

世界建筑导报 2021年2期




合作单位:Cabinet Alexandre Giraldi;Alexandre Giraldi; Thierry Aresi

结构设计:OGER 国际

机电设计:OGER 国际

建筑面积:26 550 平方米

设计/ 建造:2003 / 2014 年

摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所

Client: Service des Travaux Publics, Principauté de Monaco

Location: Principality of Monaco

Architectural Design: Foster + Partners

Collaborating Architect: Cabinet Alexandre Giraldi; Alexandre Giraldi; Thierry Aresi

Structural Engineer: OGER International

Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: OGER International

Building Area: 26 550m2

Design / Completion: 2003 / 2014

Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

© YCM_Carlo Borlenghi

游艇俱乐部建在填海而成的土地上,并将港口向东延伸——新的YCM 码头可容纳包括帆船在内的各种船只,拥有26 个泊位,可供长25 米至60 米的超级游艇停泊。商店和公共空间带给港口活力,加强了俱乐部在整个社区内的旅游目的地地位,同时为摩纳哥公国历史悠久的赛艇俱乐部和YCM 的帆船学校提供场地——滑动门设计旨在鼓励将活动扩展到码头。学校主要为儿童设计,提供教室、讲习班和容纳小船的阁楼。在内陆,帆船学校和赛艇俱乐部的屋顶上有一个景观公园。公园一边以俱乐部的餐厅露台为界,另一边通向一个新的文化活动空间,与这座人口密集城市的绿色空间层次相得益彰,并在码头和赌场广场之间的人行道上形成了一条新的纽带。


The yacht club is built on reclaimed land and extends the harbor to the east - the new YCM Marina can accommodate a range of craft, including sailing boats, and has 26 berths for 25-60 metres uper yachts. Shops and public spaces animate the harbor level, reinforcing the club’s role as a destination for the whole community, as well as accommodating the Principality’s historic rowing club and the YCM’s sailing school - sliding doors encourage activities to spread out on to the quayside. Designed largely for children, the school provides classrooms, workshops and lofts for small boats. Inland,there is a landscaped park on the roof of the sailing school and rowing club. Bounded on one side by the club’s restaurant terrace and leading on the other side to a new space for cultural activities,it complements the sequence of green spaces in this densely populated city and forms a new link in the pedestrian route between the quayside and Casino Square.

The new building forms the centerpiece of the remodeled harbor- its impressive new social and sporting facilities preserve the club’s heritage and traditions, while reinforcing Monaco as the leading international centre for yachting excellence and further developing the Principality’s thriving yacht industry.

© YCM_Carlo Borlenghi


通过一个玻璃庭院进入俱乐部后,可以看到港口到宫殿的景色。一楼为二层甲板,设有会所、酒吧、餐厅和游泳池,仅供YCM 会员使用。庭院上方是双层高的功能空间、行政办公室和一系列的“小隔间”,供来访的客人使用。最上层可举办一系列活动,其高质量装饰细节反映了俱乐部远近闻名的高水平服务。全玻璃的港口区域可以打开,为客人提供不间断的视野,而露天观景台和层叠露台由可伸缩的织物屏遮挡,由桅杆和桁支撑起来,看起来像是船舶停留在港口的样子。

Designed in response to the local climate, the new clubhouse sets high standards for sustainable design - the building is powered by renewable energy and incorporates photovoltaic cells, solar thermal panels and sea water cooling systems to take advantage of the sun and waterfront site. The architecture is a celebration of sailing - its large, deck-like terraces step up along the harbor to offer unrivalled views out to races at sea, as well as views inland over the Formula 1 Grand Prix circuit.

The club is entered via a glazed courtyard that frames views out over the harbor to the palace. The first floor, called deck two, features a club room, bar restaurant and swimming pool and is exclusive to YCM members. Above this courtyard is a double height function space, executive offices and a series of ‘cabins’ for visiting guests. The uppermost floors accommodate a range of event spaces,and the quality in its detailing reflects the high levels of service for which the club is renowned. The fully glazed harbor relevations can be opened up to provide uninterrupted views, while the open air observation decks and cascading terraces are shaded by retractable fabric screens, supported by masts and booms to evoke the image of a ship moored in the harbor.


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