

中国现代医生 2021年12期

屠世炯  何小波

[摘要] 目的 探討试管婴儿双胎与单胎妊娠的母婴临床特征及妊娠结局。 方法 回顾性分析2017年1月至2019年12月在我院产科住院分娩的试管婴儿病例620例,其中双胎妊娠195例作为研究组,单胎妊娠病例425例作为对照组,对其分娩前及分娩后临床资料及数据等进行研究分析。 结果 研究组的住院天数(12.77±2.96)d、妊娠高血压疾病(19.00%)、早产(60.00%)、低出生体重儿(28.20%)均高于对照组的(9.92±1.26)d、11.30%、15.80%、5.60%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组剖宫产分娩率(99.00%),产后出血例数(25.60%),宫腔球囊填塞止血例数(29.20%)均高于对照组的66.60%,17.60%,12.00%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但研究组的高龄妊娠例数(20.50%)和胎膜早破例数(12.30%)均低于对照组的29.90%、16.90%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 试管妊娠双胎与单胎相比,其母婴并发症及合并症明显多于单胎,故对于不孕不育的患者在移植过程中,对于胚胎移植数目需严格按照指南进行,加强产前检查, 监测孕期胎儿体重情况, 积极处理,避免不良结局的发生。

[关键词] 试管妊娠;双胎妊娠;围产结局;并发症

[中图分类号] R714.2          [文献标识码] B          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)12-0079-04

Study on the mother and infant clinical outcome of twin pregnancy in test-tube baby

TU Shijiong   HE Xiaobo

Department of Obstetrics, Ningbo Women and Children′s Hospital, Ningbo   315012, China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the mother and infant clinical characteristics and pregnancy outcome of test-tube twin pregnancy and singleton pregnancy. Methods A total of 620 cases of test-tube babies who were hospitalized and gave birth in the Department of Obstetrics in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 195 cases of twin pregnancy were used as the study group, and 425 cases of singleton pregnancy were used as the control group. The clinical data before and after delivery were studied and analyzed. Results The length of stays(12.77±2.96)days,the number of cases of pregnancy-induced hypertension (19.00%), the number of preterm births (60.00%),and the number of low birth weight infants(28.20%) in the study group were all higher than the length of stays(9.92±1.26)days, the number of cases of pregnancy-induced hypertension(11.30%), the number of premature births(15.80%), and the number of low birth weight infants(5.60%) in the control group, and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05). The delivery rate of Cesarean section (99.00%), the number of cases of postpartum hemorrhage (25.60%), the number of cases of uterine balloon tamponade hemostasis (29.20%) in the study group were higher than the delivery rate of Cesarean section(66.60%), and the number of cases of postpartum hemorrhage(17.60%), the number of cases of uterine balloon tamponade hemostasis(12.00%) in the control group, and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05). However,the number of cases of elderly pregnan group(20.50%) and premature rupture of membranes(12.30%) in the study group were lower than those in the control group (29.90% and 16.90%), and the differences between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Compared with singleton pregnancy, test-tube twins have significantly more mother and infant complications and concurrent disorders than singleton pregnancy. Therefore, in the process of transplantation for infertile patients, the number of embryo transfers must be carried out in strict accordance with the guidelines, prenatal inspections should be strengthened, and the fetal weight during pregnancy should be monitored. Measures should be carried out in a timely manner to avoid adverse outcomes.

[Key words] Test tube pregnancy; Twin pregnancy; Perinatal outcomes; Complications

随着环境的变化及自身因素改变,近年来,不孕不育发病率明显上升,在发达国家不孕不育的发生率为5%~8%[1],我国不孕不育发病率为15%[2],远高于欧美国家,故借助生殖辅助技术的需求明显增加。自1978年第1例试管婴儿诞生,距今已40余年,体外受精胚胎移植术(In vitro fertilization-embryo transfer,IVF-ET)简称试管婴儿技术[3],是治疗不孕症的有效手段之一,已广泛运用于全世界,解决了大部分不孕不育症;在发达国家,通过ART出生的试管婴儿已占总数的1%~4%[1,4]。但此技术最常见的并发症——多胎妊娠[5],越来越引起人们的关注。大量文献已报道试管婴儿双胎妊娠与自然受孕双胎妊娠的母婴妊娠结局[4-6],其并发症及合并症明显多于自然受孕双胎,但国内外报道结局不一,且缺乏与单胎试管婴儿妊娠结局的比较。故本研究对我院2017年1月至2019年12月试管婴儿双胎及单胎妊娠的母婴情况进行比较分析,现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

收集2017年1月至2019年12月在本院产检并分娩的孕妇13 900例,其中试管嬰儿620例,以双胎妊娠195例作为研究组,单胎妊娠病例425例作为对照组。纳入标准:妊娠孕妇均行IVF-ET受孕及孕周≥28周。排除标准:受孕期合并有内外科疾病,如:高血压、糖尿病等慢性疾病者;孕期行减胎术;双胎一胎胎死宫内者。所有患者均自愿参加本研究并签署知情同意书。

1.2 方法

①文中所提及的妊娠合并症及并发症(前置胎盘、糖尿病、胎膜早破、妊娠期高血压疾病、产后出血)等各项基本的诊断均以谢幸等第9版《妇产科学》为标准[1]。②早产儿定义:妊娠达到28周但不足37周分娩者,此时娩出的新生儿称为早产儿(Preterm neonates)[1];低出生体重儿定义:出生体重<2500 g的新生儿[1]。③国际妇产科联盟将分娩年龄≥35岁的妊娠定义为高龄妊娠,此时期的孕产妇称之为高龄孕产妇[4]。

1.3 观察指标


1.4 统计学方法


2 结果

2.1 双胎剖宫产产后出血中患者两组病例一般资料分析


2.2 两组患者分娩中及分娩后情况分析


3 讨论

随着不孕不育症的发生率剧增和辅助生殖技术的进步,试管婴儿在逐年增加。本研究中统计出近3年的试管婴儿发生率为4.46%(620/13 900),远远高于欧美国家中通过ART出生的孩子(1%~4%)[7]。多胎妊娠是试管婴儿技术最常见的并发症,为了保证单次移植妊娠成功率,大部分移植中心常规移植2~3枚胚胎,同时使试管婴儿多胎妊娠率达到15%~40%不等,远远高于自然妊娠的多胎率(1%~2%)[8-10]。本研究中,多胎妊娠率为31.5%(195/620),与报道相符。双胎可引起母体宫腔压力升高、营养需求增加,均增加早产及低出生体重发生风险,与本研究相符。故在中华医学会生殖医学分会中不孕症指南(Single embryo transfer,SET)建议:对于预后情况良好的35~37岁女性,建议选择性单胚胎移植,以降低多胎妊娠率和母婴并发症;对于预后情况不佳或>37岁的女性,可考虑双胚胎移植,但需告知多胎妊娠和母婴并发症的风险[4,11]。





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