【摘要】 目的:探討N末端B型利钠肽原(NT-proBNP)水平对射血分数保留或降低的急性失代偿性心力衰竭(ADHF)患者预后的预测价值。方法:选择本院2019年1-12月收治的ADHF患者150例,记录其基本资料、用药、实验室检查、合并症、超声心动图等情况,以射血分数(EF)40%为分界值,将患者分为EF降低组(EF<40%,n=84)及EF保留组(EF≥40%,n=66);以上述每组患者NT-proBNP中位数为界值分为高NT-proBNP(NT-proBNP≥中位数)及低NT-proBNP(NT-proBNP<中位数)两个亚组,随访1年,应用COX回归模型分析NT-proBNP对EF保留或降低的ADHF患者不良事件及全因死亡的预测价值。结果:EF降低组NT-proBNP中位数为3 788 ng/L,EF保留组NT-proBNP中位数为2 850 ng/L,共有64例(42.67%)患者发生不良事件,其中全因死亡22例(14.67%)。EF降低组与EF保留组中,高NT-proBNP患者在年龄、合并心房颤动、使用利尿剂、Hb及肌酐清除率方面与低NT-proBNP患者比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。单因素COX回归分析显示,NT-proBNP为EF保留或降低的ADHF患者不良事件发生及全因死亡的预测因素(P<0.001),校正混杂因素年龄、合并心房颤动、使用利尿剂、Hb及肌酐清除率后,多因素COX回归分析显示,高NT-proBNP为EF保留或降低的ADHF患者不良事件发生及全因死亡的独立危险因素(P<0.001),对EF保留患者的预测价值高于EF降低患者。结论:NT-proBNP为EF保留或降低的ADHF患者不良事件发生及全因死亡的独立预测因素,对EF保留患者的预测价值高于EF降低患者。
【关键词】 N末端B型利钠肽原 射血分数 急性失代偿性心力衰竭
Effect of N-terminal Pro-B-type Natriuretic Peptide Level on Prognosis of Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure with Preserved or Decreased Ejection Fraction/LI Zhu. //Medical Innovation of China, 2021, 18(23): 0-056
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the predictive value of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level in the prognosis of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) with the retention or decrease of ejection fraction. Method: A total of 150 patients in our hospital with ADHF from January 2019 to December 2019 were selected. The basic information, medication, laboratory examination, complications and echocardiography were recorded. The patients were divided into EF reduction group (EF<40%) and EF retention group (EF≥40%); patients in the two groups were divided into two subgroups according to the median NT-proBNP of each group: high NT-proBNP group (NT-proBNP≥middle value) and low NT-proBNP group (NT-proBNP<middle value). After one year follow-up, COX regression model was used to analyze the predictive value of NT-proBNP for adverse events and all-cause death in ADHF patients with preserved or reduced EF. Result: The median of
NT-proBNP in EF reduction group was 3 788 ng/L, and that of the EF retention group was 2 850 ng/L, and 64 patients (42.67%) had adverse events, of which 22 patients (14.67%) died. In the EF reduction group and EF retention group, there were significant differences in age, atrial fibrillation, diuretic use, Hb and creatinine clearance rate between high NT-proBNP patients and low NT-proBNP group (P<0.05). Single factor COX regression analysis showed that NT-proBNP was the predictor of adverse events and all-cause death in patients with EF retention or reduction (P<0.001). After correcting the confounding factors of age combined with atrial fibrillation, diuretics, Hb and creatinine clearance rate, multivariate COX regression analysis found that high NT-proBNP was an independent risk factor for adverse events and all-cause death in patients with EF retention or reduction (P<0.001), the predictive value in EF retention patients was higher than that in patients with EF reduction. Conclusion: NT-proBNP is an independent predictor of adverse events and all-cause death in patients with EF retention or reduction, the predictive value of NT-proBNP in EF retention patients is higher than that in patients with EF reduction.
[Key words] NT-proBNP Ejection fraction Acute decompensated heart failure
First-author’s address: Zhuanghe Central Hospital, Zhuanghe 116400, China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选择本院2019年1-12月收治的ADHF患者150例。纳入标准:(1)结合症状、体征、实验室检查、超声等确诊为ADHF[8];(2)完成1年随访且临床资料完整。排除标准:(1)恶性肿瘤;(2)既往心肌梗死、心肌炎、心包疾病、肾功能不全等;(3)精神障碍;(4)急慢性感染及创伤。患者及家属知情同意本研究,且本研究经伦理委员会批准同意。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 检查、治疗及随访 患者入院后完成各项评估,询问记录症状、一般人口学信息、既往病史、家族史等,进行相应查体,抽取外周静脉血完成NT-proBNP、血钾、血钠等实验室指标检测,进行心电图、超声心动图检查。根据患者情况给予相应对因对症治疗。患者出院后进行随访,记录随访期间患者不良事件发生情况,以完成1年随访为研究终点时间,整理分析患者临床资料。
1.2.2 分组 以射血分数40%为分界值,将患者分为EF降低组(EF<40%)及EF保留组(EF≥40%);以上述每组患者NT-proBNP中位数为界值分为高NT-proBNP(NT-proBNP≥中位数)及低NT-proBNP(NT-proBNP<中位数)两个亚组,比较不同组患者的临床资料。
1.3 观察指标及评价标准 人口学信息及查体结果:性别、年龄、BMI、吸烟、饮酒、心率(HR)、舒张压、收缩压;合并症:高血压、糖尿病、心房颤动;用药情况:ACEI、ARB、MRA、β受体阻滞剂、利尿剂、地高辛、阿司匹林、他汀类药物;实验室指标:血红蛋白(Hb)、肌酐清除率、NT-proBNP;
1.4 统计学处理 所得数据采用SPSS 23.0进行统计学分析,符合正态分布的计量资料以(x±s)表示,比较用t检验;计数资料以率(%)表示,比较用χ检验;采用单变量及多变量COX回归模型分析NT-proBNP对不良事件发生的预测价值。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 分组及基础资料比较 EF降低组84例,EF保留组66例;EF降低组NT-proBNP中位数为
3 788 ng/L,两亚组各42例患者;EF保留组NT-proBNP中位数为2 850 ng/L,两亚组各33例患者。EF降低组与EF保留组中,高NT-proBNP患者的年龄、合并心房颤动、使用利尿剂、Hb及肌酐清除率与低NT-proBNP患者比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组其他指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。见表1、2。
2.2 COX回归模型分析 随访1年,共有64例(42.67%)患者发生不良事件,其中全因死亡22例(14.67%)。单因素COX回归分析显示,NT-proBNP为EF保留或降低的ADHF患者不良事件发生及全因死亡的预测因素(P<0.001),校正混杂因素后,多因素COX回归分析显示,高NT-proBNP为EF保留或降低的ADHF患者不良事件发生及全因死亡的独立危险因素(P<0.001),对EF保留患者的预测价值高于EF降低患者,见表3。
3 讨论
基于以上研究,本文将ADHF患者按照EF的不同进行分层,探讨NT-proBNP在不同分层患者中的预测价值及差异,结果显示,NT-proBNP对EF保留或降低的ADHF患者不良事件发生及全因死亡均具有较高的预测价值,与Savarese等[13]针对HF患者的分层研究结果一致,但其所选患者病情较轻。Cleland等[14]研究中,NT-proBNP≥1 036.0 ng/L可以预测老年HF不良事件发生情况,而本研究中EF降低组以NT-proBNP中位数3 788 ng/L,EF保留组以NT-proBNP中位数为2 850 ng/L为界值,高NT-proBNP水平患者发生不良预后风险更高;
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(收稿日期:2021-07-07) (本文編辑:张爽)