展览汇集著名法国汉学家谢阁兰(Victor Segalen)考察中国的摄影作品近100幅(复刻版),分为“谢阁兰”“旅程”“遗迹”“文字”4个单元,分别从谢阁兰的日常生活、旅途记录、考古研究、手稿等方面追溯他的中国之旅,以及他对艺术的追求与探索。这些作品既是对早期摄影艺术的表现和图像叙事的回顾,也是对中国西部的历史文化和文化遗产进行图像复原的尝试。
From March 18 to April 20, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and Consulate General of the Republic of France in Chengdu jointly hold the exhibition "Voyages en Chine de Victor Segalen, A La Rencotre de Sites Anciens" at LICHEE - former site of Marine Francaise in Chongqing. This exhibition is one of the events conducted during the 25th "Mois de la francophonie".
A collection of nearly 100 photographic works (reprints) of the famous French sinologist Victor Segalen's visit to China, the exhibition includes four chapters: "Victor Segalen", "Voyages", "Vestiges arch é ologiques" and "Texte", tracing his journey to China from day-to-day life, travel records, archaeological research, manuscripts, and other aspects, as well as his pursuit and exploration of art. These works are not only a retrospect of early photographic art manifestation and image narrative, but also an attempt to restore the image of history, culture, and cultural heritage of Western China.
According to the introduction of Bruno Bisson, Consul General of France in Chengdu, Victor Segalen (1878-1919) was a renowned French poet, writer, sinologist, and art historian as well as a surgeon and ethnographer. Having lived in China for a long time and traveled in the country for multiple times, he had a deep understanding and rich perception of China's time-honored civilization and unique culture, which in turn inspired his creation of a myriad of works, thus he was known as "Chinese poet of France".
As the first Western scholar to visit Western China, Victor Segalen organized three archaeological surveys on ancient Chinese art and sculpture in 1909, 1914 and 1917 respectively. He then wrote travel notes Briques et tuiles, Feuilles de Route, and numerous letters.
Qin Zhen, a professor at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, is one of the compilers and translators of Victor Segalen's Chinese version of L'art funeraire a l'epoque des Han-Mission archeologique en Chine (1914). According to Qin, Victor Segalen's first trip to China started from Marseille in France via Hong Kong to Beijing, then to Lanzhou, Chengdu, and to Chongqing on December 31, 1909. Though no detailed records of Chongqing were left in his texts, he described in a letter to his wife as follows, "The ponies that came with us from Sichuan were so hilarious as they easily ascended hundreds of stairs along the riverbank in Chongqing, and their nimbleness infuriated the horses came along with us since Beijing." Victor Segalen spent the New Year in Chongqing, then went to Wuhan and returned to France on January 5, 1910.
Victor Segalen's second visit in China helped him complete a series of groundbreaking academic works, including L'art funeraire a l'epoque des Han-Mission archeologique en Chine (1914). After Victor Segalen passed away, his companion, Jean Lartigue, edited and completed this masterpiece. This book is a product of record, analysis, and research of Victor Segalen 's detailed survey of Qin and Han tomb relics, mausoleum buildings and sculptures in Shaanxi, Sichuan, and other regions in 1914. In 2020, the Cultural Relics Press published L'art funeraire a l'epoque des Han-Mission archeologique en Chine (1914), which is jointly compiled and translated by Qin Zhen and Li Haiyan, PhD of French Language and Literature.
During his visit to China, Victor Segalen left a legion of photographs of history, culture, and ethnography, which are now collected by in the La bibliothèque nationale de France, the Musée Guimet and Fondation Victor Segalen. Amid the hundreds of photos taken by Victor Segalen, various historical relics found in Chinese archaeology, social anecdotes en route as well as various impressions made by mountains, rivers, houses, travelers, and other scenery were recorded. These photos not only reflect Victor Segalen's dual attributes as a poet and a scholar of art history, but also reflect his cognition and study of ancient Chinese relics and ancient artifacts, his observation of Chinese history and culture as a foreigner, and his verses written on the soil of Chinese culture.
"The valuable photographic images and manuscripts left by Victor Segalen are an authentic depiction of ancient Chinese sculptures and relics, and also a reflection of his enthusiasm and passion for fieldwork and historical research." Zeng Yue, director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Division of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, commented that Victor Segalen's research and survey on Chinese historical and cultural relics was forward-looking, not only fulfilled and enriched his personal research realm, but also embodied the research spirit of French scholars and the influence of French culture, and served as the immediate preservation and inheritance of Chinese traditional relics, so that today we could re-examine this profound land through the lens of history.
Information and photos are provided by Consulate General of the Republic of France in Chengdu