【摘 要】教學反思,首先是一种思维活动,指教师对教育教学实践的再认识与再思考的过程性小结,其目的是总结经验得失,逐渐消除现实的困惑,预知未来的可能性,提出解决问题的思路和策略,促进教学实践活动水平和能力进一步提升。
中图分类号:G623 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7485(2021)26-0058-02
Research on the Practice and Application of Teaching Reflection in the Whole Process of Primary Education
(Boarding Primary School, Minlian Township, Minle County, Zhangye, Gansu Province,China) GAO Tianhua
【Abstract】Teaching reflection, first of all, is a kind of thinking activity, which refers to the process of teachers' re-understanding and re-thinking of education and teaching practice, its purpose is to summarize the gains and losses of experience, gradually eliminate the confusion of reality, predict the possibility of the future, and propose solutions to problems, ideas and strategies to further improve the level and ability of teaching practice activities.
【Keywords】Teaching reflection;Primary education; Practical research
Research on the Practice and Application of Teaching Reflection in the Whole Process of Primary Education
(Boarding Primary School, Minlian Township, Minle County, Zhangye, Gansu Province,China) GAO Tianhua
【Abstract】Teaching reflection, first of all, is a kind of thinking activity, which refers to the process of teachers' re-understanding and re-thinking of education and teaching practice, its purpose is to summarize the gains and losses of experience, gradually eliminate the confusion of reality, predict the possibility of the future, and propose solutions to problems, ideas and strategies to further improve the level and ability of teaching practice activities.
【Keywords】Teaching reflection;Primary education; Practical research