Police for the World警察的好帮手
When you are in danger, the police come to your rescue(來救你). But the police have troubles, too. Who can help them? Just leave the job to Interpol(国际刑警组织). It is short for(是……的缩写) International Criminal Police Organization.
The headquarters(总部) of Interpol is in Leon(里昂), France. There are 194 member countries(成员国). China joined Interpol in 1984. Interpol shares information with countries across the world. And the information helps policemen. It also sends policemen to help member countries.
Policemen use a network to search information. It collects fingerprints(指纹) of wanted(受通缉的) people. There are more than 162,000 fingerprints here.
Interpol does different cases(案件). Some bad guys make fake(假的) money. Some sell national(国家的) art works to other countries illegally(非法地). And there are hackers(黑客). Hackers use the Internet to steal(偷) information.
To work for Interpol, you should first become a policeman. Then you should learn another language. In Interpol, people speak English, French, Spanish(西班牙语) and Arabic(阿拉伯语). Learning laws(法律) is also a big step.