

文化交流 2021年7期


2020年6月19日,“2020丝绸之路周”盛大启幕:联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心等六大国际组织为开幕式发来贺信贺词;近40家文博机构通力合作为公众奉献了“众望同归:丝绸之路的前世今生”和“一花一世界:丝绸之路上的互学互鉴”两大特展;来自10个国家31位专家点评推荐的《2019丝绸之路文化遗产年报》首次发布;得到联合国教科文组织“丝绸之路项目”大力支持的13国合作项目《世界丝绸互动地图》正式启动;全球14个国家的约200余家文化机构踊跃参与“丝路百馆百物”短视频接力、“一花一世界” 丝路文物海报接力等活动;截至2020年6月24日,国内社交媒体平台阅读量超3亿次,观看量近2亿次,“丝绸之路周”话题在Facebook、Twitter等社媒上相关阅读量超过1200万。

2021年6月18日,“2021丝綢之路周”再次拉开帷幕:来自14个国家和地区的23多位政界人士、博物馆馆长、专家学者等发来祝贺视频;“万物生灵:丝绸之路上的动物与植物”、“方寸锦秀:丝巾上的丝绸之路”和“丝路摄影展”3大展览同期开幕;除杭州主会场外,在陕西西安、甘肃兰州和福建福州三地设立分会场,在法国、意大利、比利时等地举办丝路主题特别活动;全球18个国家的42个机构共同参与建设的“丝绸之路数字博物馆(SROM)” 正式推出;由30多位各领域的国际专家推荐与评选的《2020年丝绸之路文化遗产年报》发布;截至6月24日,“丝绸之路周”话题阅读总量超2.8亿次。










“丝绸之路周”的LOGO 是一匹生有双翼的飞马珀加索斯(Pegasus),象征着丝绸之路上的文化交流。它来自古希腊神话,传说是诗人灵感的来源。它的形象从古希腊的陶器出发,渐渐东来,飞过波斯,飞过粟特,飞到大唐,与从东向西传播的丝绸一路相遇,成为丝绸之路沿途使用最为广泛的织锦纹样。




“丝绸之路周”的举办,得到了国际组织、社会各界的高度认同与支持。首届“丝绸之路周”开幕式上,联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心、国际古迹遗址理事会、国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心、国际博物馆协会、联合国教科文组织丝绸之路网络平台等国际组织发来贺信贺词,代表世界文化遗产界的顶级政府间合作组织为活动点赞。联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心主任梅希蒂尔德 · 罗斯勒称活动高度契合1972年《世界遗产公约》精神,丝路精神值得发扬光大。同时他强调“丝绸之路”还将作为世界文化遗产成为未来国际合作的共同基础和起点,为人类构筑心灵的和平屏障;联合国教科文组织驻华代表夏泽翰则在“2021丝绸之路周”开幕式现场表示,重温(丝绸之路)这一人类历史上的伟大成就、学习丝绸之路精神,是应对当今跨文化对话面临挑战的必经之路。“2021丝绸之路周”是增进各国人民相互了解和理解的经典案例。


除了依靠官方主流媒体,中国丝绸博物馆还积极联动权威领域机构,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)丝绸之路网络平台在其官网发布了丝路周的介绍文章。大英博物馆、大英图书馆敦煌项目等4家国际机构在推特上与“丝绸之路周”账号互动。海外博物馆界专业媒体Museum Views为活动开设专题页面,并进行更为广泛的采访和互动。

“2021丝绸之路周”的海外宣传特别聚焦了今年重磅推出的丝绸之路数字博物馆项目,其上线的英文报道共被20个国家的媒体转载192次,平均潜在受众达204万人次。原文被翻译成德语、日语、法语、西班牙语、韩语5种语言,在欧洲和亚洲的主流媒体上大大增加曝光率,这些媒体包括韩联社、韩国先驱报、日本共同社、京都新闻、澳大利亚通讯社、西班牙欧罗巴通讯社、意大利Adnkronos通讯社、德国财经在线、新加坡Asia One等。








The Birth of  the “Silk Road Week”

By Zhou Yajuan

From its conception to its implementation, the success of the Silk Road Week in 2020 and 2021 is not a fluke and no mean feat.  In 2020, the inaugural edition of the Silk Road Week saw #silkroadweek viewed for 12 million times on Facebook, Twitter as well as other major social media platforms. Then in 2021, topics on the second edition of the event have been viewed for more than 280 million times on the Chinese social media alone.Starting from 2015, the China National Silk Museum has been holding major exhibitions every single year and engaging in worldwide cultural and people-to-people exchanges on the Silk Road, living up to the Silk Road Spirit and showcasing the unique charm of China and Zhejiang. How was the Silk Road Week born? And what are the foundation and underlying curatorial concepts?

One of the first state-level museums in China, the China National Silk Museum focuses on the collection, protection, studying, displaying, inheritance and innovation of the silk textile and clothing cultural heritage. It is one of the most important textile and clothing museums in the world.

Indeed, since the museum opened on February 26, 1992, it has made quite some accomplishments in these areas and gradually established itself as a major international research institution on the Silk Road cultural heritage. So far, the museum has held a total of silk-themed exhibitions in Hong Kong and Macao, two of Chinas international hubs, and overseas. It has conducted collaborative projects with the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Swedish Army Museum and the National Museum of Denmark, among others. And it has built an international research network with 13 foreign organizations, including the Bryant University in the US, the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage, Musée des Tissus et des Arts Décoratifs, the State Historical Museum in Russia and Royal Ontario Museum in Canada.

Moreover, the China National Silk Museum initiated the International Association for the Study of Silk Road Textiles, the International Alliance of Museums of the Silk Road, the Alliance of Silk Road Cultural Heritage Science and Technology, and has been an active participant in a host of other major international alliances, associations and organizations.

To facilitate the sharing, research, exchange and cooperation on the Silk Road cultural heritage for international researchers, especially those along the Silk Road, the museum set up Institute for Intercultural Dialogue on the Silk Roads in May 2019, which became the de facto “enforcer” of the Silk Road Week.

The “Silk Road Week” was first introduced at the China National Silk Museum and organized by the International Association for the Study of Silk Road Textiles and the Chinese Museums Associations Committee of Museums along the Silk Road. It is an annual event that aims to educate the public about the histories of the Silk Road, and to strengthen the protection of the sites and relics along the road.

Pegasus, the winged horse, was chosen as the logo of the Silk Road Week, a symbol of cultural exchanges along the Silk Road. Coming from the Greek mythology, Pegasus is said to be the source of inspiration for poets. Its image, first found on Greek pottery, slowly traveled to the east, flowing over Persia and Sogdiana before reaching Tang China. It is one of the patterns used most extensively on brocades along the Silk Road.

The “2020 Silk Road Week”, the first edition, was themed “Mutual Learning for Future Collaboration”. For thousands of years, the Silk Road has promoted the material flow, technology transmission and cultural integration between different regions, with mutual learning and mutual benefit at its heart. Two exhibitions, one from the geographical perspective and one from the chronological perspective, were held to tell the history of the Silk Road through real cases.

“Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development“ is the theme of the “2021 Silk Road Week”, not only because the theme exhibition Creation from Creature: Plants and Animals on the Silk Road highlighted biodiversity, but because biodiversity has a significant bearing on the wellbeing of mankind, whose very existence and development depend on it. The history of the Silk Road also shows the necessity for different civilizations, religions and races to respect each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, and be open and inclusive. Only in this way can the world work together for a better future of common development.

Unlike the traditional one-off and short-term international exchanges, the Silk Road Week focuses more on the long-term effects, centering on academic research and concrete projects. An international academic team was organized accordingly, winning widespread support from global academic community. Indeed, the success of the Silk Road Week is not possible without the backing and recognition from international organizations such as the UNESCO World Heritage Center, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property and many others.

Mechtild R?ssler, director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center, said in a video message to the “2020 Silk Road Week” that it echoes the spirit of the World Heritage Convention announced in 1972, and the Silk Road Spirit would lay a solid foundation for future collaboration. Shahbaz Khan, representative of the UNESCO Beijing Office, praised during the opening ceremony of the “2021 Silk Road Week” that it is a classic case of enhancing mutual understanding among people of all countries.

Media coverage has also been remarkable. Major news organizations and networks in 20 countries reported on the event. Over 500 posts were published by Friends of China National Silk Museum, official accounts of the China National Silk Museum, on major social media platforms, with over 3.17 million views, and #silkroadweek garnered more than 12 million views.

However, it is not all plain sailing. The outbreak of the COVID-19 greatly hampered the preparations for the first edition. Notably, face-to-face exchanges were greatly limited. To facilitate effective communication, the China National Silk Museum turned to online technologies, partnering with more than 40 museums worldwide to create the Silk Road Online Digital Museum. As well as displaying collections of these museums, it also allows the public to curate their own unique visiting routes and collections, enjoying global cultural heritage with just one click.

Looking to the future, the Silk Road Week will be held in different provinces or different countries along the Silk Road, making itself into an interactive annual cultural gala with more diverse participants.

