摘 要:為了提升纯电动汽车制动能量回收水平,提高能源利用率,本文提出一种基于模糊控制的再生制动力分配方法。该方法根据汽车制动作业原理,结合能量回收工况,设计相应模糊控制规则,以此有效分配再生制动力。通过仿真测试,对该设计方案进行了验证,可以作为纯电动汽车研发中能量回收控制设计参考依据。
关键词:模糊控制 能量回收 再生制动力
Fuzzy Control Strategy and Simulation Analysis of Braking Energy Recovery for Pure Electric Vehicles
Qin Zhuogeng
Abstract:In order to improve the braking energy recovery level of pure electric vehicles and improve the energy utilization rate, this paper proposes a regenerative braking force distribution method based on fuzzy control. According to the principle of automobile braking operation, combined with energy recovery conditions, this method designs corresponding fuzzy control rules to effectively distribute the regenerative braking force. Through the simulation test, the design scheme was verified, which can be used as a reference for the design of energy recovery control in the research and development of pure electric vehicles.
Key words:fuzzy control, energy recovery, regenerative braking force