种河婷 张雯婷 马丹丹 刘昌奎 黄硕
摘 要:目的 介绍一种基于锥形束CT(Cone beam CT,CBCT)获得牙根三维模型,利用计算机辅助设计(CAD)构建与牙根形态一致的表面多孔种植体,通过选择性激光熔融(SLM)技术进行3D打印制造表面多孔的根形种植体(Root-analogue implant,RAI)的方法。材料与方法 使用CBCT对1位拔牙患者的头颅进行扫描,将生成的DICOM文件导入Mimics医学影像处理软件,分离牙齿和颌骨,将牙齿的三维网格保存为标准化的三角测量语言(STL)文件。将文件导入Geomagic Studio软件进行修饰,再用3-Matic Medical建模软件进行牙根表面的多孔结构设计以及牙冠部的基台设计。采用SLM技术和生物相容性钛合金(Ti6Al4V)粉末进行制造。结果 设计得到的个性化根形多孔钛种植体模型,其表面多孔层厚度为0.5 mm,孔径0.5 mm,孔隙率为70%,多孔层内部为缩小的根形实心结构。3D打印制造的成品形态与设计模型一致,其颈部以下外形也与拔除的患牙一致。结论 利用3D打印技术制造个性化多孔钛种植体可能成为即刻种植的一种方法,因其与牙槽窝的适合性,相比較于传统的即刻种植能够缩短治疗周期,但是否能够达到良好的骨结合尚需进一步实验验证。
关键词:3D打印 多孔钛 个性化根形种植体 即刻种植
中图分类号:R783.6 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2021)02(b)-0005-05
Design and Manufacture of 3D Printing Porous Titanium Root-Analogue Implant
ZHONG Heting ZHANG Wenting MA Dandan LIU Changkui HUANG Shuo*
(School of Stomatology, Xi'an Medical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710021 China)
Abstract:Objective This paper introduces a method to obtain the three-dimensional model of tooth root based on cone beam CT (Cone beam CT, CBCT) to construct the surface porous implant consistent with the root shape by computer-aided design (CAD), and to manufacture the root-analogue implant (RAI) by 3D printing by selective laser melting (SLM) technology. Materials and methods The head of a patient with tooth extraction was scanned with CBCT, and the generated DICOM file was imported into Mimics medical image processing software to separate teeth and jaws, and the three-dimensional mesh of teeth was saved as a standardized triangulation language (STL) file. Import the file into Geomagic Studio software for modification, and then use 3-Matic Medical modeling software to design the porous structure of the root surface and the abutment of the crown. It was manufactured by SLM technology and biocompatible titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) powder. Results The designed porous titanium root-analogue implant model has a surface porous layer thickness of 0.5 mm, a pore diameter of 0.5 mm, a porosity of 70%, and a reduced root solid structure inside the porous layer. The shape of the finished product produced by 3D printing is consistent with the design model, and the shape below the neck is also consistent with that of the extracted teeth. Conclusion Using 3D printing technology to make personalized porous titanium implant may be a method of immediate implantation. because of its suitability with alveolar fossa, it can shorten the treatment cycle compared with traditional immediate implantation. however, whether a good bone union can be achieved or not needs further experimental verification.
相互连通的多孔表面结构是导致种植体骨结合的重要因素,研究发现,多孔结构能够促进成骨细胞增殖,相互连通的孔隙有利于诱导新生骨组织长入,使种植体与周围骨组织形成机械锁结,可以提高二者的结合强度,提高骨结合率[9]。而多孔结构的孔隙率和孔径对于骨的生长起着关键作用[10]。对于孔隙率来说,Arabnejad等人研究认为当钛表层多孔结构的孔隙率为30%和70%时,多孔结构的弹性模量分别接近人体皮质骨和松质骨[11]。Cheng等人的研究表明70%的孔隙率比15%和37.9%的孔隙率能够更好地形成骨小梁结构[12]。对于孔径来说,Wauthle等人的研究表明500 μm孔径的多孔种植体能够使种植体与骨组织之间形成良好的骨结合[13],另有研究也支持此结论,认为200~500 μm的孔径适宜达到良好的骨结合[14]。因此,该研究将多孔表面的厚度设计为0.5 mm,孔径为500 μm,多孔间距为0.5 mm,测得的孔隙率为70%。
3D打印技术又称增材制造(Additively Manufacture,AM),是一种快速成型技术(Rapid Prototyping,RP)。3D打印的原理是通过材料的逐层堆叠累积来进行制造,尤其适合制作个性化产品或复杂精细的结构,制作精度能够达到0.02~0.1 mm[15]。3D打印有很多不同的方法,对于金属制造来说,常用的3D打印技术包括选择性激光烧结(selective laser sintering,SLS)、选择性激光熔化(selective laser melting,SLM)及电子束熔融(electron beam melting,EBM)等[16],其中,SLS容易在打印体内部残留未烧结的金属颗粒,EBM的制作精度尚待提高,而选择性激光熔融(SLM)技术借助于计算机辅助设计(CAD)与制造,利用高能激光束将工作台上每一层的金属粉末融化后迅速凝固,并层层烧结堆叠,从而实现将金属粉末材料直接成型为立体模型,在成型过程不需要借助任何模具辅助,零件形状复杂程度也不会限制其生产制造[17]。综合考虑下,该研究采用SLM方法制作具有表面多孔结构的个性化根形种植体,这种方法具有传统制造无法比拟的优势,尤其适用于复杂的表面多孔个性化根形种植体的制造。
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