

世界建筑 2021年4期


梅丰社区公园位于深圳市福田区梅林街道,中康路和北环路交汇,占地面积4674.35m2。梅林片区地处福田区的北面,也是“背面”,主要以城中村、老旧住宅和工业区等功能混杂,城市建筑老化,空间品质不高,形成了大量的“城市盲区”。地块原本与临旁小区属同一地块,因业主与开发商的纠纷,其承诺给业主的公共配套没有实现,业主们因此对该地的建设非常敏感,曾多次抵制该地块的开发,地块就这样闲置了近20 年。

1 公园与周边鸟瞰/Aerial view of the park and the surrounding



2-3 场地改造前原状/Site before renovation

Meifeng Community Creative Park is located at the intersection of Zhongkang Road and Beihuan Road in Futian District.It covers an area of 4674.35 square metres.The Meilin area is located in the north and also the "backside" of Futian District.It is mainly mixed with functions such as urban villages, old houses and industrial areas.The urban buildings are ageing and the spatial quality is not high, forming a large number of "urban blind spots".The site originally belonged to the same plot as the adjacent Community.Due to disputes between the owner and the developer, the site was closed in 2000.The public facilities promised by the developers to the owners have not been realised,and the owners are therefore very sensitive to the construction of the land.They have repeatedly resisted the development of the land, and the land has been left unused for nearly 20 years.

The current site is a vacant reinforced concrete floor, surrounded by walls on four sides,and there is a certain height difference with the surrounding land.The interior is occupied as a temporary parking lot.Due to long-term vacancy and lack of management, some areas have become garbage dumps.The weeds around the site and the harsh environment are in sharp contrast with the neighbourhood communities and urban roads beyond the walls.In the high-density Meilin area,such an abandoned site is even more incompatible with the surrounding environment.

The design of the park is based on the principle of "openness, ecology, and diversity".The site and its surroundings are systematically sorted out, the walls are removed to open the boundaries of the park,and the park's accessibility to urban streets and communities is established.The existing reinforced concrete floor is destroyed to make the land rebreath and establish an ecological landscape base.Improvements are made to the park's road network and basic service facilities.Consideration is given to the surrounding users by setting up multiple recreational and entertainment venues such as children's playgrounds, stepped squares, cultural display corridors and jogging tracks to make the venues safe and comfortable.The community park in the city turns the originally enclosed wasteland into an urban park that revitalises the surrounding communities.

The current condition of hard ground cannot serve as the foundation of diversity, so the first step is to smash the concrete floor and let the land breathe again, to build a new ecosystem.Using broken concrete blocks to create a cracked garden with micro-topography, the old concrete blocks and the plants in the cracks form a harmonious symbiosis.The natural and wild cracked garden has also become a playground for children.

Due to the short construction period and low budget, this project is different from the largearea stone paving in traditional municipal parks.It adopts low-cost and low-maintenance strategies for design and construction.The smashed old concrete blocks are used as landscape materials and stacked to form a micro-topographic crack garden.Small fragments are used as materials for filling stone cages.Even smaller fragments are used as underground gravel layers for sponge city technical measures to drain rainwater.In terms of plant design, local species of ornamental grasses and wildflowers with low-maintenance requirements are selected for natural planting of bottom plants.

After the renovation, the openness of the park attracted surrounding residents and passers-by to go into the park.The park held social, relaxation,family, exercising, recreational, and various activities from time to time.The openness and inclusiveness of the park allow everyone to equally enjoy the opportunity of quietness and relaxation.□



4 平面/Plan

5 轴测/Axonometric drawing

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 深圳市福田区梅林街道办/Meilin Sub-district Office of Shenzhen Futian District


主创及设计团队:黄丹霞,杜梦碧,梁瑞华,欧婷婷,余涵,邱建旺,朱飞飞/HUANG Danxia, DU Mengbi, LIANG Ruihua, OU Tingting, YU Han, QIU Jianwang, ZHU Feifei

代建单位及设计总包方/Construction Agent: 深圳市建筑科学研究院股份有限公司/Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd.

项目策划/Project Planning: 深圳市城市设计促进中心/Shenzhen Centre for Design

策划团队人员/Planning Team: 刘磊,刘雅,叶颖/LIU Lei,LIU Ya, YE Ying

艺术策划/Art Planning: 深圳市公共艺术中心(深圳雕塑院)/Shenzhen Centre for Public Art (Shenzhen Sculpture Academy)

雕塑装置及艺术家/Sculpture Installation and Artist: 吕晓正(“寻梅”),卢远良(“见证”),刘国栋(“花开花落”)/LYU Xiaozheng (Seeking Plum Blossom), LU Yuanliang (Witness), LIU Guodong (Flowers Blooming)

设计时间/Design Period: 2019.04-2020.01

造价/Cost: 150万元/1.5 M CNY

摄影/Photos: 梁瑞华/LIANG Ruihua

6 场地生长演变/Site growth and changing

7 临近城市街道的阶梯活动广场/Stepped plaza adjacent to a city street

8 裂缝花园轴测/Axonometric of cracked garden

9 台阶广场轴测/Axonometric of step square

10 党建长廊轴测/Axonometric of party corridor

11-12 自然野趣的裂缝花园/Cracked garden

13 阶梯活动广场/Step square

14 人们与起伏树池互动/Peaple interaction with the tree pool

15 旧混凝土块与缝隙的植物和谐共生/Concrete is symbiotic with plants

16 历史旧相片嵌入休闲艺术长廊/Art corridor with old photos

17 场地再利用后/Site after re-use

