许明月 李霞 赵珏
摘 要:课程思政是新时代高校思想政治教育工作的创新,是落实立德树人根本任务的战略举措。从本质上看,课程思政是新时代对“课程”内蕴的价值理性赋予新涵义的再生概念,其指向的是课程、是学校教育中促进学生全面发展的显性、隐性教育要素的总和。因此,课程思政具有内容间接性、实施隐蔽性和范围广泛性的特点。高等学校深入推进课程思政建设,就要科学进行课程思政教学设计,文章从课程思政目标、内容、实施和评价等显性课程层面;从制度执行,课堂氛围,师生互动等隐性课程层面,构建课程思政“显性+隐性”的逻辑体系,将课程思政融入课堂教学建设全过程,实现立德树人的根本任务。
中图分类号:G641 文獻标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)19-0176-04
Abstract: Ideology-oriented courses are an innovation of ideological and political education in universities in the new era as well as the strategic move to put in place the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education. In essence, ideology-oriented courses are a concept regenerated after the value rationality hidden in "courses" have been endowed by the new era with new connotations. It points to courses as well as the sum of implicit and explicit education elements promoting the all-round development of students in school education. Therefore, ideology-oriented courses are characterized by indirect content, concealment for implementation, and extensive scale. To bring forward the ideology-oriented courses, institutions of higher learning should scientifically design the teaching of ideology-oriented courses. This paper constructs a logic system of "overt + covert" in curriculum ideological and political thinking from the overt curriculum aspects such as the goal, content, implementation and evaluation of curriculum ideological and political thinking and the hidden curriculum aspects such as system implementation, classroom atmosphere and teacher-student interaction. At the same time, the course ideology and politics into the whole process of classroom teaching construction, to achieve the fundamental task of moral education.
Keywords: curriculum; ideology-oriented courses; instructional design