

河北教育(教学版) 2021年6期





教学内容:人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册Unit TwoMy Favourite SeasonPart B Read and write,课件呈现图片。

T:Look!Which season do you like best?Why?Who can make the sentence with“I because...”?

S1:I like spring because I like flowers.

S2:I like summer because I like to swim.



在这一教学片段中,教师未结合本单元主题内容,深入挖掘教学文本,没有真正带领学生以“My Favourite Season”为主题语境进行深度的思考,仅仅是浅显地处理了问题“Which season do you like best?Why?”中的“Why”。


T:Boys and girls!Look at these pictures.What can you see in these pictures?

S1:I can see four seasons:spring,sum⁃mer,autumn and winter.

T:Yes,there are four seasons in a year.Last lesson we have a chant,do you remem⁃ber?Let’s chant together,clap your hands,one two go!


T:Well done!What’s the difference be⁃tween different seasons?

S1:Different seasons,different weather.

T:Can you tell us an example with com⁃plete sentences?

S1:Yes!There are different weather in dif⁃ferent seasons.The weather is windy and cool in spring,but in summer the weather is hot and sunny.


在本环节,教师指导学生从different weath⁃er、different colours、different holidays、differ⁃ent vegetables and fruits、do different things几个方面,有效地表述出“My Favourite Season”这一主题,然后学生通过“Think-Talk-Write”完成小短文的练习。相比较而言,这样设计比利用教材中的简单问答、补全句子等教学活动更有效、更有深度,学生既训练了英语思维,又有效运用所学知识获得了能力的提升。


教学内容:人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册Unit SixHowDoYouFeel?Part B Let’s try,Let’s talk,课件呈现图片和对话。

T:Boys and girls!Let’s listen and repeat,then answer my questions.


T:Look!Who can answer:“How does Sam feel?What should he do?”


T:Well!Listen and repeat again.Pay atten⁃tion to the two words and two sentences...



教师首先利用PPT呈现教材图片,请学生跟读对话后回答教材里出示的问题“How does Sam feel?What should he do?”,然后设计第二次听读活动,让学生关注本课的核心词汇和重点句子,下一步进行Read in different roles和Role play with partners。这些教学活动,教师只是注重了教材文本和教学重点,未关注人物心理活动及情绪的管理,没有真正把情感目标落到实处。


T:Boys and girls!Look at the pictures,How many people in this dialogue?

S1:They are Sarah,Sam and their mum.

T:Right!Can you guess“Where are they going?”

Ss:They are going to the zoo.

T:Yes!Are you happy to go to the zoo?

Ss:Of course.

T:Look at the picture carefully,“Why do Sarah and Sam look unhappy?”First,let’s lis⁃ten and read follow the tape quietly.


T:Now who can tell us“Why do Sarah and Sam look unhappy”?

S2:Because they can’t go to the zoo.

T:What’s wrong?Why do they can’t go to the zoo?


T:Excellent!When your friend needs help in life,be sure to give them the right sugges⁃tions.

在本环节,教师引导学生用“Different feel⁃ings,different tone.”对比读句子,不仅仅强化了重点知识,又恰当地落实了情感目标,让学生认识“Family and friendship are the most impor⁃tant.”的正确家庭观和友情观,在“Experience-Imitation-Speak”表述训练中引导学生学会正确表述自己的情绪、学会管理自己的情绪、学会帮助他人梳理情绪。


教学内容:人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit TwoLast WeekendPart B Read and write的Post-reading环节,课件呈现图片、表格和需要填空的信件:

T:Now,boys and girls,look here.I’ll give you two minutes to read the letter again quick⁃ly,find the sentences that describe Pictures1-3.Then I’ll choose three students to say and check the information.(Two minutes later)OK,Who can talk about your answer?

S1:“Our room was big but everything was very old.”for Picture1.

S2:“My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small.My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen,but they were cold and tasted bad.”for Picture2.


T:Look!This is a letter from Mrs Broom to her manager,we can read and finish the letter.Then I’llask two students to read your letter.



在这一教学片段中,教师结合教材用Read and choose、Read and circle、Read and fill in the blacks三个教学活动完成了Post-reading环节,仍是只注重了教材文本,没有把Read and write活动真正落到实处,更没有激发学生的思考,这种机械式的教学方式值得我们深刻反思。


T:Now,boys and girls!We know Wu Yi⁃fan and his family stayed at the Holiday Hotel last weekend,they were not happy.And Mrs Broom’s letter was just telling the truth.There were some things she couldn’t fix.I think she was unhappy,too.And we did’t feel wellafter reading it.Right?

If you were a manager,read Wu Yifan’s comments and how should you reply to him?Who can try to say that?

S1:If I was the manager,I’ll respond to Wu Yifan an emailfirst and say“Sorry”.


T:Wow,Great!That’s very kind of you.It will be good for the manager to do so.Hotels need to feellike home.

Boys and girls,I know you’ve traveled with your families.Do you have any good ad⁃vice for Wu Yifan about the trip?Here’s our homework for today.I’ll give you two topics to write about.You can choose one.Then share in our class...

在作业设计中,多了一项Good friend’s letter,不仅为了训练学生用一般过去时正确表述,利用同学间分享fun place,delicious food,comfortable hotel and so on,还可以帮助学生回忆美好的旅行经历,将本单元的主题“Last Weekend”延 展 到“Last Month,Last Sum⁃mer...”。


