Recess Activities in Green School


考试与评价·七年级版 2021年3期


Its ten past three in the afternoon. Students in Green School have thirty minutes rest① before the third class. Look! Most of them are playing on the playground. Some students are jumping and running. A group of boys are having a football game. Look! A boy in white is running with a football. Another boy in red is running after him. He wants to stop him. A boy in white wants to get the football, too. Some students are watching the game. Some girls are standing near some flowers. Some are red, some are yellow and some are pink. A girl is pointing② to yellow flowers and talking with others. A P.E. teacher is also on the playground. He looks at the children. He is smiling③.

Where are the other teachers? Some are working in the office, some are talking with students. Theyre always busy. Busy and happy!


1. The third class begins at ____ in the afternoon.

A. 3:10                B. 3:20                C. 3:30                      D. 3:40

2. Where are most students now?

A. In the classroom.                       B. In a park.

C. On the playground.                      D. In a club.

3. Boys in white and red are ____.

A. Playing volleyball                            B. playing football

C. playing basketball                      D. walking and talking

4. A ____ teacher look at the students on the playground.

A. chemistry           B. PE             C. Chinese              D. maths

5. Which of the following is Ture?

A. The rest lasted 20 minutes.

B. Only a few students are playing on the playground.

C. A group of girls are having football match now.

D. Some teachers are working in their office.


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