

世界建筑导报 2021年2期




结构设计:Adams Kara Taylor


合作单位:RW Armstrong

设计/建造:2007 / 2010 年

摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所

Client: Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company - Masdar

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Architectural Design: Foster + Partners

Structural Engineer: Adams Kara Taylor

Laboratory Design: Research Facilities Design (RFD)

Collaborating Architect/Engineer: RW Armstrong

Design / Completion: 2007 / 2010

Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

马斯达尔学院是由英国福斯特事务所设计、阿联酋皇室斥资150 亿到300 亿美元修筑而成。它标志着马斯达尔城首个全方位利用太阳能的建筑诞生。马斯达尔学院(MI)校园完全由可再生的太阳能供能,用10 兆瓦太阳能提供事业单位的电力。这个太阳能研究所多生产60%MI 所消耗的能量,将其反馈到阿布扎比电力网格。研究生将成为这座城市的居民,从可持续的技术和数据,MI将协助实现这些实践在未来的马斯达尔城的建筑的应用。


学院展示了可持续原则,体现在总体平面图上。面向建筑曲线外墙并提供最大阴影,为相邻建筑物和下面的行人街道遮阳。超过5 000 平方米的屋顶安装光伏装置,提供电力和街道上额外的阴影。住宅的窗户提供了mashrabiya 在当代的重新解释,这是一种格子状凸窗,由可持续玻璃增强混凝土构成,彩色与当地沙漠砂集成了文脉并减少维护。光与影的穿孔基于伊斯兰教的传统建筑的模式。实验室和学生宿舍是由各种各样的社会空间组成,包括一个体育馆,餐厅、咖啡馆、知识中心、议会或者聚会场所,景观区域扩展公民领域,创建了一个新的微型城市。一、二和三间卧室的公寓位于低层,形成了高密度块,作为社会与教育实验室环境。

这个建筑是计划的四个阶段的第一部分,最终的学生人数在600 - 800。四个住宅小区围绕一个中心实验室和知识中心建造,一系列额外校园建筑的第一部分,包括一座清真寺、会议厅和运动综合体。第二阶段将在今年年底开始进一步进行,包括实验室和公寓。马斯达尔研究所提供了10 个个人快速运输(PRT)的入口,汽车正在从城市周边运行,作为一个试点项目,由下面的地下室提供。这个项目是阿布扎比的承诺建立先锋可持续技术与碳中和环境的一个国际中心的信号。


The Masdar Institute is the first part of the wider Masdar City masterplan to be realised and creates an educational focus for the entire programme. The Institute embodies the principles and goals of Masdar to create a prototypical and sustainable city and is the first building of its kind to be powered entirely by renewable solar energy. The design incorporates a variety of passive and active environmental strategies and will be used as a test-bed for the sustainable technologies that will be explored for implementation in future Masdar City buildings.

The Institute’s residences and laboratories are oriented to shade both the adjacent buildings and the pedestrian streets below and the facades are also self-shading. Over 5,000 square metres of roof-mounted photovoltaic installations provide power and further protection from the direct sun. A 10-megawatt solar field within the masterplan site provides 60 per cent more energy than is consumed by the Masdar Institute, all of which can be fed back to the Abu Dhabi grid. The campus will also use significantly less energy and water than average modern buildings in the UAE. Horizontal and vertical fins and brisesoleil shade the laboratories, which have highly flexible ‘plug and play’services to encourage interdisciplinary research. The laboratory facades are formed from highly insulative inflatable ETFE cushions, which remain cool to the touch under the intense desert sun. Cooling air currents are directed through the public spaces using a contemporary interpretation of the region’s traditional wind towers, and green landscaping and water provide evaporative cooling.

The laboratories and residential accommodation are supported by a variety of social spaces, including a gymnasium, canteen, café, knowledge centre, majlis- or meeting place - and landscaped areas that extend the civic realm. One, two and threebedroom apartments are housed in low-rise, high-density blocks, which provide a social counterpoint to the research environment. Windows in the residential buildings are protected by a contemporary reinterpretation of mashrabiya, a type of latticed projecting oriel window, constructed with sustainably developed, glass-reinforced concrete and coloured with local sand to integrate with its desert context and to minimise maintenance.The perforations for light and shade are based on the patterns found in the traditional architecture of Islam.

屋顶平面 Roof Plan

纵剖面 Long Section

© Roland Halbe

1 层平面 Level 1 Plan

横剖面 Short Section

