

疯狂英语·新策略 2021年3期


Task 1

I'm a big fan of saving the environment, and I take part in Earth Hour annually. Earth Hour is an event where you turn off all unimportant lights and power between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm.

_1_Instead, people gather in groups and have fun without using power. Things like dancing and musical performances are popular and it's very fun to take part.

I have taken part in Earth Hour for years. Last year, for example, my university had an outdoor cycle cinema. At the cycle cinema, the only way to keep watching the film is to keep riding your bike.If everyone stops, the screen turns off._2_Everyone who was there had a lot of fun.

_3_In fact, nobody I had spoken to about it even knew what it was! I explained to them what happened during Earth Hour and they were very keen to take part.

_4_We only have one planet, so it is important to keep it safe. Many people think they can't do that much to help protect the planet.__5_Earth Hour proves that even doing a little thing, like turning the lights off for one hour, can make a difference.

A. In fact, anything can help.

B. Earth Hour isn't just about saving energy.

C. In my hometown, Earth Hour isn't a very big thing.

D. Earth Hour is a fun way to raise the awareness of the environment protection.

E. However, you don't just sit at home in the dark for an hour.

F. At the moment, we are looking for ways to help the environment.

G. Luckily, there were many of us who helped keep the movie going.

Task 2

You're busy. You work. You have a family, maybe a garden or some other great projects. And you're a student._1_We have gathered four of our favorite time management tips for busy students.

Just say no. When you're stretched (消耗) to your limits, you're not very efficient in any of the many things you're trying to accomplish._2_

Use a planner. Whether you prefer a printed datebook, or use your smartphone for everything, do it._3_The busier you get, the easier it is to forget and let things slip through the cracks. Use a planner and remember to check it.

Make lists._4_Free up some brain space by putting everything you need to get done on a list.Better yet, buy a small notebook and keep a running dated list.

_5_Having a schedule seems like a pretty basic organization skill, but it's amazing how many students don't show the self-discipline they should have to be successful.

Some experts suggest that having a bird's-eye view of the entire term helps students stay balanced and avoid surprises. They also report that top students divide up the tasks on their schedule,studying for tests over a period of weeks rather than in one crash sitting.

A. Have a schedule.

B. Put everything in one place.

C. How do you balance it all?

D. Are you tired of so many things?

E. Lists are great just about everything.

F. The best way to solve the problem is to have a rest.

G. Determine the most important things and say no to other things.

Task 3

Do you want to provide your cat with a safe place to sleep, eat, play and curl up? If you have a spare room in your house, you can turn it into a cat-approved shelter by following a few simple steps._1_So make sure to keep these needs in mind when designing your cat's room.

Make it private. Your cat will feel much more comfortable in her new space if she doesn't have to worry about intruders (侵入者) constantly coming in. When choosing a room for your cat, try to make it one that doesn't get much traffic from the rest of your household, especially from guests. If you don't have room in your house to devote a room 100% to your cat, try sharing a quiet room with her._2_

Make it safe._3_This includes wires, poisonous plants and anything else that you don't want your cat to put in her mouth. You should also remove anything that your cat might be able to knock over, or at least secure it somehow.

_4_Good hiding places can be behind or under a piece of furniture, inside the enclosure (围场), or even inside a cardboard box. Your cat might appreciate it if you put a cat bed or a soft blanket in her favorite hiding spot.

Add the necessities. Especially when you have other animals in your house, your cat will feel much more secure if everything she needs is in her safe place._5_If possible, give your cat more options for places to use the litter box and drink water.

A. Provide resting and hiding places.

B. Cats love to lie, hide, observe and play.

C. Provide food, water and a litter box in the cat room.

D. A laundry room or a seldom-used office would work nicely.

E. If you have dogs, make sure that they don't have access to the cat room.

F. Remove anything from the room that may cause a potential danger to your cat.

G. Some cats may not want their food, water and litter box too close to one another.

Task 4

Writing a poem is about observing the world within or around you.__1_But with the right inspiration and approach, you can write a poem that you can be proud to share with others in class or with your friends.

Use concrete images. Avoid abstract images and go for concrete descriptions of people, places and things in your poem._2_For example, rather than write “I felt happy”, you may use concrete words “My smile lit up the room like wildfire”.

Include metaphors (暗喻). A metaphor adds variety and depth to your poem. Using it can make your poem stand out to your readers and allow you to paint a detailed picture for your readers._3_It is a great way to add unique images and create an interesting tone. For example, “I was a bird on a wire, trying not to look down.”

_4_Poetry is made to be read out loud and you should write your poem with a focus on how it sounds on the page. Writing for the ear will allow you to play with the structure of your poem and your word choice. Notice how one line of your poem flows into another and how placing one word next to another creates a certain sound.

Avoid clichés (陈词滥调). Your poem will be much more impressive if you avoid clichés. Go for creative descriptions and images in your poem so that your readers are surprised by your writing. For example, you may notice you have used the cliché, “She was as busy as a bee” to describe a person in your poem._5_

A. Write for the ear.

B. Polish the poem.

C. Writing a poem seems difficult.

D. It compares one thing to another in a surprising way.

E. Write down whatever comes to mind and see where it takes you.

F. You should always try to describe something using the five senses.

G. You may replace it with a more unique phrase “Her hands were always occupied”.

Task 5

Getting old might not be something that's yet to cross your mind, but ageing is unavoidably going to get the better of us one day._1_It would be great to have a long, healthy and happy life, and that's why scientists are constantly seeking out evidence that will show us what we need to do to achieve longevity.

_2_In recent years we have been told to aim to walk 10,000 steps a day to remain healthy,although other advice to do three 10-minute walks a day is thought to be even more effective. That's because the speed at which people walk in their forties is a sign of how much their brains, as well as their bodies, are ageing.

Tests on 1,000 people found that slower walkers tended to show signs of “accelerated ageing”.Their lungs, teeth and immune systems (免疫系统) were in worse shape than those who walked faster.The study also found not only did slower walkers' bodies age more quickly, but also their faces looked older._3_

This might be seen as a wake-up call for people who might feel it's time to work out and get fitter._4_Researchers say they are able to predict the walking speed of 45-year-old people using the results of intelligence, language and motor skills tests from when they were aged three. They also suggest that even in early life, there are signs showing which people will go on to have a healthier life.

Therefore, what's the point of knowing that a slower walking pace might mean a smaller brain?

_5_Any steps we can take to prolong(延长) a good mental and physical state is a no brainer!

A. But it might be too late.

B. They had smaller brains, too.

C. Getting up early to work out is a good choice.

D. We all know that regular exercise is good for us.

E. We can form good habits in our eighties or nineties.

F. Therefore, it's something that I'm sure we would like to control.

G. This might help us make lifestyle changes while we're still young and healthy.

Task 6

This afternoon coming back from seeing my mom, I was driving home. All of a sudden, I heard a pop._1_I pulled to the side, but this was a canyon drive with not much shoulder space, and it happened to be around a curve where people couldn't see me. That made it dangerous._2_I couldn't get out. Within minutes, I saw a van (客货车) stopped at a distance behind me. The gentleman walked out, wearing a mask offering help, and I dared to walk out of the car very carefully. It was so narrow.He moved my car a bit out of the way while I was talking to AAA.

The gentleman offered to look at my spare tire to make sure it's okay before I hung up. Before I knew it, he took it out and started changing the tire for me, while it was a dangerous location with cars passing by so fast._3_

I told him I couldn't believe he stopped by and helped me before AAA did. He laughed._4_As we said goodbye, I promised him I'd pass his kindness on to others. I saw in my mirror that the van just followed me, making sure I was okay. At the light, I got a chance to see the entire family in the van. A beautiful young wife with beautiful children in the back. They all gave me a big smile and waved at me._5_I thought about what a role model for those young children to learn about service and compassion. And I thought how lucky I was to be the recipient of such generosity in a hot dry afternoon.

A. They were so cute.

B. That's not what I mean.

C. I thanked him and he left.

D. They couldn't find my location.

E. Cars were speeding up unconsciously passing me.

F. I knew right away what had happened—a big flat tire!

G. By the time AAA came to help, he had changed my tire!

Task 7

Plants are very important to us. None of our basic functions from breathing to eating to drinking would be possible without plants. Plants not only act as food sources but also release oxygen and help maintain the water table. The simple fact of the matter is that without plants we would not survive.

While there are many plants growing in the wild, people also grow certain plants in their homes or yards._1_While it may appear as a hobby to some, the fact is that gardening is actually quite beneficial and, therefore, important to us.

___2 It involves weeding, watering of plants and harvesting, all of which require physical labor from the gardener. Therefore, it becomes an excellent addition to your exercise routine.

Gardening is also a very practical activity._3_When you harvest vegetables from your garden,you know that you're getting the freshest produce possible.

_____4 Researching the best methods to make your garden grow, experimenting with different techniques and designing irrigation systems that work for you all help improve your skills at creativity, problem-solving and planning.

Most people dismiss gardening as a mere hobby._5_The fact is that it is much more than a recreational(娱乐的) activity. Imagine what the world would look like without any gardens.

A. Gardening is a fairly physical activity.

B. This activity is thought of as gardening.

C. Gardening can offer you many pleasures.

D. Gardening also helps sharpen problem-solving skills.

E. It allows you to grow your own vegetables and fruit.

F. They take no notice of the benefits they can get from gardening regularly.

G. It encourages you to slow down, reconnect with nature and learn to find joy.

Task 8

Four important lessons we learn at school

School life is about academics and developing social skills, respect and realizing our own potential._1_These lessons include togetherness, the power of words, school friends and uniforms,handkerchiefs and cutting nails.

Togetherness is the first lesson. School is a place where so many unique children get together.But we learn bondage (约 束) of togetherness in school. Two best friends may have different backgrounds. But once under one roof called class, the rest is all about how we adjust and learn to live together._2_

The second lesson is the power of words. Yes, it is the power of communication. Teachers coach us how to talk and how to write. The base of the communication starts from our school. _3_I always thank my beloved school teachers for motivating me to be expressive.

_4_School is a place where the deepest friendships blossom. School friends are the best friends forever. It is not that easy to have the same opinion as the friends we meet later in life. School life along with togetherness gives us the best friends.

The last lesson is uniforms, handkerchiefs and cutting nails. This might sound very funny._5_How many times our teachers would tell us to pin the napkins on our school shirts and cut down our nails! It matters a lot because it is through uniforms that we cultivate a feeling of equality at that age,which is extremely important in our later life.

My list cannot be completed without lessons like sports, discipline as well as quarrels. But the lessons above will keep me company forever.

A. Another lesson is school friends.

B. But it is true that these small things are very important ones.

C. I personally learned a lot about communication from school.

D. Whatever we pursue in school is the best and will influence a lot in future.

E. Looking back, I'll treasure several important lessons that school teaches me.

F. We must always make an effort, wholeheartedly to remember and relish our school time.

G. So school is the one that teaches us to be together, learn, play, share and enjoy in a team.

Task 9

___1 It can be a healthy form of exercise, an efficient way to get to work and a friendly way to preserve the environment.Before choosing an adult bicycle,take the following factors into consideration.

Where should you buy a new bicycle? The answer is very simple: at a dedicated (专用的)bicycle shop. One of the big advantages of bike shops is that they will have full-time qualified bicycle mechanics(机械修理工)._2_

Some people may turn to department or sports stores._3_However, bikes in such shops can be very cheap and many will be fitted with second rate components. These stores may also have a limited choice of bicycles. In most cases, these bikes will likely to be damaged by a slight violence.

Bike shops can be very busy places on nice weekends in specific seasons. If you want to ask many questions and make detailed comparisons, you'd better shop in the right time._4_You can also avoid some of the rush during the busy period by going on a weekday.

And finally, if you're on a tight budget, there's always the used market. If you do go this route, it is best to follow the local used market for a while. There you can see what's available and at what prices. Spring and early summer is when the used market appears to offer the best selection and the best prices._5_

A. During this period, bike shops are much quieter.

B. Bike riding can do us a lot of good in different ways.

C. No matter what type of bike you choose, make sure it fits you.

D. This will be a major advantage in repairing or maintaining your bicycle.

E. On the other hand, used bicycles often seem to be a little over price in autumn.

F. If you are not satisfied, just keep trying other bikes until you find the perfect fit.

G. They can sometimes sell no less than what you will find in a bike shop.

Task 10

When you think of being happy, you probably think about external(外部的) factors like a comfortable place to live in, enough money to fund your lifestyle and more.While those things can certainly contribute to a greater sense of well-being and contentment, they rarely create happiness on their own.____1 Purpose, self-love and confidence are three keys to creating a life of true joy and happiness, regardless of the state of your outer circumstances.

Purpose plays an important part in finding happiness._2_On the other hand, when you believe that your life has purpose and meaning, you'll experience greater focus and happiness. You can find purpose in any kind of situation. It doesn't matter what purpose you choose for your life; just that it's important to you.

Self-love also contributes a lot to happiness. True happiness and contentment must be accompanied by genuine self-love._3_You get along better with others; you feel stronger and more balanced,and you don't tend to take challenges so personally. The more you do, the happier you'll feel.

_4_Confidence makes you feel more in control of your life, which surely makes you feel happier too. Not only are you better able to stand up for yourself and avoid being taken advantage of, confidence also helps you to believe in yourself and your capabilities._5_

A. Confidence is the third key to happiness.

B. True happiness is usually the result of less visible factors.

C. The only thing standing in your way towards happiness is you.

D. Life without goals leads to an increased sense of emptiness and frustration.

E. A huge part of happiness is based upon accepting yourself exactly the way you are.

F. It gives you the power and determination to create a truly happy and satisfying life.

G. When you truly love and respect yourself, everything runs more smoothly in your life.

Task 11

Rock music consists of many different styles. Even though there is a common spirit among all music groups, they make very different music._1_ At that time the Beatles entered the world of music from Liverpool.

After they were given an invitation to appear live on BBC, the Beatles quickly became famous in Britain with nationwide tours. By mid-1963, the Beatles had been extremely popular in England._2_They held large concerts and performed at clubs. They became the hottest thing on the pop music scene in England. They began as a modestly successful musician group and ended the year as show business legends (传说). John Lennon and Paul McCartney were named composers of the year.

_3_They were not sure how the Americans would react to the new type of music. Beatlemania hit New York on February 7, 1964. Hundreds of fans jammed the airport to greet them._4_The concert was broadcast live and attracted the largest one night audience in the history of television up to that time. The Beatles were described as a British invasion (入侵) by local and nationwide newspapers at that time. Their victory in America was still remembered as a major turning point in the history of rock and roll. Thanks to the Beatles, a lot of opportunities were opened up to new faces on the market._5_

A. They decided on a tour to the United States in 1964.

B. Even their hairstyles became major trends at that time.

C. Rock music developed in the 1950s and the early 1960s.

D. However, their songs changed the lives of generations to come.

E. Many rock bands were able to follow in the footsteps of the Beatles.

F. They appeared in the films A Hard Day's Night (1964) and Help! (1965).

G. They performed their first concert in America at CBS television's 53rd street studio.

Task 12

On June 9, 1870, Charles Dickens died at the age of 58. The next day, a headline in The New York Times read: “Death of the Great Novelist... Mourned by the People of Two Continents.”

_____1 Even today, the British novelist is loved by readers all over the world. Dickens created some of the most unforgettable characters in English literature. You must have heard of or even read some of his novels: Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities._2_Since 1897, there have been more than 300 film and television adaptations of Dickens' works.

Natalie McKnight is a literature professor who studies Dickens and his works. She explains why the novelist has remained so popular. One important reason, she says, is that Dickens wrote from his heart._3_A Christmas Carol, for example, was written to make every reader think about how they could make a difference to their society. People always enjoy works that make them laugh out loud,cry and think._4_However, few of them worked as hard as Dickens to attract readers' minds.

Dickens wrote about situations and emotions that still interest people today._5_His works led to many important social changes.

This year marks the 151st year of Dickens' death. It's another chance to remember this great writer. Will you read or reread some of his most famous works?

A. He tried hard to produce emotional effects among his readers.

B. He used his pen to fight social inequality and gave voice to the poor.

C. Dickens' early life was very hard.

D. A Tale of Two Cities has sold more than 200 million copies.

E. The headline was not overstating the fame of Dickens.

F. Their works became the best sellers of that time.

G. Many other 19th century novelists wrote entertaining works.


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