

世界建筑导报 2021年2期

业主单位:Hines / Archstone-Smith



合作单位:Shalom Baranes 联合公司

结构设计:Offices — Thornton Tomasetti;Condominiums — SK&A



设计/建造:2006 / 2014 年

摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所

Client: Hines / Archstone-Smith

Location: Washington DC, USA

Architectural Design: Foster + Partners

Collaborating Architect: Shalom Baranes Associates

Structural Engineers: Offices - Thornton Tomasetti; Condominiums - SK&A

Mechanical Engineers: Tolk

Landscape Architect: GGN

Design / Completion: 2006 / 2014

Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

前华盛顿会议中心占地10 英亩,位于华盛顿市中心东端的战略要地,与纽约大道的主要城市轴线接壤,可以看到白宫。该市中心之前被一个单一且巨大的建筑物所包围,现在,依照福斯特建筑事务所的总体规划,将场地划分为几块较小的步行街区,在市中心各个社区之间架起了新连接:北面是以住宅区为主的历史街区,南面则以开发商业写字楼为主。该方案灵感来自于欧洲的街道模式,打破了现有的网格系统,恢复并扩展了18 世纪街区之间的原有小巷。大道绿树成荫,配以经典的华盛顿“环球”路灯,重新种植了本土绿植后,与周围社区完美融合。

福斯特建筑事务所在这个多功能规划中设计了四栋建筑,集办公室、公寓、餐厅和商店功能于一体。建筑的设计是人性化的,与周边地区的宏伟规模形成鲜明对比,建筑从十层楼高的地方逐步下移,形成了一个中央广场,街道和小路在这里交汇,变为城市焦点。通往广场的通道像一个玻璃“珠宝盒”,内有两部电梯,是该规划的一个动态地标。通道的墙上和楼板底面都安装有一台大型LED 设施,从而进一步扩展了公共领域,场地西北角的公园里设有景观游泳池和喷泉,对角线道路贯穿其中,与整个项目的小巷模式相呼应。

该规划具有高密度、综合性的特点,旨在将所有物体聚集在一起,创造一个低碳且对行人友好的街区。在获得LEED 黄金级认证后,景观、办公和公寓楼根据太阳方位定向,并采用绿色屋顶来吸收水分进行循环利用——该规划的目标是回收100%现场使用的水。许多公寓都设有宽敞的阳台和露台,均由凯瑟琳·古斯塔夫森(Kathryn Gustafson)单独设计,以日光最大化和被动式环境效益为导向。值得注意的是,该项目从一开始就注重利用工作室综合团队的技能,其中包括工程师、项目管理人员和设计团队的技能。

The 10-acre site of the former Washington Convention Center occupies a strategic position in the East End of downtown Washington, bordering the main city axis of New York Avenue with views towards the White House. Previously enclosed by a single, vast structure, Foster + Partners masterplan breaks the site down into smaller, pedestrian blocks that bridge new connections between diverse downtown communities: the historic and predominantly residential neighbourhoods to the north, and the mainly commercial office developments to the south. Drawing inspiration from European street patterns, which break the existing grid system, the scheme reinstates and expands the original 18th century alleyways that run between the blocks. The tree-lined avenues, complete with classic Washington ‘globe’ street lights, are re-planted with local species to integrate seamlessly with the surrounding neighbourhood.

Foster + Partners has designed four buildings within the mixed-use scheme, which brings together offices, condominiums, restaurants and shops. Designed to be human-scaled in contrast with the imposing scale that characterises the surrounding area, the buildings step down from ten storeys at the perimeter of the site to frame a central plaza, a civic focus where the streets and pathways converge. The gateway to the plaza is a glass ‘jewel box’ containing two elevators, which provides a kinetic landmark for the scheme. The gateway features a dramatic large-scale LED installation on the walls and soffit. Further extending the public realm, a park in the north-west corner of the site includes a landscaped pool and fountains, and is intersected by diagonal pathways, which echo the pattern of alleyways through the development.

The high-density, mixed-use scheme is designed to bring everything together, creating a low-carbon,pedestrian friendly quarter. Having achieved a LEED gold rating, the landscape, office and apartment buildings are oriented according to the pattern of the sun and incorporate green roofs to absorb water for recycling - the scheme aims to recycle 100 percent of the water used on site. Many of the apartments feature generous balconies and terraces, which are individually designed by Kathryn Gustafson, and are oriented to maximize daylight and passive environmental benefits.Significantly, the project has drawn on the skills of the studio’s integrated team, involving engineers, project management and design groups from the outset.

