Product by European Commission 歐盟委员会
With digital change accelerating, it is essential that education and training systems adjust accordingly. While responsibility for content of teaching and the organisation of education systems lies primarily with Member States, recent years have seen a growing momentum to share and exchange best practices on digital education; and develop common tools and frameworks at EU level.
Combining forces and working together on digital education has never been more vital. The EU can play a more active role in identifying, sharing and scaling good practice and supporting Member States and the education and training communities as a whole with tools, frameworks, guidance, technical expertise and research.
The COVID-19 crisis has brought greater awareness of the need to improve the use of technology in education and training; to adapt pedagogies and develop digital skills. The following guiding principles are essential to ensure that education and training adjust to the digital transformation and further improve the quality and inclusiveness of education in Europe.
High quality and inclusive digital education, which respects the protection of personal data and ethics, needs to be a strategic goal of all bodies and agencies active in education and training. Before the pandemic, digital education was often the responsibility of a team or division within educational institutions, ministries or public bodies. The crisis has demonstrated that digital education is not a marginal issue but a central component of learning, teaching and assessment in the 21st century. All players in education need to strategically reflect on how digital technologies can be embedded into education and training.
Transforming education for the digital age is a task for the whole society. This transformation should include an enhanced dialogue and stronger partnerships between educators, the private sector, researchers, municipalities, and public authorities. Parents, companies, civil society and learners themselves, including younger learners, should be more closely involved in efforts to make high quality, accessible and inclusive digital education and training a reality for all. This should be underpinned by evidence and data to monitor progress and improve our understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation in education.
Appropriate investment in connectivity, equipment and organisational capacity and skills should ensure that everybody has access to digital education. Education is a fundamental human right and access to it has to be guaranteed, independent of the environment in which it takes place–physical, digital or a combination of both. The right to quality and inclusive education and training and lifelong learning is the first principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights, while the fifth principle of the Pillar gives workers a right to training.
Digital education should play a pivotal role in increasing equality and inclusiveness. Digital skills are essential to be able to develop and deploy digitally accessible and inclusive systems. Likewise, lack of digital skills and lack of accessibility has meant that many disadvantaged groups, teachers, and families were unable to continue work and learning during lockdown. Not only has this increased the risk of poverty and disadvantage but also it has widened inequality in education and training.
Digital competence should be a core skill for all educators and training staff and should be embedded in all areas of teacher professional development, including initial teacher education. Educators are highly knowledgeable and skilled professionals that need the confidence and skills to use technology effectively and creatively to engage and motivate their learners, support the acquisition of digital skills by learners and to ensure that digital tools and platform used are accessible to all learners. Teachers and trainers should have access to ongoing opportunities for professional learning and development tailored to their needs and their discipline. Digital teaching methods and innovation in digital education should be embedded throughout all initial teacher education programmes and promoted in the education and training of youth workers.