

世界建筑导报 2021年2期




结构工程:Thornton Tomasetti

场地面积:5 798 平方米

建筑面积:167 225 平方米

摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所

Client: Comcast Liberty Property Trust

Location: Philadelphia, USA

Architect: Foster + Partners

Structural Engineer: Thornton Tomasetti

Site Area: 5 798 m²

Building Area: 167 225 m²

Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

四季酒店共12 层,位于康卡斯特技术中心办公区域的上方。

一层礼宾部负责接待参观者与客人,一旁则为街边餐厅的生机勃勃的景观,并伴有充满活力的音乐。宴会厅参观者自入口左侧进入夹层,乘坐巨大的单程自动扶梯便可通向5 层宴会厅,途中能够观赏珍妮·霍尔泽(Jenny Holzer)设计的数字艺术作品《致费城》(for Philadelphia),该作品横跨整个裙楼天花板。

一层电梯前廊位于正门入口右侧,其花卉展品由著名花艺设计师杰夫·利塔姆(Jeff Leatham)精心设计。玻璃高速电梯自裙楼沿北立面升高,使游客一睹整个城市的美好景色。电梯俯瞰洛根广场,将客人与参观者送往位于60 层的酒店接待处。

抵达后,首先映入客人眼帘的是酒店的全景,接待处的玛瑙墙闪闪发光。随后,客人经由引导穿过轴线上花团锦簇的通道,到达让—乔治Sky High餐厅。客人自两旁分别矗立着黑色石料“水壁”的楼梯径直走下,便可看到巨大的酒吧与休息室。

The 12-story Four Seasons Hotel is located above the office spaces in the Concast Technology Center.

Visitors and guests are greeted at the concierge on the ground level, with the animated sights and sounds of the street restaurant beyond. Visitors to the ballroom are directed to the mezzanine from the left of the entrance, from where a dramatic single flight of escalators lead all the way up to the ballroom on level 5, passing through the dynamic for Philadelphia digital artwork by Jenny Holzer that runs across the length of the podium ceiling.

The ground floor elevator lobby, located to the right of the main entrance, features exquisite displays by acclaimed floral designer Jeff Leatham. The glass express elevators rise up and out of the podium along the northern façade, revealing stunning views of the city, looking onto Logan Square and carrying guests and visitors up to the hotel reception on level 60.

On arrival guests are greeted by the first glimpses of the panoramic views, and the glowing onyx wall of the reception desk. Guests are then led through the axial flower-lined canyon towards the Jean-Georges restaurant, Sky High, which unfolds in a dramatic bar and lounge as guests descend a monument staircase flanked by two black stone ‘water-walls’.

负1 层大厅平面 Concourse Level B1

沿街1 层平面 Street Level 1

大堂架高层,2 层平面 Elevated Lobby-Level 2

餐厅平面 Restaurant Level

办公标准层,33 层平面 Typical Office - Level 33

办公标准层,34 层平面 Typical Office - Level 34

办公标准层,35 层平面 Typical Office - Level 35

客房标准层,55 层平面 Typical Hotel Floor - Level 55

温泉,57 层平面 Spa - Level 57

© Jeffrey Totaro


建筑断面解决了复杂的空间困难,私人用餐区位于59 层,但上方餐厅便可为其提供服务。水疗中心和健身中心则位于57层。走出电梯便可进入一个双层高的空间,客人可于这位于建筑北缘的走廊散步,走廊灯火通明,健身房、水疗室与其他治疗室分布两旁。游泳池可谓宽阔无边,位于水疗中心尽头,其旁三层楼高的玻璃窗十分引人注目,可轻易俯瞰下方城市。


The restaurant is a soaring triple-height space, fully glazed on three sides. The unique pyramidical mirrored ceiling that stretches across the length of entire floor infuses the space with dynamism, reflecting the bustling charm of the restaurant space, while multiplying the views of the skyline at eye level from every corner.

The building’s section resolves a complex spatial puzzle, with private dining areas located on level 59, which can be serviced by the restaurant above. The spa and fitness center are located on level 57. Stepping out into a double-height space from the elevators, guests walk along a brightly lit corridor on the northern edge of the building with gym, spa and other treatment rooms. The spa terminates in an infinityedged swimming pool contained within a striking three-story-high glazed volume which overlooks the city below.

The hotel comprises nine floors of guest rooms below. The building’s circulation follows a defined pattern on every floor plate - an internal ‘street’ runs along the center from the elevators to the eastern edge, where the suites are located. Curved corners marking every room door give an impression of generosity of space, a language that continues in the interior layout of the rooms. Every room has full height glazing, a 10-foot floor-toceiling clearance, walk-in wardrobes, a wall screen displaying digital art by Brian Eno,all complemented by a warm palette of materials and bronze tones. All the bespoke furniture used throughout the hotel - in the public areas as well as the rooms - was designed by the practice.

© Jeffrey Totaro

© christian horan photography

© christian horan photography

立面 Elevation

© christian horan photography


和名画“撞衫” 是一种怎样的体验
魁北克Strøm Nordic水疗中心
数说InnoTrans 2018