

疯狂英语·新策略 2021年5期


Task 1

In Chinese culture,the ox is a valued animal because of its role 1. _______agriculture,and similarly in the zodiac.The ox is 2. ______(see)as hard-working,positive and honest.

2021 will be the year of the ox,the 3. _______(two)of the 12-year cycle of animals in Chinese astrology(占星术).

Oxen are honest and earnest.They are low-key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention.This often hides their talent,4. ______they'll gain recognition through their hard work.

The oxen,a straight and narrow animal,believe that they should do 5. _______is asked of them and that they should stay within their boundaries.They think logically and 6. _______(be)fit for leadership.They are intelligent and reliable.

It's said men born in the ox year are reliable and trustworthy.They put 7. ______(they)entire heart into everything they do.They feel great responsibility towards their family as well.However,due to their 8. _______(confident),they don't allow anyone 9. _______(go)against their rules.They hold their children to high expectations,even though it might be unrealistic.

Women born in the ox year are calm and gentle.They will never surrender to fate and 10. ______(rare)think of choosing an alternative.This no doubt leads to a life of struggles.But no matter what,they will walk down the road they choose until the end.Despite this stubbornness (固执),they think and react quickly.

Task 2

Austin Russell,the 1. _______(found)and CEO of self-driving car startup(新兴公司)Luminar,became the world's youngest self-made billionaire at 25.

On Thursday,Luminar Technologies Inc.2. ______company started by Russell when he was 17 that creates laser sensors for cars,debuted(首次亮相)on the stock market as a public company.

According to The Wall Street Journal,the company now has a market value of about$7.8 bn,after share prices 3. ______(increase)by nearly 28 per cent.

For Russell,the 4. _______(success)public offering meant his 104.7 m shares were worth$2.4 bn at the close of trading on Thursday,according to Forbes,which identified the 25-year-old as the“world's newest and youngest self-made billionaire”.

Of the accomplishment,the new billionaire told Forbes the road 5. ______success hasn't been easy.Meanwhile he also said that his company's success isn't 6. _______(surprise)—as it was always the goal.

Russell first 7. ______(found)Luminar in 2012 after dropping out of Stanford University,where he was studying physics,to accept a Thiel Fellowship from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel,who offered the$100,000 fellowships to young people dropping out of college 8. ________(pursue)their dreams,according to Forbes.

Through the company,Russell has focused his talents on lida(激光雷达)technology,9. _______uses laser sensors that bounce off objects,to give vehicles a three-dimensional view of their surroundings.

As for his future goals,he told Forbes he hopes for the technology to change road safety 10. ______(complete).

Task 3

The Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway was scheduled to start commissioning tests(试车)in September and enter service by the end of 2020.The railway had a total length of 92.4 kilometers,1. ______(link)the capital,Daxing Airport and Xiong'an New Area through only a 30-minute ride.

The Xiong'an Station project started in December 2018 and was put into 2._______(operate)by the end of 2020.The station has adopted a number of intelligent design concepts and many smart construction 3. _______(technology),for the first large-scale public facility 4._______(build)in Xiong'an New Area.

Xiong'an Station,606 meters long and 355.5 meters wide with 5. _______total floor area of 475,200 square meters,is the 6. _______(large)of all five stations along the Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway.Beijing Daxing Station and Beijing's New Airport Station are within Beijing city boundaries,7. _______Gu'an East Station,Bazhou North Station and Xiong'an Station are in Hebei Province.

After the Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway starts operations,Xiong'an New Area can directly reach Beijing,Tianjin,Shijiazhuang and other major cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,8. ______only a 30-minute drive from Xiong'an to Beijing and Tianjin,and a 60-minute drive to Shijiazhuang.

On Feb.28,2018,China announced plans to 9. _______(official)start construction on the Beijing-Xiong'an Intercity Railway,with 33.53 billion yuan invested in the project,as a measure 10. _______(advance)the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Task 4

Chinese kung fu,a real part of Chinese culture,describes a healthy lifestyle 1. _______(benefit)both the body and mind.The documentary film and short-video series Searching for Kung Fu—12 Traditional Chinese Values,2. _______(produce)by China Daily website,offers a fresh perspective on understanding some of the concepts 3. ______are greatly Chinese.

Directed by US director Laurence Brahm,the series includes 4. _______documentary film Searching for Kung Fu,short-video series Searching for Kung Fu—Thirty-Six Strategies and Searching for Kung Fu—12 Traditional Chinese Values.

Searching for Kung Fu series 5. _______(discuss)the essence(精髓)of Chinese kung fu by following the historical footsteps of kung fu masters.

A kung fu lover himself,the director 6. _______(practice)Chinese martial arts for more than 40 years.In this series,he interviewed many masters and scholars 7. ________(review)the influence of kung fu on the world and its contemporary 8. _______(significant)in understanding Chinese culture.

Searching for Kung Fu—12 Traditional Chinese Values is a 12-episode bilingual(双语的)series.It expands the definition of Chinese kung fu,9. ______a systematic martial art to an overall demonstration of 10. ________(tradition)Chinese values—a healthy way of life to inspire and benefit the world.

Task 5

An international team of researchers has identified over 109,000 1. ______(previous)unrecognized impact craters(撞击坑)on the moon using machine learning methods.The study,2.______(lead)by researchersfrom Jilin University,waspublished in the journal Nature Communications.

Impact craters are the most obvious lunar surface feature and occupy most of the moon's surface.3. ______traditional automatic identification methods,it is generally difficult to find irregular and seriously degraded(分解)impact craters that may have formed in the early periods.

In order to effectively identify craters and estimate their ages,researchers applied 4._______transfer learning method and trained a deep neural network with the data of previously identified craters.

By 5. ______(combine)the data collected by China's Chang'e-1 and Chang'e-2 lunar probes,researchers identified 109,956 new impact craters.They also estimated the ages of 18,996 newly detected craters 6. ______(large)than 8 kilometers in diameter.

Yang Chen of Jilin University,7. _______is one of the researchers,said the lunar crater database is of great value to 8. _______(science)research on the moon.“The adopted strategy can be applied 9. ________(assist)crater studies,generating reliable suggestions for planetary research,”Yang said.This research model has been applied to the identification of small impact craters at the Chang'e-5 probe's landing site,Yang 10. _______(add).

Task 6

Dreaming big allows you to fall short and still gain a lot.Confucius once 1. _______(say)“If you shoot for the stars and hit the moon,it's OK.But you've got to shoot for something.A lot of people don't even shoot.”

Dreaming big 2. ________(push)you to heights you might not have reached otherwise.Imagine someone who pushes themselves to be President of the United States or head of a giant company.Such high goals will 3. ______(necessary)require a lot of work and achievements.Not everyone will make it,but a lot of good can come out of it.

As someone pursues one of those goals,they may push 4. _______(they)to heights they normally wouldn't see.Someone who dreams of 5. ________(become)President might reach as high as Senator or Governor.As Confucius would say,these people didn't reach the stars,but they still hit the moon.And that is still 6. _______great achievement itself.

Dreaming big can make your life big as a result.You can get more than you would normally expect.And really,wouldn't it be great 7. ______(get)just a little bit more out of our 8. ______(life)?

It's dreaming big 9. ______has led to some of the greatest achievements humans have ever had.Space flight,the eradication of smallpox and the Internet all started out as big dreams.Someone had to think of those big ideas first 10. they made them happen.Your dreams are no different.

Task 7

Living in a city can be 1. (stress).But some people in Bogotá,Colombia have found a place to help ease stress and get a peaceful break from busy life.The place is a protected park for hummingbirds(蜂鸟).

The park sits at the top of Monserrate Hill,east of 2. _______city.The area contains a forest that has turned into a peaceful place for both people and birds.

“Sometimes it doesn't seem real because we are close 3. ______a city of eight million inhabitants who generate noise every day,”says Camilo Cantor,a caretaker in the park.His job is to mix water and sugar that 4. ______(put)in bird feeders along a 300-meter path.

Cantor explains,“You can hear noise from the city,the generation of pollution and aggressiveness.”But,he adds,the park is a special place.It is a place 5. _______people can go to release stress and forget about the 6. ______(press)of city life.

Visitors to the park can see between 25 and 35 different species of birds,Cantor says.

Ten years ago,the hill was 7. _______(complete)deforested,meaning there were not any trees left on it.But workers began to replant local trees and flowers 8. ________(bring)the forest back to life.Presently,there are 115 species of birds,9. ________(include)18 kinds of hummingbirds and some migratory species.

Hummingbirds are only 10. ______(find)on the American continent and Colombia is home to many different kinds.

Task 8

Colorful corals may be the stars of the reef—but they can't grow well 1. _______a huge supporting cast.Fish perform a load of really important roles on a coral reef.Tim Gordon,a marine biologist,says some fish feed on seaweed,2. ________(clear)space for new corals.Others control whole food chains.

But when reefs 3. ______(damage),the fish flee,and the reef suffers.So how do you get them back?One trick may be playing 4. _______(they)the sounds of a healthy and energetic reef.

Gordon and his 5. _______(colleague)played the sounds on underwater speakers for six weeks at a test reef 6. ______(build)off the coast.And at the end of the trial,7. ______(two)as many fish as expected were living at that energetic-sounding reef,compared to identically built reefs equipped with dummy speakers or no speakers at all.So fish from every level of the food chain were all being attracted by this sound.

But even though it worked,isn't it sort of false advertising?Yeah,in 8. ______way it is,kind of.So it's important that we think quite 9. ______(careful)about how we'd use this in conservation practices.This will only be useful if you're bringing fish into a place 10. ______it's worth bringing them to.

Restored reefs,that is.But even if you can lure(引诱)fish to reefs—it's worth remembering that even healthy coral communities won't stand a chance in overheated seas.

Task 9

Raised by a single,immigrant(移民)mother,Christina Williams and her two sisters didn't grow up with much money.So one day when the family was listening to the radio and 1. ______(sudden)heard a call-in contest announced,Christina decided this was her opportunity 2. ________(get)something more.Christina,a third-grader,called in and after 3. ______(answer)a few questions,won the$50 prize.“It wasn't much but to me,it was everything because it showed me there 4. ______(be)bigger things and opportunities out there,”she said.Her mother helped her put the money into her own bank account 5. ______started her on the road to financial freedom.

Now,6. _______an adult,Christina doesn't have to worry about money much 7. _______she's never forgotten that small win as a child.It inspired her to start her current project 8._______(call)BackGetters,a company that helps people have each other's backs.“I want to inspire people to make 9. ________(kind),empathy,and compassion a priority in every interaction they have because every single one of us is so 10. ________(power)and our actions,big or small,can have a big effect—just like that$50 I won from the radio station,”she said.

Task 10

With the rise of companies like Lime and Bird,electric scooters have become a common sight on city 1. ______(street).

At the start of 2020,I found myself 2. ______(ride)around on electric scooters instead of taking costlier Uber rides.So I bought my own one.

Riding around San Francisco in my small but speedy Xiaomi Mi electric scooter was one of the 3. ______(attract)highlights of this very unusual indoor 2020.

I've lived 4. _______a car for five years,and I typically get around San Francisco by walking,using public transportation or taking shared Uber rides.I 5. _______(general)only needed ridesharing for the weekends.But that 6. _______(change)in January 2020 when Uber raised their ride prices in response to a new California law.Fortunately for me,electric scooters had returned to the city after 7. ______brief ban.

The Xiaomi Mi can go pretty fast.8. _______(it)top speed is listed as 15.5 miles per hour,and I wouldn't be shocked 9. _______it actually hits faster speeds riding down one of San Francisco's numerous hills at full power.

After a year of riding around,I'm super happy with my purchase.I have lived through this pandemic with only walking.Uber and public transportation as my means to get around would have been more expensive and a lot more stressful.Buying the scooter helped me save money and made it possible for me to get around faster and go 10. (far)without exposing myself.

Task 11

Hua Mulan is a historical person who is famous for disguising(伪装)herself as a man.Her name 1. ______(be)“heroine”for a long time.

Both history books and stories do at least agree on one thing—her achievements.It's said that Mulan's father 2. _______(order)to serve in the army.He had fought before,but by this time,he was weak and old and Mulan's only brother was far 3. _______young.She decided to disguise herself as a man and take 4. ______(she)father's place.

Mulan fought 5. ______(brave)in many bloody campaigns(战役)for several years before she got permission to return home.Mulan was asked to come to see the emperor,6. _______wished to make her to high office because of her brilliant 7. ________(contribute).Mulan turned down his offer and accepted a fine house instead.Only 8. ________(late),when Mulan's friends in the army went to visit her,did they learn that she was a woman.

The story of Hua Mulan is well known and has provided much inspiration for different works 9. ______(include)poetry,essays,operas and paintings,as well 10. ______movies.

Task 12

Have you ever had such 1. ______experience that you reached into your drawer and pulled out socks that 2. ______(definite)didn't match,but wore them anyway?Call it lazy or call it a style statement,and it 3. ______(happen)all the time.Realizing this,two teens Carly and Charley decided to make a business out of it.

With a slogan of“Be yourself”,Single Sox aims to solve the common problem of the 4. _______(miss)socks.The girls sell socks in packs of three so you can mix and match as you wish.They include motivational words on every sock to encourage girls 5. ______(celebrate)their differences.

But the real inspiration behind the sock start-up is something even more meaningful.“We originally started with the Odd-Sox Project where we collect loose socks and donate them to the 6. _______(home),”explained the girls.“Once we realized 7. _______was a business opportunity,too,we came up with Single Sox.”And they 8. ______(carry)on the tradition of giving back since then—for every pair of socks sold,they donate a pair to those 9. _______need.

The girls'best advice for other future girl bosses?“Start small and remember to never give up.It takes a lot of hard work and sometimes you'll make mistakes,10. ______keep trying.It's a learning process,for sure.”


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