简 介
中华全国专利代理师协会(以下简称协会),是由国家知识产权局主管,经民政部批准成立的全国性行业自律非营利社会团体,成立于1988 年12 月12 日。
协会最高权力机构是会员代表大会。秘书处是协会的常设办事机构,负责日常工作开展。第十次全国会员代表大会于2019 年12 月19 日举行,大会选举产生199 名理事、54 名常务理事、1 名会长、11 名副会长以及1 名秘书长。
All-China Patent Attorneys Association
All-China Patent Attorneys Association (hereinafter referred to as ACPAA) was founded on December 12,1988.It is a nationwide and non-profit self-disciplinary social organization established with the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’ s Republic of China and supervised by the China National Intellectual Property Administration.
The Mission of ACPAA
The mission of ACPAA is to unite and educate its members:
-to abide by the constitution,laws,regulations and national policies;
-to practice core socialist values,observe social morality and consciously strengthen the construction of integrity and self-discipline;
-to devote to the patent profession and strictly abide by the professional ethics and discipline;
-to coordinate internal and external relations of the association;
-to safeguard the interests of the profession and its members;
-to reinforce the professional self-discipline,improve the members’ professional level and promote the healthy development of the profession;
-to conduct international communication and cooperation;
so as to make active contributions in the acceleration of building a country of innovation and strong intellectual property protection,and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
The Organization of ACPAA
The General Assembly is the principal decision-making body of ACPAA.The Secretariat of ACPAA is the permanent office responsible for daily operation of ACPAA.The tenth General Assembly was held on December 19,2019,on which 199 Council Members,54 Standing Council Members,1 President,11 Vice Presidents and 1 Secretary General were elected.