3月24日,由重庆市档案馆与重庆市委党史研究室联合打造的“民族脊梁 巴渝丰碑—中国共产党重庆革命史(1921—1949)”展览在重庆市档案馆开展。展览共展示档案、图片479张,制作模拟实景6处。毛泽东《沁园春·雪》手稿、周恩来《我的修养要则》手稿等17件中央档案馆馆藏珍档复制件在展览中亮相。该展览是重庆地区第一个全面、系统、生动反映中国共产党重庆革命史的综合性固定陈列展。
Exhibition of "Chongqing Revolutionary History of the Communist Party of China" unfolds
On March 24, Chongqing Municipal Archives and the Party History Research Office of CPC Chongqing Committee jointly created the exhibition of "National Backbone and Bayu Monument - Chongqing Revolutionary History of the Communist Party of China (1921-1949)" in Chongqing Municipal Archives. A total of 479 archives and pictures were displayed in the exhibition, and 6 simulated scenes were produced. 17 replicates of the precious collections of the State Archives Administration, P.R. China, including Mao Zedong's manuscript Snow · Adapted to the Tune of Chin Yuan Chun and Zhou Enlai's manuscript My Cultivation Principles, appeared in the exhibition. The exhibition is the first comprehensive and fixed exhibition in Chongqing that reflects the revolutionary history of the CPC in Chongqing in an all-around, systematical and vivid manner.
"Travelling in China · 2021 Overseas Chinese Media High-level Visit to Chongqing" joint visit launched
On March 22, the joint visit of "Travelling in China · 2021 Overseas Chinese Media High-level Visit to Chongqing- Focusing on Green Yangtze River Ecological Civilization Progress" was initiated. 21 overseas Chinese media presidents, editors-in-chief and senior journalists from 18 countries and regions jointly visited Zhongxian, Fengjie, Wushan counties and Liangjiang New Area of Chongqing for a week, carried out in-depth interview and report on Chongqing's Yangtze River ecological environment protection, reservoir area characteristic culture, industrial economy, tourism resources, rural revitalization, etc., so as to assist Chongqing to play an exemplary role in promoting the green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
This year, major municipal construction projects total 894
On March 11, according to Chongqing Development and Reform Commission, major municipal projects in 2021 have been announced, including 894 major construction projects with an estimated total investment of 2.8 trillion yuan, and planned annual investment completion of 353.2 billion yuan, which is higher than last year's target; 258 major preliminary planning and research projects with an estimated total investment of 1.5 trillion yuan; and 100 major investment introduction projects with a total investment of 434.9 billion yuan.