陈波 朱雄翔 张冬梅 郭晶东 朱镇森 彭靓
[中图分类号]R758.74+1 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)03-0067-02
Comparison of Negative Pressure Suction Combined with Scratching and Small Incision Subcutaneous Pruning in the Treatment of Axillary Bromhidrosis
CHEN Bo,ZHU Xiong-xiang,ZHANG Dong-mei,GUO Jing-dong,ZHU Zhen-sen,PENG Liang
(Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery,Shenzhen Hospital of Southern Medical University,Shenzhen 518000,Guangdong,China)
Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of negative pressure suction combined with scratching and small incision subcutaneous pruning in the treatment of axillary bromhidrosis. Methods From January 2017 to June 2019,95 patients were included and divided into two groups(55 cases by negative pressure suction combined with scratching, 40 cases by small incision subcutaneous pruning). The patients were followed up for 6 to 12 months. The effectiveness and complications of the two methods were compared. Results There was no significant difference in curative effect between the two groups(P>0.05). The complication rate of negative pressure suction combined with scratching was lower than that of small incision subcutaneous pruning, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Negative pressure suction combined with scratching in the treatment of axillary bromhidrosis has lower complications and lighter scar, which is a recommended surgical treatment for axillary osmidrosis.
Key words: axillary bromhidrosis; negative pressure suction; scratching; subcutaneous pruning; small incision; curative effect
腋臭(Axillary bromhidrosis)俗稱狐臭,是人体大汗腺过度分泌的产物在需氧棒状杆菌的分解下产生的特殊难闻气味。负压抽吸联合搔刮法与小切口皮下剪除法是目前最广泛应用于临床的两种手术治疗方法。本研究收集了2017年1月-2019年6月笔者科室应用两种治疗方法的患者资料,为临床选择提供一些参考。
1 临床资料
2 治疗方法
2.1 负压抽吸联合搔刮组:患者仰卧,双手抱头。备皮刀刮除腋毛,术区常规消毒铺巾,亚甲蓝标记手术范围为腋毛边缘外1cm,沿上臂腋毛远端设计5mm长的横向手术切口。250ml生理盐水+2%利多卡因20ml+肾上腺素0.25mg行肿胀麻醉,每侧约100ml,肿胀麻醉层次位于皮下与浅筋膜层。用长的钝头组织剪沿皮下脂肪浅层分离,用前端呈锯齿样腋臭抽吸搔刮器接100kPa负压行皮下汗腺搔刮抽吸(见图1~2),搔刮器的吸引孔朝外,先沿腋毛纵轴扇行抽吸,然后沿腋毛横轴行渐进横向抽吸。搔刮至皮肤厚度2~3mm,厚度相当于全厚皮。生理盐水行皮下冲洗后挤出冲洗液,缝合1针,不打结,待第2天皮下渗液充分引流后打结关闭伤口。术后无菌敷料覆盖,并用笔者科室特制腋臭包扎袖带固定(见图3),术后7d拆线。