结构设计:Sailer Stepan & Partner GmbH
机电设计:Ingenieurbüro Robert Ottitsch (HLS + RLT);PEG GmbH (Elektro)
照明设计:Ingenieurbüro Bamberger
用地面积:约4 000 平方米
总建筑面积:12 328 平方米
设计/建造:2005 / 2014 年
摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所
Client: City of Munich, Cultural Department, Building Construction
Location: Munich, Germany
Architectural Design: Foster + Partners
Structural Engineer: Sailer Stepan & Partner GmbH
Mechanical Engineer: Ingenieurbüro Robert Ottitsch (HLS + RLT);PEG GmbH (Elektro)
Landscaping: Burger Landschaftsarchitekten
Lighting Design: Ingenieurbüro Bamberger
Site Area: Approx. 4 000 m2
Area (Gross): 12 328 m2
Design / Completion: 2005 / 2014
Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
Lenbachhaus 博物馆建于1891 年,是艺术家弗朗茨·冯·伦巴赫的工作室和别墅,在上个世纪逐步扩建。然而,在世纪之交,博物馆缺乏设施,无法满足每年28 万名不断增长的观众。该项目重新定义了整个场地的交通,将不同时期的复杂空间序列转变为一个统一的、易读的博物馆,对所有人开放。博物馆的历史建筑被精心修复,一个壮观的新侧厅增加了展览空间,为观赏壮观的“蓝色骑士”(Blue Rider)收藏品提供了理想的环境。除了从根本上改善建筑的环境性能,改造还创建了一个新的入口和社交空间,包括餐厅、露台、教育设施和引人注目的通高中庭,在这里旧的空间与新的空间相连。
剥去不必要的历史附加物,1972 年的扩建部分被拆除,露出原来别墅的墙壁,并以赭石色调进行了修复。不同的历史元素沿着理查德-瓦格纳街被一个新的画廊展馆统一,包含两层展览空间。新建筑作为画廊珍宝的“珠宝盒”——它覆盖着铜和铝合金的金属管,它们的颜色和形式设计与别墅丰富的赭色色调和纹理外立面相辅相成。餐厅旁边设置了一个新的入口,通过博物馆东侧的一个新的景观广场进入——这一举措收回了庭院花园,将其从步行街变成了一个宁静的游客空间。餐厅在博物馆开放时间之外开放,它的座位继续在外面,有助于活跃周围的街道,吸引新的游客进入画廊。建筑的新社会中心是一个引人注目的顶部照明的中庭,设有售票台和咨询台,通往一楼新的临时展览空间,还有一个宏大的悬臂楼梯通往上层画廊。清晰地表达了新中旧,它令人印象深刻的体量融合了原别墅的赭石外墙,并缩放以容纳大型艺术作品。该博物馆委托艺术家奥拉维尔·埃利亚松(Olafur Eliasson)为现场创作一件名为“Wirbelwerk”的作品。白天,阳光通过屋顶上细长的开口冲刷着白色墙壁,水平百叶窗在空间内投射出变化的光影模式。
Designed in the Florentine style, and completed in 1891 as a villa and studio for the artist Franz von Lenbach, the Lenbachhaus became Munich’s city art gallery in 1924.Over the succeeding fifty years the building was extended and adapted in two major phases. By the turn of the century, however, with visitor numbers exceeding 250,000 a year, it lacked the facilities needed to cater to its widening audience. The challenge for the museum’s renewal lay in conserving the ensemble of historic buildings and maintaining the amount of gallery space, while providing new circulation and visitor areas, a restaurant, terrace and shop.
Following an analysis of the existing buildings, a wing dating from the 1970s was removed and replaced with a new building, with two floors of galleries, which unifies the historical elements along Richard-Wagner-Strasse. Conceived as a ‘jewel box’ for the gallery’s treasures, the new wing is clad in aluminium-copper-alloy tubes whose colour complements the villa’s rich ochre render. Inside, a sequence of galleries displays the museum’s renowned collection of paintings by the early-twentieth-century group, Der Blaue Reiter, echoing the domestic scale of their original setting. As many of these works were painted en plein air, indirect natural light is drawn into the upper-level galleries to create the ideal conditions for their display.
Circulation through the building has been completely redefined, beginning with a new entrance sequence via a piazza to the east of the museum, which has allowed the historic courtyard to be reinstated as a tranquil garden. A restaurant with an open-air terrace extends into the piazza, to enliven the surrounding area. The social heart of the building is the three-storey lobby, from where visitors access the temporary exhibition space on the ground floor and the upper-level galleries. Clearly articulating the old within the new, this top-lit volume embraces the exterior wall of the villa and incorporates a large-scale installation by the Danish-Icelandic artist, Olafur Eliasson, which refracts sunlight from a slender clerestory window to cast dynamic patterns of light and shade.
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