牛津高中英语Integrated Skills板块 教学设计及思考
摘 要 译林出版社的2020版普通高中英语教科书中的Integrated Skills板块是教学中的重点和难点。通过与牛津译林旧版教科书Task板块的比较,并以《普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)》和《中国高考评价体系》的要求作为教学设计依据,进行Integrated Skills板块的教学设计,并对该板块教学提出了五点教学思考:一是理顺板块内理解技能与表达技能;二是加强各个单元综合技能的关联性;三是依据学生具体情况有序培养表达性技能;四是开展多种类型的说、写活动,说写一体化;五是设计中体现融合性。
关键词 高中英语 Integrated Skills板块 教学设计 教学思考
从2020年秋季开始,随着由译林出版社出版的普通高中英语教科书在江苏省的全面采用,一线高中教师就面临如何教授新版普通高中教科书英语的问题。新版高中英语教科书主要包括welcome to the unit、Reading、Grammar and usage、Integrated skills、Extended reading、Project、Assessment以及Further study八个板块,其中Integrated Skills板块的设置是一个亮点,同时也是新版教材的一个教学难点。针对如何更好地对这一版块开展教学,笔者就此提出一些教学设计以及思考,以期抛砖引玉。
一、Integrated Skills板块教学设计依据
Integrated skills板块主要包括听、读、说、写四个部分,目的是让学生综合运用听、说、读、看、写的技能,完成由理解性技能向表达性技能的转换。这一板块与牛津译林旧版英语教科书的Task板块相比,更具综合性、关联性以及实践性。教材提供了教学内容,那教师怎么来教学呢?教师的教学要遵循教学要求以及测试评价要求。《普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)》(以下简称《课程标准》)指出:英语学科核心素养包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,而英语课程内容是发展学生英语学科核心素养的基础,包含六个要素,即主题语境、语篇类型、语言知识、文化知识、语言技能和学习策略[1]。《课程标准》同时还提出了指向发展学科核心素养的英语学习活动观。活动是英语学习的基本形式,是学生学习和尝试运用语言理解与表达意义、培养文化意识、发展多元思维、形成学习能力的主要途径。以译林出版社的2020版普通高中英语教科书第一册第一单元的Integrated Skills 為例,它的输入部分是Listening: A1 Steps of starting a club, A2 Maggies new school club; Reading: B Maggies proposal for a new club。输出部分包括:Speaking: C Planning a new school club; Writing: D A proposal for a new club. 这一内容的设置目的是帮助学生学习理解,然后进行实践应用,最后进行迁移创新,整个内容具有综合性、关联性和实践性,目的是培养学生分析和解决问题的能力。
根据《中国高考评价体系》指出,高考的考查内容具有四层,即核心价值、学科素养、关键能力以及必备知识;考查要求有四翼,即基础性、综合性、应用性以及创新性。其中,高考英语科的学科素养包括交际、学习和思辨三项指标:交际素养指在相对熟悉或者不熟悉的主题语境中,使用英语与来自不同文化背景的人进行书面和口头交流并达到交际目的意识和能力;学习素养是指在相对简单或者较为复杂的主题语境中,运用多种策略学习英语,并使用英语学习新知识、新技能、新思维方法等的意识和能力;思辨素养指在使用英语进行交际和学习时,独立思考与判断,运用科学的思维方式发现问题、分析问题并解决问题的能力[2]。主题语境是《中国高考评价体系》提出的考查内容和考查要求中的一个关键要素,这也是我们进行Integrated Skills 板块教学设计的一个主要依据。这一板块的教学设计要围绕如何培养学生的语言意识和英语语感来进行,帮助他们提高在常见的具体语境中的语言综合运用能力、独立思考和判断的能力,使其能够更好地理解教材中的口头和书面材料的意义,并迁移、转化为解决自己日常生活中问题的能力。
根据以上对《课程标准》和《中国高考评价体系》的解读,可以看出Integrated Skills板块的教学应该以问题情境为载体,通过听、读教学活动,帮助学生获取信息,在理解掌握之后进行知识整合,最终以说、写的形式培养学生的表达性技能,从而提高学生的英语学科素养。
二、Integrated Skills板块教学设计示例
根据以上所述的教学设计依据,现对译林出版社的普通高中英语教科书第一册第一单元的Integrated Skills板块的四个部分做如下设计:
1.听前导入:通过与主题相关的问题导入,展开师生对话,如:Have you ever joined a school club? What school clubs are you interested in? why? You are supposed to set up a new school club, and what preparations will you make for it?
2.预测A1: Read A1 and predict the steps to start a new school club. What is your prediction based on? Read A2 and try to complete the notes. Could you understand the clue about the notes?
T: Go through the steps of part A1and circle the key information. Then, try to put the steps in your own order.
Possible key information:
[a Give the signed proposal to Mr Zhou.
b With Mr Zhous help, find a place for the club and set up the first meeting.
c Write a proposal for the new club.
d Wait for the proposal to be accepted by the principal.
e Find at least five students to sign up for the first meeting. ]
步骤一:Ss listen to the conversation for the first time and finish the exercise of A1.
T: Now, please listen to the conversation and put the steps of A1 in the correct order. After that, compare your version with the correct one.
步骤二:Ss read A2, try filling in the blanks and then listen again to check their answers.
T: Since you have understood the right steps of starting the new club, now please go through the rubrics of A2. Then listen to their conversation again and get more detailed information. Are your original answers different from the right ones?
步骤三:Ss listen again and pay attention to the wording and intonation of Maggie and Mr Zhou. Try to figure out their identities and personalities.
【设计意图】以上三个步骤的设计意图是当学生第一遍听完材料,让学生把自己的预测顺序和听到的正确顺序进行对比;第二遍听完,让学生完成细节信息的填空; 听第三遍,提醒学生关注材料中人物的身份、语言特点与表达方式。
首先让学生阅读,然后就文本格式、结构以及具体信息提问。问题包括:What are the writing features of a proposal? What sentence pattern is used most frequently? What club do you want to start? What is the aim of your club? When does the club members meet? What are the activities you plan to do at the club? What materials will you need? How will you find new members? 问题的设计要紧紧围绕阅读内容,利用学生的上位知识来构建下位知识。具体教学可以按照以下设计进行:
T: My young friends, after the conversation, Maggie wrote a proposal for her club. Now, lets list some items her proposal might include. For example, her proposal might cover the club name, the club leader, the club aim and so on. Can you come up with other items?
T: Now, turn to Page 9 and read the proposal carefully. Is it different from yours? Which is better? Why?
T: As we can see, the structure of a proposal should include such elements. Nex, you are supposed to write a proposal.
A:I intend to start a film club so that students can learn more about films and film-making. (表明意图)
B:Great idea! Whats the plan for each meeting? (表示赞同,追问细节)
A:We plan to watch films of different types at each meeting. Then we can talk about the acting, the directors styles or anything special in the film. (回答)
B:Club members can also give presentations on the latest films theyve seen. Best of all, we can also invite directors and actors to give talks about films and film-making. (贊同,提建议)
T: In order to make students school life more colourful, you have the intention of starting a new school club. Now choose one school club that interests you most and share your idea of starting a new school club with your partner, using these useful expressions. These useful expressions are helpful in getting your ideas across to others. When talking with your partner, please keep the structure of a proposal in mind.
[Talking about plans
We'd like to start a ... club in order to .../so that...
We plan/intend to ... by ...
Our plan for a ... club calls for...
Our club aims to/is intended to ... ]
T: We can start like this.
A: I'd like to start a film club so that students can learn more about films and film-making.
B: Great idea! What's the plan for each meeting?
首先确定对话部分的讨论提纲,然后要求学生按照Part B 的格式来进行写作。写好以后进行二稿写作,即给校长写一份建议信(读者意识),要求写作中要关注连贯衔接。对话的具体教学可以按照以下设计进行:
T: When planning the writing, you should pay attention to the text type, the structure and the language. As for the text type, in this class you are going to write a proposal. Do you know what is a proposal and what is its purpose?
T: A proposal is a formal suggestion or plan. And its purpose is to get the reader to agree to your suggestion or plan.
T: Besides paying attention to the text type, it is important to separate different types of information to make your proposal easy to read. After all, your purpose is to get the reader to agree to your suggestion or plan. Therefore, how you should structure your proposal really matters. Please refer to page 9, part B.
T: Finally, the language of the proposal is also important. Since a proposal is a formal suggestion or plan and the target reader of your proposal is your school principal, you should use formal language. Also, it should also be brief and concise, providing only the most important information.
根据教师教学用书的建议,Integrated Skills的建议教学课时为1.5-2课时。通过实际教学,发现2课时是非常合适的。第1课时用于输入教学,包括听力和阅读;第2课时用于输出教学,包括对话及写作。具体教学时,第1课时通过听读引导学生习得建议书的文本特征相关知识;第2课时组织学生就“创建校园俱乐部”这一话题展开讨论,然后完成给学校写一份建议书的任务。两个课时的教学设计内容中都应该鼓励学生进行创新思维,大胆表达自己的观点。
三、Integrated Skills板块教学设计的思考
怎样将这个新板块充分利用起来,从而培养学生的综合技能是每个一线教师需要思考的问题。在进行Integrated Skills教学设计的时候,要注意以下问题:
每个单元的Integrated Skills的理解技能和表达技能的核心要素都有所不同,如牛津英语第一册的第一单元要求学生在运用听、读等理解性技能的基础上向说、写等表达性技能过渡,但第二单元就要求学生在读、听等理解性技能的基础上向说、写等表达性技能过渡。教师应根据不同的核心要素要求将教学设计的中心紧密围绕核心要素来设计教学活动,即根据不同的核心要素来设计不同的教学活动。
第一单元是围绕“创建校园俱乐部”这一主题创设情境,在帮助学生了解建议书文体特征相关知识,组织讨论然后完成给学校拟写一封建议书的任务。第二单元Integrated Skills引导学生将新获取的建议书文体特征知识加以归纳总结,实现内化。设计的活动是要求学生就如何与父母进行有效真诚沟通,消除与父母隔阂的主题,以邮件的形式写一份建议书。第一单元是帮助学生获取相关信息,第二单元是引导学生将新获得的信息理解、内化并进一步应用。在关注到这些关联性之后,教师的教学设计应具有连续性,以便帮助学生理解与应用这种关联性。
Integrated Skills板块话题的创设大部分都与学生生活接近,学生完全可以在课堂上以对话、采访、表演、汇报等形式开展,进而提高他们的表述性能力,并可在开展上述活动的前提下,对其进行总结概括,以书信、建议书、电子邮件、海报等形式将说写一体化。
Integrated Skills 板块设计非常新颖,编者创设学生熟悉的情境,通过形式多样的听、读形式提高学生的理解技能,再通过与理解技能密切关联的说、写来提高学生的表达技能。在实际教学中,教师应在充分理解教科书编者意图的前提下,结合自己的学生实际,创造性地使用教科书,通过优化组合的方式,将这一板块中的各个环节有机结合,从而更好实现教材的指导功能,切实提高学生的英语能力。
[参 考 文 献]
[3]郭晓.基于英语学科核心素养的Integrated Skills教学策略研究[J].英语教师,2019(8):74-77.
[4]杨梳琴.《牛津初中英语》Integrated Skills板块的听力教学活动探析[J].中学外语教与学(中学篇),2010(10):22-26.
(责任编辑:武 亮)