

世界建筑导报 2021年2期




合作单位:Berdichevski Cherny Arquitectos &Studio Minond

结构设计:Curutchet-Del VillarIngenieros Civiles

机电工程:Estudio Grinberg

景观设计:Estudio Marta Carena

照明设计:Eli Sirlin

场地面积:11 055 平方米

建筑面积:45 000 平方米

设计/建造:2010 / 2015 年

摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所

Client: CRIBA

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Architect: Foster + Partners

Collaborating Architect: Berdichevski Cherny Arquitectos & Studio Minond

Structural Engineer: Curutchet-Del VillarIngenieros Civiles

Mechanical Engineer: Estudio Grinberg

Landscape: Estudio Marta Carena

Lighting: Eli Sirlin

Site Area: 11 055 m²

Building Area: 45 000 m²

Design / Completion: 2010 / 2015

Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

布宜诺斯艾利斯新市政大厦是福斯特建筑事务所在阿根廷的首个市政项目。项目跨越了帕得利修公园区(ParquePatricios )一整个街区,这个建筑是活跃社区的催化剂,采用了一个结合环保的创新设计,具有高度灵活的室内阶梯式办公楼层布局。

入口是一个穿过四层楼高,直通屋顶的中庭。落地玻璃幕墙让室内空间充满了自然光线,并创造与旁边公园视觉上的联系。四个工作区楼层向后退让,产生一个室内阶梯序列。所有的楼层都由顶部采光的流线连接,并有两个大型的景观庭院穿插其中。活动空间是开放的,有自然采光和开阔的视线,确保了不同部门之间的良好交流,和提高集体感。宽敞的楼面板来自于一个八米的柱网,这种柱网允许多种建筑布局,这个建筑最初是作为银行总部委托的,而它固有的灵活性使它能无缝过渡为政府办公室。其他配套设施包括了一个咖啡馆和一个由木材镶面的300 座的礼堂,这个礼堂能用于当地社区举办活动。

从外部看,这个建筑以其波浪形的屋面板为特点,屋面板由柱子支撑,还延伸出很深的悬挑,为入口广场和立面提供遮阳。在内部,混凝土浇筑的筒状拱的屋顶暴露出来。工业材料的使用加强了帕得利修公园区(ParquePatricios )以前的工匠特色。而混凝土拱腹的热质量结合冷却梁,有助于自然调节温度和保持办公区凉爽。这将成为阿根廷第一个达到LEED 银奖标准的可持续性公共建筑。方案的每一方面都经过设计来回应当地的气候,包括每个立面的组合,东面和西面由通高遮光格栅幕墙组成以遮阳避热。

The new Buenos Aires Ciudad Casa de Gobierno is a sustainable new city hall for the Mayor and 1,500 staff - and the practice’s first civic project in Argentina. Spanning an entire city block in Parque Patricios,the building is a catalyst for the regeneration of the neighbourhood and combines an environmentally efficientdesign with an innovative, highly flexible internal arrangement of terraced working floors.

Entry is through a soaring four-storey-high atrium. Full-height glass walls fill the space with natural light and create a visual connection with the adjacent park. The four tiers of workspaces step back to create a sequence of internal terraces. All floors are connected by top-lit circulation routes and punctuated by two large landscaped patios. The activity spaces are open, naturally lit and visible, ensuring good communication between departments and promoting a sense of community. The generous floor plates are based on an eight-metre grid, which allows for a wide variety of layouts- the building was originally commissioned as the headquarters for Banco Ciudad, and the inherent flexibility of its design has enabled a seamless transition into government offices. Further facilities include a café and a 300-seat wood-panelled auditorium, which can be used for events by the localneighbourhood.

Externally, the building is characterised by its flowing roof canopy, which is supported by pillars andextends in a deep over hang to shade the entrance plaza and facades. Inside, the concrete barrel vaulted roof is textured and exposed. The use of industrial materials reinforces the formerly artisan character of Parque Patricios, while the thermal mass of the concrete soffits, combined with chilled beams, help to naturally regulate the temperature and keep the offices cool. It will be the first public building in Argentina to achieve the environmental award for sustainability of LEED Silver standard.Every aspect of the scheme was designed in response to the local climate, including the composition of each facade - the eastern and western elevations are shaded by a screen of louvres, which rise the full height of the building.


Lord Foster said: “Sustainability relates very strongly to local resources and climate, and Buenos Aires CiudadCasa de Gobierno is a great demonstration of how architecture can work with nature viapassive environmental means to naturally reduce energy use. The roof extends like a canopy to provide shade, its flowing concrete structure is both symbolic as a civic building and functional in regulating temperatures. Shading louvres on the east and west protect the interior fromdirect glare,while courtyards allow sunlight into the heart of the building - in this way, its design is very much a response to place and climate.The project has played a vital role inregenerating this former industrial quarter of the city.”

剖视图 Section View

首层平面 Ground Level Plan

2 层平面 Second Level Plan

3 层平面 Third Level Plan

-1 层平面 Lower Level Plan

横剖面 Short Section

纵剖面 Long Section


David Summer field, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners: “This is an important milestone for the practice, and we are proud that our first civic work in Argentina is such an important government office for Buenos Aires. Its design is very much aresponse to the local context,socially and environmentally - our aim has been to create a highly flexible building, which celebrates the city’s wonderful climate and the unique park-side setting, and will make a positive addition to a revitalised neighbourhood.”

