

世界建筑导报 2021年2期




设计/建造:2020 年

摄影:Finbarr Fallon

Client: Apple Coporation

Location: Singapore

Architect: Foster + Partners

Design / Completion: 2020

Photography: Finbarr Fallon

新落成的苹果新加坡滨海湾金沙旗舰店是新加坡海岸线的又一奇观。建筑师设计了一个直径30 米且带有黑色玻璃底座的全玻璃圆顶结构。该项目是苹果设计团队与福斯特建筑事务所共同合作的成果。

来自福斯特事务所的David Summerfield 这样说道:“苹果新加坡滨海湾金沙旗舰店是一个游走于透明和阴影之间的项目。我们试图通过这个特殊结构的设计,打破内外空间的边界,从而创造一个漂浮于水面之上的微型平台,并给来访者提供一个欣赏新加坡天际线和海湾的绝佳视角。”

从结构上来说,该旗舰店运用了钢筋和玻璃这两种混合材料。同时,钢制截面的网格结构还起到了重量支撑的作用,而弯曲的结构玻璃面板则对钢构件起到了横向的支撑作用,并对整体结构形态起到了一定的强化与稳固。建筑师还安装了遮阳系统,以保证内部空间的温度舒适值。而每一片玻璃都经过了精心的挑选,以实现最终114片玻璃全部符合新加坡专属可持续认证标准BCA 的绿色认证。

Recently opened to the public, Apple Marina Bay Sands creates a new distinctive presence on Singapore Bay. The 30-metre-diameter structure is a fully glazed dome with a black glass base,complementing the sister pavilions through its scale and materiality. The design is the result of a close collaboration between Apple’s design teams and the integrated engineering and design team at Foster + Partners.

David Summerfield, Foster + Partners said, “Apple Marina Bay Sands is all about the delicate interplay between transparency and shade. The structure dissolves the boundary between the inside and outside, creating a minimal platform that floats gently in the water, looking out over the bay and the spectacular Singapore skyline.”

Structurally, the dome acts as a hybrid steel and glass shell, where the grid of steel sections support the weight of the glass and shading, and the curved structural glass panels restrain the steel elements laterally and stiffen the overall form against lateral loads. Integrated solar shading devices keep the interior cool. Each of the 114 panels of glass is carefully selected to meet glazing indices as prescribed by BCA Green Mark, Singapore’s own sustainability rating system.


来自福斯特事务所的Stefan Behling 则这样补充道:“这个圆顶结构似乎是变换无穷的。其在不同的环境条件下,会呈现出差异万千的形态。这不光是对苹果产品的一种映衬,还是对自然光照的一种歌颂。”

此外,新加坡的花园城市概念也在该旗舰店的内部得到了很好地体现。建筑师沿着圆环的外圈,设置了10 棵树木,以提供额外的遮阳可能,并对边界进行一定的柔化处理。建筑师还为其设置了皮革的座椅,使得其可以为来访者提供舒适的休憩体验。

游客们可以从The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands 进入这家旗舰店,并会经过一个绚丽的弧形石质入口,以及一个45米长和7.6米宽的大道。游客们再穿过一个扶梯,就会从这万花筒般的穿行体验里到达这个独特的圆顶空间。游客们可以在这里欣赏到独特的海岸及城市风光。白天,这个特殊的圆顶可以反射出周边的水景和天光;而在夜间,其则会呈现出独特的室内照明设计,并与一旁的新加坡城市天际线遥相呼应。

Each of the multifunctional concentric light sunshade rings reduce in size as they progress towards the top of the building, providing acoustic absorption for the store. More importantly, they diffuse and reflect daylight to the baffle above, creating a magical effect and dematerialising the structure. At the top a semi-opaque oculus provides a dramatic shaft of light that travels through the space, reminiscent of the famous Pantheon in Rome.

Stefan Behling, Foster + Partners said, “The dome appears ephemeral. The effect is very calming,and the changing intensity and colour of the light is mesmerising. It is not only a celebration of Apple’s incredible products, but a celebration of light.”

The garden city ideal of Singapore flows from the promenade into the interior spaces, with ten trees placed along the perimeter providing additional shading and soft shadows through the foliage. Set within leather-topped planters, they also provide comfortable places to sit and enjoy the ambiance of the store and the fantastic views of the marina.

The store can be entered through The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands via a beautifully curved stone entrance, flanked by Apple’s signature Avenue display on either side of a 45-metre long and 7.6-metre wide space. This leads directly to a set of dramatic escalators that take visitors on a “kaleidoscopic”journey to the heart of the spectacular domed space. This contrasting transition from the heart of the retail centre to the Apple dome offers the customer a dramatic and exhilarating experience. It culminates with spectacular views across the bay and towards the city. During the day, the dome reflects the colours of the surrounding water and sky, while in the evening the subtle interior lighting provides a warm glow and enhances everyone’s experience of Singapore’s spectacular skyline.


Abstracts of Papers in This Issue