时代汽车 2021年20期
摘 要:當前发展便于接入智能电网的双向充电机,尤其是车载双向充电机已是必然要求。双向充电机分AC/DC和DC/DC两个模块,本文以半桥DC/DC电路为主要研究对象,对其工作模态进行分析,主要参数进行设计并仿真。
关键词:充电机 双向 半桥
Research on Bidirectional Half-Bridge DC-DC Conversion Module Applied to Electric Vehicle
Xu Pan
Abstract:At present, it is necessary to develop two-way chargers that are easy to access to smart grid, especially for vehicle-mounted two-way chargers. The two-way charger is divided into AC/DC and DC/DC modules. This paper takes the half-bridge DC/DC circuit as the main research object, analyzes its working mode, and designs and simulates the main parameters.
Key words:charger, bi-directional, half bridge