杨时海,次仁旺堆,杨作云,刘 炜,刘 屹,欧 珠,马玉寿
(1 西藏云旺实业有限公司,西藏日喀则 857000;2 西宁云鑫实业有限公司,西宁 810008;3 日喀则市百亚成农贸有限公司,西藏萨迦 857813;4 日喀则市林业与草原局,西藏日喀则 857001;5 青海大学畜牧兽医科学院,西宁 810003)
白花砂生槐 新变型(图版 Ⅰ)
Sophoramoorcroftiana(Benth.) Baker f.albifloraS. H. Yang,form. nov.
A forma typical floribus albis differt(图版Ⅰ).
图版Ⅰ 白花砂生槐形态特征A.白花砂生槐居群混生于砂生槐群落中;B. 白花砂生槐花部特写;C. 砂生槐花部特写;D. 白花砂生槐花冠解剖结构:1.旗瓣;2~3.翼瓣;4.龙骨瓣;5.花萼;6.雄蕊;7.雌蕊;E. 砂生槐花冠解剖结构:1.旗瓣;2~3.翼瓣;4.龙骨瓣;5.花萼;6.雄蕊;7.雌蕊PlateⅠ Morphological characteristics of Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker f. albifloraFig. A. Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker f. albiflora population mixed with Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker community; Fig. B. Flower feature of Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker f. albiflora; Fig. C. Flower feature of Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker; Fig. D. Corolla anatomical structure of Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker f. albiflora: 1. Vexil; 2-3. Wing; 4. Keel; 5. Calyx; 6. Stamens; 7. Pistils; Fig. E. Corolla anatomical structure of Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker: 1. Vexil; 2-3. Wing; 4. Keel; 5. Calyx; 6. Stamens; 7. Pistils
Tibet(西藏): Shigatse City(日喀则),East Mountain Park(东山公园),alt. 3 894 m,in sand shrubs,alm,2020-05-19,S. H. Yang 2020051901 (Holotype,HNWP).