场地面积:79 600 平方米
建筑面积: 55 000 平方米
设计/建造:2011 / 2016 年
摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所
Client: China Resources Land (for China Resources Group)
Location: Shenzhen, China
Architect: Foster + Partners
Collaborating Architect: GDI
Site Area: 79 600 m²
Building Area: 55 000 m²
Design / Completion: 2011 / 2016
Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
由中国华润主席傅育宁博士创立的华润小径湾大学于2016 年10 月29 日拉开帷幕。这所学校位于深圳以东沿海正在快速发展的小径湾地区,校园建筑面积55 000 平方米,为区域发展的一部分。在规划中,这里还要建造酒店、俱乐部、商业和住宅等项目,创造一个多功能城区。
校园坐落于山坡之上,遥望中国南海。500 名学生将在这里学习管理,设计要为300 名学生和35 名教职员工提供居住设施。五栋教学楼和创新中心位于中央林荫道旁的山顶上,尽端为主礼堂,内设可容纳580 人的讲堂和会议室;图书馆,小礼堂,学生吧,体育馆和宿舍被设置在山腰上,能观赏海景,葱郁的植物蔓延在建筑之间。设计强调了建筑的水平感,在建造中使用色调统一的材料,如裸露的清水混凝土,铜色贴面和特别研制的陶土砖等,让校园成为了一个整体。
福斯特建筑事务所的建筑合伙人Chris Bubb 说道:“设计的想法是创造一个如瀑布般落下的综合体,其中包括一系列教学和生活空间,以及露台和散步道,鼓励学生相互交流,并且提升他们的生活品质。”
小径湾地区在历史上便用砖石建造房屋,设计延续了这一传统,并将其与现代的设计手法相结合。建造所使用的砖为特殊设计,每块长度超过半米,用当地黏土含量很高的土壤制造。机器制成的砖在烧制前经石头印坯,形成粗糙的纹理;砖块以1250 度到1290 度不等的温度烧制,颜色产生轻微变化,与周边土壤的色调相呼应。所有生产加工均在临近的工厂内完成。
Bubb 补充道:“砖是建筑的基础元素,可以展现建筑的特征。我们不断改进材料尺寸和成分配比,甚至从当地挖掘土壤,以保证建筑与环境相融合。”
砖块高42 毫米,深60 毫米,由8 毫米厚的有色灰浆垒砌,颜色之间存在微妙的差异,形成一种温暖的感觉,并且与清水混凝土结构相和谐。精密的设计实现了楼群高质量的建造,砖作为建筑的基本元素,在反映当地独特的建造传统的同时,体现了大学建筑与时俱进的时代特征。
Xiao Jing Wan is a coastal urban development located to the east of Shenzhen. Foster +Partners has designed a mixed-use development consisting of a hotel, clubhouse, retail and residential components in the region, also including a 55 000 square-metre university campus for China Resources Group. Situated astride a hill, with exceptional views towards the South China Sea, the management training institute accommodates 500 students, with residential facilities for up to 300 students and 35 staff.
Five teaching buildings and the innovation centre flank the central boulevard at the crest of the hill, which terminates with the main auditorium building, containing the main lecture theatre for 580 people and other meeting rooms. The library, additional auditoria, students’bar, gym and residences step down the side, maintaining sea views, and are linked by lush landscaping. The buildings are arranged with a strong horizontal emphasis, and use the same restrained palette of materials in their construction, consisting of fair-faced concrete exposed internally and externally, bronze coloured cladding and a specially developed clay brick.
This area of Shenzhen has a history of brick masonry buildings, and the design of the university buildings follow in this tradition with a contemporary interpretation of the conventional building block. More than half a metre long, the specially designed brick is made from locally available earth which has a high clay content. The entire manufacturing process was carried out at a neighbouring factory, where the machine-made bricks were given a rough texture by hand-pressing coarse stones against them before firing. The bricks were baked at varying temperatures between 1250 and 1290 degrees Celsius to obtain slight variations in colour shades, matching the different tones of earth found in the surrounding area.
Each brick - 60 millimetres deep and 42 millimetre high - was overlaid with an 8 millimetre layer of coloured mortar - the shade of which was carefully selected to exude warmth and complement the colour of the fair-faced concrete structure. The result is a precise, wellengineered complex of buildings that derive their character from the basic building block -the brick, simultaneously reflecting the area’s vernacular heritage and the contemporary nature of the university buildings.
屋顶平面 Roof Plan
3 层平面 Level 3 - Floor Plan
1 层平面 Level 1 - Floor Plan
负1 层平面 Level B1 - Floor Plan
负4 层平面 Level B4 - Floor Plan
负5 层平面 Lmevel B5 - Floor Plan