Seventeen Newly Recorded Species to the Flora of Hong Kong, China


热带亚热带植物学报 2021年2期

LIU Jin-gang, HANG King-yeung, WONG Chuk-kwan, HON Cheuk-hei, Williams Craig, MAR Shek-shing, LEE Yuk-loi, ZHANG Jin-long*, FISCHER Gunter A.

Seventeen Newly Recorded Species to the Flora of Hong Kong, China

LIU Jin-gang1, HANG King-yeung1, WONG Chuk-kwan1, HON Cheuk-hei1, Williams Craig1, MAR Shek-shing2, LEE Yuk-loi3, ZHANG Jin-long1*, FISCHER Gunter A.1

(1. Flora Conservation Department, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden,Hong Kong SAR, China; 2. Ying Wa College, Hong Kong SAR, China; 3. Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited,Hong Kong SAR, China)

Seventeen vascular species newly recorded to the flora of Hong Kong are reported. They are(N. Murak. & Hatan.) Nakaike,Blume,(H. Li, Y. Shiao & S. L. Tseng) H. Li,(Rehder) T. T. Yu & L. T. Lu,Miq.,Seemen,Chun & C. C. Huang ex H. G. Ye,C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang,Hayata,F. P. Metcalf & L. Chen,(Lour.) Poir.,Wall.,Hung T. Chang,Hayata,(Quint.) D. J. Middleton,Vahl,DC., in whichWight & Arn. is a newly recorded genus. Key descriptions, distribution information and the differences from closely related species are provided. Most of the newly recorded species are found in remote and less accessible sites. Further exploration of these and similar locations may well result in the discovery of more new records.

Hong Kong; New record; Flora; Species conservation; Vascular plant

Hong Kong is located on the south coast of China. The territory’s 1106.66 km2land area consists of Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, including 262 islands[1]. Though well known as a metropolis, only 25% of its land has been developed, and 41.7% of the land is country parks or nature reserves[2].

Hong Kong lies at the northern fringe of the tropics with a mean annual rainfall that ranges from about 1400 mm at the outlying island Ping Chau to more than 3000 mm in the vicinity of the highest peak, Tai Mo Shan[3]. The warm and moist climate has fostered a remarkably diverse flora within its small land area. In the 2012 edition of the Check List of Hong Kong Plants, 2 175 native vascular plant species or varieties were recorded[4].Since the last update of the checklist, a number of new species, e.g.[5],[6]and[7]have been described and more than ten new records have been reported[8–11].

In this article, we report 17 vascular plant species and one genus newly recorded to the flora of Hong Kong. The voucher specimens are deposited in the herbarium of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG). The original vegetation in Hong Kong has been severely damaged after centuries of human disturbance[12]. Most of the newly recorded species were discovered in small patches of remote secondary montane or ravine forest, which have suffered a lesser degree of disturbance. This highlights the importance of fragmented forest in biodiversity conservation, and suggests that further exploration of these and similar locations may well result in more discoveries.



1.(N. Murak. & Hatan.) Nakaike 无配膜叶铁角蕨 (Fig. 1: A-B)

In New Fl. Japan, 841, 1992; FOC, 2-3: 314, 2013; HPCC (Higher Plants of China in Colour), 2: 139, 2016. ——N. Murak. & Hatan., in J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot., 14: 193, 1988.

Distribution: China (Taiwan, Yunnan), Japan, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.

Specimens examined:New Territories, Ng Tung Chai, along a rocky stream in a forested valley, alt. 258 m, 16 February 2019, LIU Jin-gang, JG0700 (KFBG); New Territories, Lai Tau Shek, creeping on rocks at the edge of a stream, in the shade of secondary forest, alt. 49 m, 30 April 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0866 (KFBG).

Notes: This species is recognised by the quadran- gular-trapeziform pinnae, whose acroscopic side is truncate and parallel to the rachis. Two small popu- lations were discovered.


2.Blume 似薄唇蕨 (Fig. 1: C-D)

In Enum. Pl. Javae., 2: 206, 1828; FOC, 2-3: 837, 2013; FRPS, 6(2): 262, 2000.

Distribution: China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan), Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Pacific islands.

Specimens examined: New Territories, Ho Pui Reservoir, on fertile and wet soil in an area with slowly seeping water, in dense forest, alt. 320 m, 8 April 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0834 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by its narrowly ovate to ovate sterile fronds with decurrent base, and linear fertile fronds with sori arranged throughout the abaxial surface. This species is very similar to, but the latter has mono- morphic fronds. At the habitat, we also found a few individuals whose fertile fronds are lanceolate with separate short-linear sori. These individuals may be×(synonym:×), the hybrid betweenand[13]. More field observations and anatomical evidence are needed to confirm the hybrid.

Fig. 1 Hymenasplenium apogamum (A-B), Leptochilus decurrens (C-D), Amydrium hainanense (E-G), and Laurocerasus hypotricha (H-J). A, C, E: Habit; B: Abaxial surface of pinnae, showing sori; D: Abaxial surface of fertile frond, showing sori; F: Inflorescence; G: Immature fruits; H: Leaves (abaxial surface); I: Close-up view of abaxial surface of leaves, showing hairs; J: Trunk. (Photographed: A-E, G-J by LIU Jin-gang; F by WILLIAMS Craig)



3.(H. Li, Y. Shiao & S. L. Tseng) H. Li 穿心藤 (Fig. 1: E-G)

In Reipubl. Popularis Sin., 13(2): 24, 1979; FOC, 23: 10, 2010. ——H. Li, Y. Shiao & S. L. Tseng, Acta Phytotax. Sin., 15(2): 102, 1977.

Distribution: China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hai- nan, Hunan, Yunnan), Vietnam.

Specimens examined: Lantau Island, Sunset Peak, liana, creeping on a tree trunk, in dense forest in a valley, alt. 499 m, 10 April 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0839 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by its leaf blade with perforations of irregular sizes. A few individuals, including seedlings were discovered in a forested valley. Its relative,was also recently reported as a new record to the flora of Hong Kong[11].


4.(Rehder) T. T. Yu & L. T. Lu 毛背桂樱 (Fig. 1: H-J)

In Bull. Bot. Res., 4(4): 44, 1984; FOC, 9: 427, 2003; FRPS, 38: 113, 1986.

Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guang- xi, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan).

Specimens examined: Lantau Island, Sunset Peak, streamside in a forested valley, alt. 460 m, 21 December 2020, HON Cheuk-hei HH1033 (KFBG); in the same area, alt. 447 m, 10 April 2019, LIU Jin- gang JG0838 (KFBG).

Notes:is very similar to, except that the branchlets, petioles and leaf blades are densely pubescent abaxially. Eight trees (7-8 m tall) were observed. These two species co-occur in the same forested valley. We have also noted that(synonym:var.) has been treated as a variety of(synonym:)[14]. The taxonomic relationship betweenandmerits further study.

5.Miq. 寒莓 (Fig. 2: A-B)

In Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi., 3: 36, 2003. 1867; FOC, 9: 258, 2003; FRPS, 37: 171, 1985.

Distribution: China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Japan, Korea.

Specimens examined:Lantau Island, Lantau Peak, in grassland, in the saddle between two peaks, alt. 700 m, 3 May 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0881 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by simple, densely tomentose-villous leaves with ovate to sub- orbicular, palmately 5-veined blades and caducous, palmatipartite or pinnatipartite stipules. Only a few individuals were discovered.


6.Seemen毛果青冈(Fig. 2: C-E)

In Bot. Jahrb. Syst., 23(Beibl. 57): 54, 1897. ——(Seemen) Schottky In Bot. Jahrb. Syst., 47: 650, 1912; FOC, 4: 399, 1999.

Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guang- xi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Yunnan).

Specimens examined: Lantau Island, Sunset Peak, in ravine forest on a mountain slope, alt. 310 m, 17 January 2019, HON Cheuk-hei HH0761 (KFBG); Lantau Island, Lantau Peak, streamside in a forested valley, alt. 156 m, 14 February 2019, HON Cheuk-hei HH0776 (KFBG); in the same area, alt. 176 m, 3 May 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0871 (KFBG).

Notes:differs from otherspecies reported from Hong Kong by having campanulate, sometimes corrugated, densely tomen- tose cupules. Two populations (20-30 trees in total) were observed beside streams in valleys. The largest tree was ca. 8 m tall, 35 cm in DBH.

7.Chun & C. C. Huang ex H. G. Ye粉绿柯 (Fig. 2: F-H)

In Nord. J. Bot., 24(3): 257, 2004.

Distribution: China (Guangdong, Guangxi).

Specimens examined: New Territories, Tai Mo Shan, 11 May 1886, Westland s.n.(IBSC, 10689-photo); in the same area, along a stream in montane forest, alt. 748 m, 30 October 2019, WONG Chukkwan MW0301 (KFBG); in the same area, alt. 618 m, 10 May 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0902 (KFBG).

Notes:was described in 2004[15]. It is similar to, but differs from the latter in having larger leaves, more prominent veins and longer petioles. The inflorescence rachis is glabrous, and the cupules only enclose the base of the nuts. At the same location, its flowering period is one to two months later than(April-May vs. March). About 10 individuals (6-10 m tall) were discovered at the side of a stream, in forest.

The earliest specimen we examined was collected by Westland in 1886, from the same place as the specimens we collected from Tai Mo Shan. Westland’s specimen was first identified asHance by Chun Woon Young, but was identified asby H. G. Ye in 2003. However, it was not cited in the formal description of.

8.C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang 龙眼柯 (Fig. 2: I)

In Guihaia, 8(1): 25, 1988; FOC, 4: 359, 1999; FRPS, 22: 166, 1998.

Distribution: China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan).

Specimens examined: New Territories, Ma On Shan, in montane broad-leaved evergreen forest, alt. 580 m, 23 November 2018, WONG Chuk-kwan MW0229 (KFBG); in the same area, alt. 562-584 m, 16 May 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0907-JG0909 (KFBG).

Fig. 2 Rubus buergeri (A-B), Quercus pachyloma (C-E), Lithocarpus glaucus (F-H), Lithocarpus longanoides (I);and Murraya euchrestifolia (J-K).A: Habit; B: Stipules; C: Habit; D: Female inflorescences; E: Cupules and nuts; F: Flowering branch; G: Leaves (abaxial surface); H: Infructescence. I;Fruiting branch; J: Branch; K: Fruits. (Photographed: A-H, J-K by LIU Jin-gang; I by WONG Chuk-kwan)

Notes:is recognised by ovate or lanceolate rigidly papery leaf blades, with entire margins; globose to slightly depressed cupules, usually enclosing the nut to 80%, with the wall being less than 1 mm thick. Its fruits are similar to, but the two species can be easily distin- guished by their leaves. More than 10 trees (6-10 m tall) were found in montane forest.


9.Hayata 豆叶九里香 (Fig. 2: J-K)

In Icon. Pl. Formos., 6: 11, 1916; FOC, 11: 87, 2008; FRPS, 43(2): 146, 1997.

Distribution: China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Gui- zhou, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan).

Specimens examined: Lantau Island, Sunset Peak,in semi-open forest in a ravine, alt. 130 m, 16 December2018, HANG King-yeung HKY0345 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by 5-9-foliolate compound leaves, with alternate or subopposite leaflets; leaflet blades ovate to elliptic and tertiary veins slightly prominent adaxially. Only two individuals (ca. 5 m tall) were observed in the lower part of a ravine.


10.F. P. Metcalf & L. Chen 崖柿 (Fig. 3: A-C)

In Lingnan Sci. J., 14: 618, 1935; FRPS, 60(1): 138, 1987; FOC, 15: 232, 1996.

Distribution: China (Hainan).

Specimens examined:Lantau Island, Sunset Peak, streamside in a forested valley, alt. 452 m, 8 January 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0813 (KFBG); in the same area, alt. 483 m, 18 April 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0854 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by brownish- yellow tomentose buds and young branchlets; oblong to oblong-lanceolate, grey-green abaxial leaf blades, with a pubescent midrib and veins. Fifteen individuals were discovered in the forest, by the upper part of a stream. The largest individual is ca. 6 m tall, 12 cm in DBH. Seedlings were observed around the mature trees.


11.(Lour.) Poir. 打铁树 (Fig. 3: D-F)

In Encycl. Suppl., 3: 709, 1813; FOC, 15: 37, 1996; FRPS, 58: 131, 1979.

Distribution: China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Gui- zhou, Hainan), Vietnam.

Specimens examined: New Territories, Ma On Shan, in semi-open forest close to a stream, alt. 46 m, 27 December 2018, LIU Jin-gang JG0682 (KFBG); New Territories, Nam Chung, in open forest, alt. 206 m, 4 January 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0806 (KFBG).

Notes:is similar to, but differs in having smooth branchlets (vs. rugose), a papery leaf blade (vs. leathery), and a broadly rounded to truncate, sometimes retuse (vs. acute) leaf apex. This species is relatively common in the secondary forest along the ridge of a hill in Nam Chung.

12.Wall针齿铁仔(Fig. 3: G-I)

In Roxburgh, Fl. Ind., 2: 293, 1824; FOC, 15: 36, 1996; FRPS, 58: 126, 1979.

Distribution: China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Gui- zhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan), India, Myanmar, Nepal.

Specimens examined: New Territories, Pat Sin Leng, streamside in forest, alt. 320 m, 21 December 2017, HON Cheuk-hei HH0451 (KFBG); in the same area, 12 April 2020, HON Cheuk-hei HH1092, KFBG; in the same area, 1 May 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0867 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by angular branchlets, rhomboid to lanceolate leaf blades and a sharply toothed leaf margin at the apical part. For this population, petals are usually 5-merous, rarely 4-merous. Ten individuals (1-2 m tall) were observed.


13.Hung T. Chang 疏齿木荷(Fig. 3: J-L)

In Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni., 22(3): 60, 1983; FOC, 12: 423, 2007; FRPS, 49(3): 221, 1998.

Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guang- xi, Hunan, Jiangxi).

Specimens examined: New Territories, Ma On Shan, along a mountain ridge in open forest, alt. 588 m, 26 April 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0861 (KFBG).

Notes: This species differs fromby its thickly leathery (vs. thinly leathery) leaf blades, sparsely serrate (vs. obtusely crenate) leaf margin, 2- 4 cm (vs. 1-2.5 cm) long petiole, stout (vs. less stout) pedicel, yellowish (vs. white) petals, and flowering in Hong Kong in July (vs. May-June).is only observed in the forest at a relatively higher altitude on Ma On Shan, whileis widely distributed in the forests andwoods in Hong Kong. The observed population is growing on a sunny and exposed ridge and all the individuals are less than 5 m tall and shrub-like. This species is relatively common along the ridge of Ma On Shan.

Fig. 3 Diospyros chunii (A-C), Myrsine linearis (D-F), M. semiserrata (G-I), and Schima remotiserrata (J-L). A: Branch; B, D: Leaves (abaxial surface); C: Bud; E: Flowers; F: Fruits; G, J: Flowering branch; H: Branchlet; I: Flowers and fruit; K: Leaves; L: Capsules. (Photographed: A-H, J-L by LIU Jin-gang; I by HON Cheuk-hei)


14.Hayata 台湾醉魂藤 (Fig. 4: A-C)

In J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 30: 199, 1911; Phytotaxa, 263(1): 6, 2016; FOC, 16: 263, 1995.

Distribution:China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guang- xi, Guizhou, Hainan, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan).

Specimens examined: New Territories, Ng Tung Chai, liana, climbing on trees and over rocks, stream- side in a forested valley, alt. 393 m, 25 December 2019, LIU Jin-gang JG0791 (KFBG); in the same area,alt. 430 m, 9 May 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0895 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by its rounded to broadly cuneate leaf base, abaxially winged basal veins, and linear-lanceolate, striped follicles. Two populations were observed along the stream in a remote valley. The population by the upper part of the stream occupied an area of 30 m2.Wight & Arn. is a newly recorded genus to Hong Kong.

15.(Quint.) D. J. Middleton 华南水壶藤 (Fig. 4: D-E)

In Kew Bull., 49(4): 764, 1994; Blumea, 41(1):102, 1996; FOC, 16: 184, 1995.

Distribution: China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.

Fig. 4 Heterostemma brownii (A-C), Urceola napeensis (D-E), Utricularia minutissima (F-G), and Blumea aromatica (H-J). A, D: Flowering branch; B: Follicles; C: Opened follicles and seeds; E, G: Flowers, F, H: Habit; I: Part of the stem, showing hairs; J: Inflorescence. (Photographed: A-J by LIU Jin-gang)

Specimens examined: New Territories, Tai Mo Shan, liana, climbing on trees by the side of a stream, alt. 505 m, 10 May 2020, LIU Jin-gang JG0903 (KFBG); New Territories, Ma On Shan, climbing on trees in montane forest, alt. 588 m, 16 May 2020, LIU Jin- gang JG0906 (KFBG).

Notes:is similar toin having elliptic to ovate leaves and terminal or upper axillary cymes, which usually form a panicle. It can be distinguished from the latter by its smaller inflore- scence (2-9 cm long vs. 5.8-18 cm long), longer corolla lobes (much longer than the tube vs. relatively equal), and parallel, stipitate (vs. divergent, sessile) follicles.


16.Vahl 斜果挖耳草 (Fig. 4: F-G)

In Enum. Pl., 1: 204, 1804; FOC, 19: 482, 2011; FRPS, 69: 593, 1990.

Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guang- xi, Jiangsu, Jiangxi), Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia.

Specimens examined: New Territories, Pat Sin Leng, on the sunny, sandy banks of streams, alt. 180 m, 16 December 2018, CHUNG Wai-kwong CMK064 (KFBG).

Notes:is similar to, but differs in the shape of the lower lip (3- lobed vs. broadly ovate). Several populations were discovered along streams in Pat Sin Leng. This species co-occurs with other wetland herbs, e.g.,,and.


17.DC. 馥芳艾纳香 (Fig. 4: H-J)

In Prodr., 5: 446, 1836; FOC, 20-21: 833, 2011; FRPS, 75: 20, 1979.

Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guang-xi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam.

Specimens examined: New Territories, Ng Tung Chai, at the edge of a stream in a forested valley, alt. 368 m, 19 January 2019, Craig WILLIAMS CW1071 (KFBG).

Notes:is recognised by its viscid-tomentose branches and irregularly biserrate leaf margin. Less than 10 individuals were observed. The largest one was 2.5 m tall, with a woody lower stem, while the rest were all below 1 m, with herba- ceous stems. The population is restricted to a remote valley.

Acknowledgments We thank Mr. DIXON Clive for showing us the location ofand Mr. CHEUNG Paul for sharing the geographical coordinates of. We also thank Mr. CHEN Sheng (South China Agricultural Univer- sity) and ZHOU Xin-xin (South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences) for the verification of.

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刘金刚1, 幸敬阳1, 黄筑君1, 韩卓希1, Williams Craig1, 马锡成2, 李玉来3, 张金龙1*, Fischer Gunter A.1

(1. 嘉道理农场暨植物园植物保育部, 中国香港; 2. 英华书院, 中国香港; 3. 香港空运货站有限公司, 中国香港)

报道了香港17种植物新记录:无配膜叶铁角蕨[(N. Murak. & Hatan.) Nakaike]、似薄唇蕨(Blume)、穿心藤[(H. Li, Y. Shiao & S. L. Tseng) H. Li]、毛背桂樱[(Rehder) T. T. Yu & L. T. Lu]、寒莓(Miq.)、毛果青冈(Seemen)、粉绿柯(Chun & C. C. Huang ex H. G. Ye)、龙眼柯(C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang)、豆叶九里香(Hayata)、崖柿(F. P. Metcalf & L. Chen)、打铁树[(Lour.) Poir.]、针齿铁仔(Wall.)、疏齿木荷(Hung T. Chang)、台湾醉魂藤(Hayata)、华南水壶藤[(Quint.) D. J. Middleton]、斜果挖耳草(Vahl)、馥芳艾纳香(DC.);其中,醉魂藤属(Wight & Arn.)为香港新记录属。同时描述了每种植物的生境、主要识别特征以及与相似种的区别。多数新记录种都发现于山地或沟谷中的偏僻生境。对这些生境的持续探索有望进一步丰富香港的植物类群。

香港; 新记录; 植物区系;物种保存;维管植物




This work was supported by the Project of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Corporation.

LIU Jin-gang (Born in 1987), PhD, studies flora conservation and forest restoration. E-mail:

. E-mail:

